Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board
Adopted by the Executive Board at its 29th session. Revised text incorporating amendments adopted at the 32nd, 33rd, 37th, 40th, 41st, 42nd, 47th, 48th, 51st, 55th, 56th, 61st, 63rd, 64th, 66th, 67th, 68th, 70th, 72nd, 81st, 83rd, 86th, 87th, 91st, 94th, 96th, 99th, 101st, 123rd, 142nd, 144th, 146th, 149th, 150th, 156th, 157th, 166th, 170th, 182nd, 188th, 191st, 196th, 205th and 209th sessions.1
Table of contents?
I. Sessions
Rule 1 Frequency - 2 Date and place - 3 Special sessions - 4 Convocation
II. Agenda
Rule 5 Provisional agenda - 6 Revised provisional agenda - 7 Adoption of the agenda - 8 Amendments, deletions and new items
III. Composition
Rule 9 Members
IV. Officers
Rule 10 Elections - 11 Temporary Chairperson - 12 Replacement of Chairperson - 13 General powers of the Chairperson - 14 Bureau - 15 Functions of Vice-Chairpersons
V. Commissions and committees
Rule 16 Permanent commissions and committees - 17 Temporary committees - 18 Ex officio member
VI. Director-General and Secretariat
Rule 19 Director-General - 20 Secretariat
VII. Working languages, records and documents
Rule 21 Working languages - 22 Time limits for distribution of documents - 23 Summary records - 24 Decisions - 25 Verbatim records and recordings - 26 Communication of documentation to Member States, etc.
VIII. Meetings
Rule 27 Quorum - 28 Publicity of meetings - 29 Private meetings and documents
IX. Conduct of business
Rule 30 Speeches - 31 Order of speeches - 32 Time limit on speeches - 33 Closing of list of speakers - 34 Texts of proposals - 34A Decisions involving expenditure - 35 Withdrawal of proposals - 36 Division of proposals - 37 Voting on amendments - 38 Order of voting on proposals - 39 Points of order - 40 Procedural motions - 41 Suspension or adjournment of the meeting - 42 Adjournment of debate - 43 Closure of debate - 44 Order of procedural motion - 45 Reconsideration of proposals - 46 New documents during sessions - 47 Adoption of draft decisions recommended by plenary commissions
X. Voting
Rule 48 Voting rights - 49 Conduct during voting - 50 Simple majority - 51 Two-thirds majority - 52 Show of hands - 53 Roll-call - 54 Secret ballot - 55 Conduct of voting by secret ballot - 56 Voting in elections - 57 Equally divided votes
XI. Special procedures
Rule 58 Nomination of Director-General - 59 Consultation regarding appointments to the Secretariat - 60 Special consultation by correspondence
XII. Financial and administrative arrangements
Rule 61 Travel expenses and subsistence allowance - 62 Reimbursement of office expenses - 63 Representation allowance - 64 Restriction on other expenses and allowances and on remuneration - 65 Restriction on appointment to Secretariat
XIII. Amendment and suspension
Rule 66 Amendment - 67 Suspension
I. Sessions?
Rule 1 - Frequency [Const. V.B. 9]2
1. The Executive Board shall meet in regular session at least four times during a biennium.
2. The Board shall as a general rule hold two regular sessions per year.
Rule 2 - Date and place
The Board shall determine at each session the date and place of the next session. The date may be modified if necessary by the Chairperson. The Board shall normally meet at the Headquarters of the Organization or at the seat of the General Conference. It may meet elsewhere if so decided by a majority of the Members.
Rule 3 - Special sessions [Const. V.B. 9]
1. The Executive Board may meet in special session if convoked by the Chairperson on his or her own initiative or on the request of six Members of the Board.
2. That request must be made in writing.
Rule 4 - Convocation
1. A written notice of convocation shall be sent by the Chairperson to each Member of the Board at least thirty days before the opening of each regular session or at least fifteen days before the opening of a special session. The Chairperson shall also inform the President of the General Conference of the convocation.
2. The Director-General shall, at the same time, inform the United Nations and the specialized agencies of the session and invite them to be represented at it.
II. Agenda?
Rule 5 - Provisional agenda
1. The Chairperson shall prepare a provisional agenda which shall be dispatched to all Members of the Board at least thirty days before the opening of a regular session and as soon as possible in the case of a special session.
