Teachers’ training on educational design, technical skills, and best practice guidelines.
Ramallah November 4 Within the framework of the project Developing Digital skills and Education for Sustainable Development through Distance Learning in Palestine funded by Japan UNESCO Ramallah and the Ministry of Education launched training to produce educational videos for the Palestinian Educational TV channel The training on educational design technical skills and best practice guidelines took place at AlQuds Open University in Ramallah Hebron and Nablus from 27 October to 20 November 2021 The training targeted 75 key teachers over 30 training hours UNESCO Ramallahs Education Unit supports the Ministry of Education in achieving its distance learning goals by developing and enhancing the Educational TV channel through the provision of equipment as well as building capacities of educational supervisors teachers and TV staff to improve their digital and 21stcentury?skills Bassam Tahboob Director of Education Directorate in Hebron emphasized This is an essential training as it will allow teachers to incorporate technology when developing educational lessons which will be broadcasted on the Educational TV channel