Teachers in Zambia, Africa

Learning wish list

What teachers wish their ministers knew

Join the 2024 #BorntoLearn campaign


Africa’s future depends on its children’s foundational learning. The second in the Born to Learn Spotlight series, Learning Counts, published by the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report), the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and the African Union (AU) looks at different approaches on the continent to addressing basic literacy and numeracy skills critical for children’s future learning. In particular, it examines how countries align their national vision on foundational numeracy with curriculum development, textbook provision, teacher support, pedagogy and assessment practices. 

Wish campaign overview: 

‘What teachers wish their ministers knew’ campaign will spotlight the gap between curriculum reform and classroom practice. Teachers from across the continent will record themselves sharing one wish on how to be better supported to teach the national curriculum in the classroom.

Participants will be asked to share their messages on social media using the hashtag #BorntoLearn on Day of the African Child (DOAC/June 16). Selected videos will be collated into an overarching video to launch during an online event on DOAC, which will highlight teacher perspectives from across the continent and the urgent need to transform teacher education for improved foundational learning lessons.  


Record a video message in your classroom/schoolyard: 

  1. Record your response to the question ‘What is your one wish for being able to teach the national curriculum effectively’ imagining that you are speaking directly to your minister of education. You could film the video in your empty classroom to show the context in which you work. Please film the video in landscape format. 
  2. Your response could highlight any number of key aspects including better training, curriculum guidance tools, textbooks, local language materials, or assessment tools. We ask that you refrain from a focus only on better financial support, which is already emphasized in the Spotlight Report. 
  3. Please email your video directly to Kate Linkins (k.linkins@unesco.org) if LESS THAN 20 MB if OVER 20 MB please use the free online server to submit your video. 

Additional ask: 

You are welcome to record a second/longer video answering any of the questions below. 

  1. How is the curriculum implemented in practice?
  2. Is there enough time allocated to mathematics and to ensure teaching with understanding?
  3. Are your teaching guides scripted? Would you like them to be? 
  4. Are you aware of your government's vision for foundational learning?
  5. Do you have access to teacher guides and textbooks that are up to date and align with the curriculum? 
  6. Do you have available local language teaching and learning materials if you need them for teaching multilingual classrooms
  7. Do you think the assessments accurately reflect the subject matter in your teaching materials? 


Girls counting on her fingers