2. The provisional agenda shall include: all questions referred to the Board by the General Conference; all questions proposed by the United Nations; all questions proposed by Member States; all questions the inclusion of which has been decided by the Board at previous sessions; all questions proposed by Members of the Board; all questions proposed by the Director-General; questions required by the Constitution, the present Rules or any other applicable Rules and Regulations.
3. Items proposed shall have a direct link with the Organization’s fields of competence.
Rule 6 - Revised provisional agenda
The Chairperson may prepare a revised provisional agenda to include any questions proposed between the dispatch of the provisional agenda and up to two weeks before the opening of the session or any other necessary modifications.
Rule 7 - Adoption of the agenda
The Board shall adopt its agenda at the beginning of each session.
Rule 8 - Amendments, deletions and new items
The Board may amend or add new items to the agenda so adopted if so decided by a majority of the Members present and voting. Subject to the provisions of Rule 22, such new items shall not be discussed until forty-eight hours after their inclusion in the agenda, unless otherwise decided by the Board.
III. Composition?
Rule 9 - Members [Const. V.A. 1(a)]
1. The Executive Board shall be elected by the General Conference, and it shall consist of fifty-eight Member States. The President of the General Conference shall sit ex officio in an advisory capacity on the Executive Board.
2. Elected States Members of the Executive Board are hereinafter referred to as “Members” of the Executive Board. [Const. V.A. 1(b)]
3. Each State Member of the Executive Board shall appoint a representative. It may also appoint alternates. [Const. V.A. 2(a)]
4. In selecting its representative on the Executive Board, the State Member shall endeavour to appoint a person qualified in one or more of the fields of competence of UNESCO and with the necessary experience and capacity to fulfil the administrative and executive duties of the Board. Bearing in mind the importance of continuity, each representative shall be appointed for the duration of the term of the State Member, unless exceptional circumstances warrant his or her replacement. The alternates appointed by each State Member of the Board shall act in the absence of its representative in all his or her functions. [Const. V.A. 2(b)]
5. Each State Member of the Executive Board shall transmit to the Director-General in writing the name and curriculum vitae of its representative and the name of his or her alternates. It shall also inform the Director-General of any changes in those appointments. The Director-General shall communicate the above-mentioned information to the Chairperson of the Executive Board.
IV. Officers?
Rule 10 - Elections [Const. V.B. 8]
1. At the opening of the session following each ordinary session of the General Conference, the Board shall elect, from among the representatives of the Member States elected to the Executive Board, a Chairperson. The Board shall also elect six Vice-Chairpersons from among its Members. The Chairperson shall be elected by secret ballot. If the Chairperson finds that there is a lack of consensus regarding the election of the Vice-Chairpersons, an election by secret ballot shall then be held.
2. The Chairperson shall not be immediately re-eligible. At the end of the two-year mandate of the outgoing Chairperson, a new Chairperson shall be elected from among the representatives of the other Members of the Board.
Rule 11 - Temporary Chairperson
At the opening of the first session held by the Executive Board after each ordinary session of the General Conference, the President of the General Conference shall preside until the Board has elected its Chairperson.
Rule 12 - Replacement of Chairperson
If the Chairperson is for any reason unable to complete his or her term of office, the Board shall elect a successor, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 10, to replace him or her for the remainder of the term.
Rule 13 - General powers of the Chairperson
In addition to exercising the powers conferred upon him or her elsewhere by these Rules, the Chairperson shall have the following powers: he or she shall declare the opening and closing of meetings, shall direct the discussion, ensure the observance of these Rules, accord the right to speak, rule on points of order, put questions to the vote and announce decisions. He or she shall have the right to take part in the discussions and to vote but shall not have a casting vote. He or she shall represent the Board with Member States, the United Nations, the specialized agencies, governmental and non-governmental organizations and the Director-General. He or she shall exercise all other functions given to him or her by the Board.
Rule 14 - Bureau
1. To assist him or her in the exercise of his or her functions, the Chairperson may convoke, in connection with sessions of the Board and, in case of necessity, between sessions, the Vice-Chairpersons and the Chairpersons of the permanent commissions, the Special Committee, the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations and the Committee on Non-Governmental Partners who shall constitute, with him or her, the Bureau of the Board.
