
The Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs contributes to the normative mandate of the Organization

The Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs contributes to the normative mandate of the Organization. UNESCO’s standard-setting instruments take the form of conventions, recommendations and declarations. 

Standard-setting process

Procedure for recommendations & international conventions
Multi-stage procedure for declarations
Monitoring of the implementation of UNESCO's standard-setting instruments
Overview of all standard-setting processes

If I had to define UNESCO in four words, I would say that it is ‘collective intelligence in action’. UNESCO is expected to be a productive force of norms and an orchestrator of international cooperation, bringing together the normative and operative as effectively as possible.

UNESCO Director-General
Audrey AzoulayUNESCO Director-General

Conventions Ceremony

Previous editions of the Conventions Ceremony
Comprehensive list of conventions deposited with the Director-General
List of conventions opened for signature
Presentation of Legal Adviser of UNESCO