The program to support strengthening scientific and technological capacity of national foundation for science and technology development (nafosted)

Nafosted (national foundation for science and technology development)
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Description of the policy/measure

The measure includes two programs supporting researchers and practitioners of culture and arts: 1. national program to support strengthening scientific and technological capacity for individuals engaged in such activities in viet nam and overseas applying for post-doctoral programs in viet nam (circular no. 09/2015/tt-bkhcn of ministry of science and technology dated may 15, 2015). - the program aims to enhance the capacity and the quality of scientific research in viet nam through creating a favorable environment for scientists in an exchange of science, announcement of research results, and international integration in the field of science research. - funding for attending and reporting research results at international scientific conferences and seminars. - postdoctoral research, internships and short-term research abroad. 2. nafosted bilateral cooperation program: - one of the program goals is to promote international cooperation in scientific research, support academic exchanges between vietnamese and international scientists, create a favorable research environment and international integration to improve national scientific and technological capacities. - the program includes nafosted's bilateral cooperation programs with a number of international organizations in the fields of social sciences and humanities (including culture and arts) under various forms such as international seminars, research, short-term research internships in partnering countries, etc..

Results achieved

During the period of 2016-2019, in the field of culture, arts, public information and media, this fund had supported 14 individuals attending and presenting research results at the international conferences/seminars abroad, 3 individuals have completed an internship and short-term research abroad, organizing 1 international seminar in viet nam. the fund supported no more than vnd 50 million per scientist attending international conferences and seminars, and no more than vnd 150 million per international seminar held in viet nam.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

The national program to support enhancing scientific and technological capacity had positive impacts on fostering research in science and technology organizations, broadening international cooperation in science research, contributing to improving the research quality and developing human resource in science in viet nam. supporting methods were implemented towards international standards, transparency and equality in creating a healthy academic environment, strengthening research at institutes and universities in the country. the implementation of measures supported/sponsored by the fund had achieved good results and got access to international standards. it is an important factor in the development of high-quality human resources in science and technology, contributing to social-economic development and industrialization of the country.