2. Questions relating to invitations to conferences and the conclusion of agreements with international organizations or other matters on which it appears unnecessary to open a discussion shall be studied by the Bureau, which shall transmit to the Board suggestions as to the required decision. Any Member may, at the time of the transmission of those suggestions, request a discussion of any item for which the Bureau has recommended adoption of decisions without discussion; in that case, the item mentioned shall be discussed by the Board.
3. The Bureau will act as an agenda committee to recommend the allocation of time and the order of business for the session.
Rule 15 - Functions of Vice-Chairpersons
1. In the absence of the Chairperson during the session, his or her functions shall be exercised in turn by the Vice-Chairpersons.
2. Should the Chairperson be unable to exercise his or her functions between sessions, the Vice-Chairpersons shall designate, by vote if necessary, a Vice-Chairperson to replace him or her until such time as Rule 12 may be applied. The office of Chairperson may only be held by the representative of a Member of the Board.
V. Commissions and committees?
Rule 16 - Permanent commissions and committees
1. After the election of new Members of the Board at each ordinary session of the General Conference, the Board shall establish from among its Members the permanent commissions and committees necessary to assist it in the execution of its tasks, such as a Finance and Administrative Commission, a Programme and External Relations Commission, a Special Committee, a Committee on Conventions and Recommendations and a Committee on Non-Governmental Partners.
2. The Chairpersons of the Commissions, the Special Committee, the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations and the Committee on Non-Governmental Partners shall be elected by the Board by secret ballot from among the representatives appointed by the Members elected to the Board. At the opening of each session and for the duration of that session, each commission and committee shall elect, from among the representatives of its Members, a temporary Chairperson preferably belonging to the same electoral group as its Chairperson in order to replace the latter in the exercise of all his or her functions during his or her temporary absence.
3. If a Chairperson of a commission or any other subsidiary body is for any reason unable to complete his or her term of office, the Board shall elect by secret ballot a successor to replace him or her for the remainder of the term.
4. The commissions and committees shall examine and report to the Executive Board on all questions referred to them by the Executive Board, or, if necessary, by its Chairperson, and shall exercise such other responsibilities as may be entrusted to them by the Board.
5. The Finance and Administrative Commission is requested by the Board to submit the draft programme and budget to a technical examination, which shall include a detailed study of the advisability of some of the administrative measures proposed and of their financial implications and to make a detailed report thereon to the Board.
Rule 17 - Temporary committees
The Board may also establish such temporary committees as it considers necessary for the execution of its task. The terms of reference of such committees shall be specifically defined by the Executive Board at the time of their establishment.
Rule 18 - Ex officio member
The Chairperson of the Executive Board shall be ex officio a Member of all organs of the Board.
VI. Director-General and Secretariat?
Rule 19 - Director-General [Const. VI. 3]
The Director-General or his or her representative shall participate, without the right to vote, in all meetings of the Executive Board, its organs and its Bureau. He or she may formulate proposals for appropriate action by the Board and make either oral or written statements concerning any question under consideration.
Rule 20 - Secretariat
1. The Director-General shall place at the disposal of the Board a staff member who shall act as Secretary of the Board.
2. The Secretary of the Executive Board shall prepare all meetings of the Board and its organs, attend all meetings, record the decisions, supervise the preparation of summary records and the translation and distribution to the Members of the Board of documents and summary records. He or she shall carry out all tasks entrusted to him or her by the Chairperson of the Board. He or she shall establish and keep up to date the archives of the Executive Board and prepare the publication of its decisions.
VII. Working languages, records and documents?
Rule 21 - Working languages
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish shall be the working languages of the Executive Board.
Rule 22 - Time limits for distribution of documents
1. The proposed programme and budget to be submitted to the General Conference in its working languages shall be distributed to Members of the Executive Board at least thirty days before the opening of the session of the Board at which it is to be considered.
2. Documents relating to items on the provisional agenda of each session of the Board shall normally be distributed to its Members in the working languages of the Board at least thirty days before the opening of the session. Exceptions to this Rule may be made only if the permission of the Chairperson has been previously obtained.
