Resolution 33-nq/tw of the 9th meeting of the party central committee of the 11th tenure on building and developing vietnamese culture and people meeting the demand for national sustainable development

Ministry of culture, sports and tourism, ministry of information and communication, ministry of education and training, ministry of science and technologies, ministry of foreign affairs, ministry of finance, ministry of planning and investment, central-le
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Description of the policy/measure

This is a comprehensive renovation policy of the party in culture, covering many fields of the cultural and social life of viet nam. it provides orientation and has effects on the establishment of cultural products and services satisfying the requirements for sustainable development for all fields. to implement this resolution, the government proposed a detailed action programme requiring the participation of multi-ministries, sectors, agencies, social organizations and cities/provinces. programme resources come from  the state budget, sponsorship, donation. after releasing the resolution, some ministries, sectors, agencies have prepared and implemented projects, plans to assist many fields, including copyrights and related rights, changes of financial mechanisms to support the development of culture and the arts, forming funds for development and assistance for creation of culture and the arts, incentives for artists, incentives for cultural enjoyment, revision and enactment of related laws, building foundations for renovation in terms of mechanisms, policies and favourable working environment for cultural and arts creativity for individuals, enterprises and creativity groups.the development the cultural industries is linked with the completion of cultural market put forward by the resolution and supported by the following activities:- develop cultural industries to exploit and develop the potentials and unique values of vietnamese culture, encouraging the cultural products export to promote of vietnamese culture to the world.- provide incentive mechanisms for investments in infrastructure, technical equipment and modern technologies to improve the quality of cultural products. create favourable conditions for cultural enterprises, arts, sports, tourism, attract social resources for development.- renovate, complete the mechanism, create favourable legal environment for building and developing the cultural markets and industries.- raise awareness and capacity building in enforcement of copy rights and related rights.

Results achieved

In the resolution of the 9th meeting of the central party committee (11th tenure), the vietnamese communist party identified that culture is not the passive and subsidized sector. it will survive and bring about economic benefits to the whole country. all cultural values, all cultural and artistic creativity, despite coming from individual or group efforts, public or private sectors, traditional or contemporary contents, would be required to become an industry operating in a value chain with creation, production, distribution, consumption. profits gained from cultural industries and its contribution to the development of the economy should also reaffirm the fundamental role of culture as the spiritual foundation of the society. cultural development does not mean the total trade-off between the core values of culture and economic values. it requires harmonious development and sustains the balance between culture-based economic development and preservation of cultural identities of our peoples. the expected outcomes of the implementation of the mission 5 of the resolution 33 will be as follows:- to 2020[t1] : gradually build the cultural market, develop some cultural industries with competitive advantages,  set the position of vietnamese culture in the international arena; build cultural environment suitable with the development conditions of the country and international integration; complete legal framework; carry out institutional reforms suitable with the requirements of building and developing vietnamese culture and people best satisfying the demand for sustainable development of the country.- to 2030: synchronously develop the cultural market and cultural industries; promote the power of vietnamese culture in regional and global integration; build sound cultural environment supporting the characteristics of vietnamese people; complete institutional reforms, ensuring the development of vietnamese culture and people in the period of enhancing industrialization, modernization and international integration. 

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Annual state budget secures the implementation of the action plan of the resolution