UNESCO Representative to Sudan Interviewed by the S24 TV Channel
On 25 September 2019, the UNESCO Representative to Sudan, Dr. Pavel Kroupkine, was invited to the S24 TV Channel to talk about UNESCO’s project on promoting Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Eastern Sudan funded by the GIZ.
He talked about the generosity of the German Development Agency – GIZ, importance of TVET for Sudanese youths, activities of UNESCO and GIZ in TVET in Sudan, and, in particular, about the progress made by UNESCO in frameworks of the project of promoting TVET among boys and girls of the Gedaref and Kassala cities funded by the GIZ. He explained main channels for delivering messages – radio broadcasting via most popular radio stations for youths, exposing posters – more than 1000 points of exposure over both cities, video clips for city’s TV Channels and video exposing in the city’s markets (more than 10 desks with TV equipment), etc. In addition to this, UNESCO with local governments organized the total dictation covering boys and girls of latest grades on primary level of schools and out-of-school classes, and secondary level schools – in total about 60 thousand students in Gedaref and Kassala cities. The idea is to move the message through the heads of youths via dictation, attracting youths by a lottery with attractive prizes.
The project moves forward well, aiming to finish in November 2019. .