
Improving Groundwater Governance and Sustainability of Dinaric Karst Aquifer System

DIKTAS II Inception Workshop involved experts from 4 beneficiary countries, notably Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia.
Emerald Lakes Boardwalk, Plitvice Dinaric Alps

One quarter of the world's population lives on or obtains its water from karst aquifers. Karst is a special type of geologic environment that is formed by dissolution and corrosion of soluble carbonatic rocks. The hydrogeology in the karst environment is characterised by high permeability, almost total absence of surface water, high infiltration rates, and rapid underground flows of groundwater. 

The Dinaric Karst Aquifer System is one of the world's largest transboundary freshwater systems shared by several countries in South-East Europe and requiring a new, unique and integrated management approach. 

Karst water is a significant resource for the local economy, the environment and its communities. Many economic sectors, such as agriculture industry and electricity production depend on karstic water. Not only the karst ecosystem hosts high biodiversity but an effective management of the karst aquifer can prevent floods caused by climate change. Lastly drinking water depends on karst groundwater and prosperity for the local communities. Overall, it is a complex hydrogeological system, precious and vulnerable.

DIKTAS II Inception Workshop

Water is the lifeblood of our world; it is vital for life, prosperity, and development. Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene is the most basic human need for health and well-being.

Magdalena Landry, Director of UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture

UNESCO and UNDP are jointly implementing the second phase of the  (GEF) Dinaric Karst Aquifer System (DIKTAS) full-size project 鈥淚mplementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System: Improving Groundwater Governance and Sustainability of Related Ecosystems鈥.

Drawing inspiration from the results of the previous GEF project 鈥淕roundwater Governance鈥, DIKTAS II intends to set up the basis of sound groundwater governance in the Dinaric Karst region. This approach and vision adhere to the conclusions reached by the beneficiary countries sharing the system - namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia -, which are enshrined in the  (SAP) for the DIKTAS prepared at national and endorsed at ministerial level.

The objective of phase II is to catalyse effective multi-country cooperation for the sustainable management of the system and its ecological resources by strengthening national and regional groundwater governance frameworks and institutional capacity.

In this context, UNESCO through its Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe and the Division of Water Sciences of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) convened the DIKTAS II Inception Workshop on 4-5 April 2024 in Venice, Italy. 

Beneficiary country focal points, national experts, representatives from UNESCO Permanent Delegations and National Commissions for UNESCO, UNDP representatives and partners as well as IHP members from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia discussed the path for implementing the strategic action programme of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System developed during phase I. 

DIKTAS II Inception Workshop 2

For this new phase, our objective remains clear: to address the unique challenges and opportunities associated with karst aquifers, with the emblematic example of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System.

Abou Amani, Director of Division of Water Sciences, IHP

The participants engaged in fruitful discussions and provided feedback on the 5 main components of the project: 

  • facilitation of multi-cooperation 
  • adoption of groundwater principles 
  • monitoring karst waters and dependent ecosystem
  • focus on areas of transboundary influence and special concern
  • awareness raising and gender mainstreaming

The discussion guided UNESCO and UNDP representatives to set the scene for the implementation of the project activities. The workshop promoted and catalysed multi-cooperation for the sustainable management and protection of the Dinaric region and its ecological resources and for the improvement of groundwater governance among the 4 beneficiary countries. In addition, they explored the potential synergies with other UN and EU projects in the Dinaric region.

During the final session, participants agreed on a clear shared vision and direction for future action that is captured in the inception workshop report.The outcomes of the workshop are a first step towards future collaboration and synergies to build on the results of DIKTAS I, and to continue implementing transboundary actions through DIKTAS II.

DIKTAS II Inception Workshop participants group photo

This is a unique joint partnership that through this GEF project confirms long years of cooperation, dedication and support. UNDP stands ready, together with UNESCO, to support the beneficiary countries.

Vladimir Mamaev, Regional Technical Advisor, Water & Ocean Governance Programme, BPPS, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub
DIKTAS II Inception Workshop - Infographic