3. Unless the Board decides otherwise, it shall not discuss any items, except the reports of commissions and committees, until at least forty-eight hours after the distribution of the relevant documents in its working languages to Members present.
Rule 23 - Summary records
1. A summary record of all plenary meetings of the Board shall be prepared by the Secretariat. A provisional text shall be submitted to Members for correction as soon as possible but shall not be made public.
2. A corrected text of the summary records of public meetings shall be published not later than three months after the close of each session.
3. At the beginning of each session the Board shall approve the summary records of the public meetings of the previous session.
4. The summary records of private meetings shall be approved by the Board in private meeting.
Rule 24 - Decisions
The decisions adopted by the Board during the session shall be published not later than one month after its close.
Rule 25 - Verbatim records and recordings
A verbatim record or a sound recording of the Board’s proceedings may be made if the Board so decides; the publication and disposal of these records shall be subject to the decision of the Board. The Members of the Board may have free access to the sound recordings of their own interventions in public or private meetings and, if they so wish, may take a verbatim transcript of their own speeches.
Rule 26 - Communication of documentation to Member States, etc.
The Director-General shall communicate all documents and final summary records of public meetings of the Board, and the text of the decisions adopted at each session, to Member States, National Com- missions, the United Nations and the specialized agencies immediately on publication.
VIII. Meetings?
Rule 27 - Quorum
1. At meetings of the Board the quorum shall consist of a majority of its Members.
2. The Board shall not decide on any matter unless a quorum is present.
3. At meetings of subsidiary bodies the quorum shall consist of a majority of the Members appointed to the body in question. However, if, after five minutes’ adjournment, there is still no quorum as above defined, the Chairperson may request the agreement of all Members actually present temporarily to waive the provisions of this paragraph.
Rule 28 - Publicity of meetings
The meetings of the Board shall, unless the Board decides otherwise, be held in public.
Rule 29 - Private meetings and documents
1. When, in exceptional circumstances, the Board decides to hold a private meeting it shall determine the persons who shall be present, having regard to Article VI. 3 of the Constitution, to the right of Members to be accompanied by advisers or experts, and to agreements entered into with the United Nations and the specialized agencies.
2. Any decision taken by the Board at a private meeting shall be announced at a subsequent public meeting.
3. At each private meeting, the Board shall decide whether a report of its work at that meeting shall be published.
4. Private documents shall normally be made accessible to the public after a period of twenty years.
IX. Conduct of business?
Rule 30 - Speeches
1. No one may address the Board without having previously obtained the permission of the Chairperson. The Chairperson may call a speaker to order if his or her remarks are not relevant to the subject under discussion.
2. Representatives of the United Nations and the specialized agencies may participate without the right to vote, in the discussions of the Board and its subsidiary organs.
3. Observers of Member States and of non-Member States may be invited by the Board to address it on matters under discussion.
4. Observers of intergovernmental or international non- governmental organizations and other qualified persons may be invited by the Board to address it on matters within their competence.
5. Any Member of the Board may take part in the work of subsidiary bodies to which it does not belong. In such cases, and in the absence of any contrary decision by the Board, it shall not have the right to vote.
Rule 31 - Order of speeches
The Chairperson shall call upon speakers in the order in which they signify their wish to speak.
Rule 32 - Time limit on speeches
The Board may limit the time to be allowed to each speaker.
Rule 33 - Closing of list of speakers
During the course of a debate the Chairperson may announce the list of speakers and, with the consent of the Board, declare the list closed. He may, however, accord the right of reply to a Member if a speech delivered after the list has been declared closed makes this desirable.
Rule 34 - Texts of proposals
At the request of any Member, supported by two other Members, discussion of any substantive motion, resolution or amendment shall be suspended until the text is circulated in the working languages to all Members present.
Rule 34A - Decisions involving expenditure3
The Executive Board shall not take a decision involving expenditure unless it has before it a report from the Director-General on the administrative and financial implications of the proposal.
Rule 35 - Withdrawal of proposals
A proposal may be withdrawn by its proposer at any time before voting on it has begun, provided that the proposal has not been amended. A proposal withdrawn may be reintroduced by any other Member.
