Governing Bodies
The Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs provides centralized and independent legal advice to the General Conference, the Executive Board and other intergovernmental bodies.
General Conference
Pursuant to Article IV of the Constitution, the General Conference determines the policies and main lines of work of the Organization, and takes decisions on its programmes. It may summon international conferences and adopt conventions and recommendations in the fields of education, science and culture, as well as communication and information. The General Conference consists of the representatives of all States Members of the Organization and meets in ordinary session every two years.
Legal Texts relating to the General Conference
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Executive Board
Pursuant to Article V of the Constitution, the Executive Board prepares the agenda for the General Conference and examines the programme of work and budget estimates for the Organization, submitting recommendations to the General Conference. It is responsible for the execution of the programme adopted by the General Conference and takes all necessary measures to ensure its effective and rational execution. The Executive Board consists of representatives of 58 Member States elected by the General Conference and meets in regular session at least four times each biennium.
Legal Texts relating to the Executive Board
Chairperson of the Executive Board
H.E. Mme Tamara Rastovac Siamashvili