Q&A with Prof. Boshra Salem, 1990 MAB Young Scientist Award laureate
? Prof Boshra Salem was awarded the MAB Young Scientist Award in 1990 for the project Detection of temporal environmental changes in arid lands by remote sensing Case study North coastal desert of Egypt She is known for leading groundbreaking work on landuse changes in the Omayed Biosphere Reserve and for the Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands SUMAMAD project As an expert she has been part of MAB for more than 30 years first as a member and rapporteur for the Egyptian MAB National Committee and eventually as President of the MAB International Coordinating Council? A career scientist she contributed to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment as one of the authors of the Desertification Synthesis Report and she sat on the Committee for Scientific Planning and Review at the International Science Council Prof Salem is the founder and manager of the Department of Environmental Science and its remote sensing laboratory at the University of Alexandria in Egypt She is now the dean of postgraduate Studies at the University of Alexandria?