Rule 36 - Division of proposals
Parts of a proposal shall be voted on separately if a Member requests that the proposal be divided. Those parts of a proposal which have been approved in separate vote shall then be put to a vote as a whole. If all the operative parts of the proposal have been rejected, the proposal shall be considered to have been rejected as a whole.
Rule 37 - Voting on amendments
1. When an amendment to a proposal is moved, the amendment shall be voted on first.
2. When two or more amendments to a proposal are moved, the Board shall first vote on the amendment furthest removed in substance from the original proposal and then on the amendment next furthest removed therefrom and so on, until all the amendments have been put to the vote. The Chairperson shall determine the order of voting on amendments under this Rule.
3. If one or more amendments are adopted, the amended proposal shall then be voted upon.
4. A motion is considered an amendment to a proposal if it merely adds to, deletes from or revises part of that proposal.
Rule 38 - Order of voting on proposals
1. If two or more proposals, other than amendments, relate to the same question, they shall, unless the Board decides otherwise, be voted on in the order in which they were submitted. The Board may, after each vote on a proposal, decide whether to vote on the next proposal.
2. A motion requiring that no decision be taken on a proposal shall have priority over that proposal.
Rule 39 - Points of order
During the discussion of any matter a Member may rise to a point of order and the point of order shall be immediately decided by the Chairperson. An appeal may be made against the ruling of the Chairperson. It shall be put to the vote immediately and the Chairperson’s ruling shall stand unless overruled by a majority of Members present and voting.
Rule 40 - Procedural motions
During discussion of any matter, a Member may propose a procedural motion: suspension or adjournment of the meeting, adjournment of the debate or closure of the debate.
Rule 41 - Suspension or adjournment of the meeting
During the discussion of any matter, a Member may move the suspension or the adjournment of the meeting. Any such motion, if seconded, shall be put to the vote immediately and without discussion.
Rule 42 - Adjournment of debate
During the discussion of any matter, a Member may move the adjournment of the debate on the item under discussion. On moving the adjournment a Member shall indicate whether he moves the adjournment sine die or to a particular time which he shall specify. Any such motion, if seconded, shall be put to the vote immediately and without discussion.
Rule 43 - Closure of debate
During the discussion of any matter, a Member may move the closure of the debate whether or not any other Member has signified his or her wish to speak. If such a motion is seconded, the Chairperson shall indicate the proposals which have been submitted on the substance of the item under discussion and which shall be put to the vote after the closure of the debate. Permission to speak against the closure may be accorded to not more than two speakers. The Chairperson shall then put to the vote the motion for closure and, if the Board is in favour, he or she shall declare the closure of the debate.
Rule 44 - Order of procedural motions
Subject to Rule 39 the following motions shall have precedence in the following order over all other proposals or motions before the meeting:
(a) to suspend the meeting;
(b) to adjourn the meeting;
(c) to adjourn the debate on the item under discussion;
(d) to close the debate on the item under discussion.
Rule 45 - Reconsideration of proposals
When a proposal has been adopted or rejected it may not be reconsidered at the same session of the Board, unless the Board, by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, so decides. Permission to speak on a motion to reconsider shall be accorded only to two speakers opposing the motion, after which it shall be immediately put to the vote.
Rule 46 - New documents during sessions
When, during sessions of the Board or of its subsidiary organs, new documents are requested, the Director-General shall, prior to a decision being taken thereon, submit an estimate of the cost of their production.
Rule 47 - Adoption of draft decisions recommended by plenary commissions
The Board shall adopt the entire set of draft decisions recommended by each plenary commission (Programme and External Relations Commission and Finance and Administrative Commission) as a whole, unless a Member State requests that a specific decision be adopted separately.
X. Voting?
Rule 48 - Voting rights [Const. V.C.14]
1. Each Member of the Board shall have one vote.
2. A Member State shall have no vote in the Executive Board or in any of its committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs if the total amount of contributions due from it exceeds the total amount of contributions payable by it for the current year and the immediately preceding calendar year. The General Conference may nevertheless permit such a Member State to vote, if it is satisfied under the procedure and decision provided for in Rule 80 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference, that failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the Member State.
Rule 49 Conduct during voting
After the Chairperson has announced the beginning of voting, no one shall interrupt the voting except on a point of order in connection with the actual conduct of the voting.
Rule 50 - Simple majority
Decisions of the Board shall be taken by a simple majority of the Members present and voting, except where otherwise specified in these Rules. For the purposes of determining the majority, only Members casting an affirmative or negative vote shall be counted as “ present and voting ”; Members who abstain from voting shall be considered as not voting.
Rule 51 - Two-thirds majority
In the following cases a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting is required:
– reconsideration of proposals (Rule 45) ;
– consultation by correspondence (Rule 60) ;
– amendment of Rules of Procedure (Rule 66) ;
– suspension of Rules of Procedure (Rule 67) ;
– establishment, before each session of the General Conference, of the list of States not Members of UNESCO which are to be invited to send observers to that session.
Rule 52 - Show of hands
Voting shall normally be by show of hands. In this case, if there is any doubt concerning the result of a vote, the Chairperson may take a second vote by show of hands or by roll-call.
Rule 53 - Roll-call
At the request of any Member, a vote shall be taken by roll-call; Members’ names shall be called in alphabetical order and the vote of each Member participating shall be recorded in the summary record of the meeting.
Rule 54 - Secret ballot
1. The nomination of a candidate for the post of Director-General shall be decided by secret ballot.
2. All other elections and decisions relating to individuals shall be voted on by secret ballot whenever five or more Members shall so request or if the Chairperson shall so decide.
Rule 55 - Conduct of voting by secret ballot
1. Before the vote begins, the Chairperson shall appoint two tellers to scrutinize the votes cast.
2. When the counting of the votes is completed and the tellers have reported to the Chairperson, he or she shall announce the results of the ballot bearing in mind that the voting will be recorded as follows:
(a) From the total number of the Members of the Board will be deducted:
– the number of Members absent, if any;
– the number of blank ballot papers, if any;
– the number of invalid ballot papers, if any.
(b) The remaining number will constitute the number of votes recorded. The majority required will be more than half that number.
(c) Those receiving a number of votes in favour, equal or superior to the majority required shall be declared elected.
Rule 56 - Voting in elections
1. When a single elective place is to be filled, any candidate obtaining in the first ballot an absolute majority (i. e. more than half) of the votes cast shall be declared elected.
2. If no candidate obtains an absolute majority in the first ballot, further ballots shall be taken. Any candidate obtaining an absolute majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If, after four ballots have been taken, no candidate has obtained an absolute majority, a final ballot shall be taken, restricted to the two candidates who obtained the most votes in the fourth ballot. The candidate obtaining a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected.
3. When two or more elective places are to be filled at one time under the same conditions, those candidates obtaining in the first ballot an absolute majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If the number of candidates obtaining such a majority is less than the number of places to be filled, there shall be additional ballots to fill the remaining places, the voting being restricted to the candidates obtaining the greatest number of votes in the previous ballot, to a number not exceeding twice the number of places remaining to be filled.
4. If necessary, in order to determine the candidates to participate in a restricted ballot, an eliminating ballot may be taken restricted to the candidates having obtained the same number of votes in the previous ballot.
5. If, in the final ballot or an eliminating ballot, two or more candidates obtain the same number of votes, the Chairperson shall decide between them by drawing lots.
Rule 57 - Equally divided votes
If a vote is equally divided, in voting not concerned with elections, a second vote shall be taken after a suspension of the meeting. If there is still no majority in favour of the proposal, it shall be considered as lost.
XI. Special procedures?
Rule 58 - Nomination of Director-General
1. At least six months before the expiry of the term of office of the Director-General or in case of vacancy at any other time, the Executive Board shall, as soon as possible, invite Member States to suggest the names of persons who might be considered for the post of Director-General, requesting them at the same time to provide full biographical details regarding these persons.
2. The Executive Board shall consider in private meeting all the names so suggested, together with any proposed by Members of the Board, provided that no candidature shall be considered unless biographical details are available.
3. The person to be nominated by the Executive Board shall be chosen by secret ballot.
4. The Chairperson of the Board shall inform the General Conference of the candidate nominated by the Board.
Rule 59 - Appointments to the Secretariat and consultations on its structure
1. The Director-General shall inform the Board, in a private meeting, of every appointment, promotion or renewal of a contract of officials at D-1 level and above that has taken place since the previous session and report on the proper application of the personnel management system.
2. The Director-General shall consult, on the basis of a relevant document, the Executive Board at least once every two years regarding the structure of the Secretariat and, in particular, on any important changes he contemplates making in it and on any questions of policy involved in making appointments to senior posts in the Secretariat.
Rule 60 - Special consultation by correspondence
Should the approval of the Executive Board be required for measures of exceptional urgency and importance while the Board is not in session, the Chairperson may, if he or she judges proper, consult the Members by correspondence. The proposed measures shall be adopted if they are approved by two thirds of the Members.
XII. Financial and administrative arrangements?
Rule 61 - Travel expenses and subsistence allowance
The Organization shall pay for travel performed by the representatives of the Members of the Board in the execution of their duties as Members and shall provide them with a subsistence allowance, on the conditions defined in the annex to these Rules.
Rule 62 - Reimbursement of office expenses
The Organization shall also reimburse to the representatives of the Members at their request secretariat and communication expenses incurred in the performance of their functions as Members, on the conditions defined in the annex to these Rules.
Rule 63 - Representation allowance
A representation allowance, of an amount to be determined from time to time by the General Conference, on the proposal of the Board, shall be paid to the Chairperson of the Executive Board, during his or her term of office as Chairperson, on the conditions fixed by him or her.
Rule 64 - Restriction on other expenses and allowances and on remuneration
The representatives and alternates appointed by Members of the Board shall not, during their term of office, accept from the Organization payment of any expenses or allowances other than those provided for in Rules 61, 62 and 63. They shall not receive any fees or remuneration from the Organization during their term of office.
Rule 65 - Restriction on appointment to Secretariat
Representatives and alternates appointed by Members of the Board may not enter into a contractual relationship with the Secretariat until eighteen months have elapsed from the date of cessation of their representative functions.
XIII. Amendment and suspension?
Rule 66 - Amendment
These Rules of Procedure, except when they reproduce provisions of the Constitution or decisions of the General Conference, may be amended by a decision of the Executive Board taken by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, provided that the proposal for amendment has first been placed on the agenda.
Rule 67 - Suspension
A Rule of Procedure, except when it reproduces provisions of the Constitution or decisions of the General Conference, may be suspended by a decision of the Board taken by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting provided that twenty-four hours’ notice of the proposal for suspension has been given. The notice may be waived if no Member objects.
1 See 32 EX/Decision 6; 33 EX/Decision 7.1; 37 EX/Decision 8.1. II; 40 EX/Decision 2; 41 EX/Decision 6.1; 42 EX/Decision 6.1; 47 EX/Decision, Annex I; 48 EX/Decision 5.2; 51 EX/Decision 9.5(1); 55 EX/Decisions 6.8, 6.10, 6.11; 56 EX/Decision 11.2; 61 EX/Decisions, 5.2.7; 63 EX/Decision 18.7; 64 EX/Decision 16; 66 EX/Decision 8.9; 67 EX/Decision 3.6.8; 68 EX/Decision 9.3; 70 EX/Decision 15; 72 EX/Decision 9.2; 81 EX/Decision 9.2; 83 EX/Decision 3.1(II) ; 86 EX/Decision 10.2; 87 EX/Decision 7.4; 91 EX/Decision 4; 94 EX/Decision 5.1 (Second Part, Part I, Chapter 2); 96 EX/Decision 4; 99 EX/Decision 9.9; 101 EX/Decision 4; 123 EX/Decision 4; 142 EX/Decision 3.1.2; 144 EX/Decision 3.1.5; 146 EX/Decision 3.1.2; 149 EX/Decision 5.7; 150 EX/Decision 4.2; 156 EX/Decisions 5.4 and 5.5; 157 EX/Decision 6.4; 166 EX/Decision 5.2; 170 EX/Decision 5.1; 182 EX/Decision 61; 188 EX/Decision 18; 191 EX/Decision 38.38; 196 EX/Decision 16; 205 EX/Decision 33; 209 EX/Decision 16.
2 The references between brackets are to the Constitution of UNESCO.
3 Amendment adopted by the Executive Board at its 170th session (170 EX/Decision 5.1, October 2004). The numbering of this Rule by adding an “ A ” to it does not indicate any hierarchy with respect to the other Rules.