The national policy on culture and creative economy 2020-2030

The culture and creative industries policy division in the ministry of culture, gender, entertainment and sport, led by the national cultural and creative industries council (nccic)
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Description of the policy/measure

The national culture policy presents a concept of culture within which the creative imagination of the jamaican people has enabled practitioners to astonish the world and bring economic value to the country. the primary purpose is to provide a framework within which the government creates an enabling environment for the culture and creative industries to thrive; as well as to enhance and safeguard the creative expression and innovation of the jamaican people.

Results achieved

The revised policy is not at the implementation stage as yet. thus far, revised policy (draft) recently received formal comments from six (6) ministries that have divisions or areas that touch and concern culture and the creative industries. the comments will be addressed and then an application will be made to the policy unit at cabinet office, for green paper status. once this status is achieved, we will then have another set of national consultations with the cultural and creative stakeholders and practitioners, to ascertain their concerns and suggestions regarding the draft, and address where necessary. once this process is completed, the ministry will then seek white paper status. the nccic division in the ministry will than implement the policy across the sector.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

The implementation of the policy carried out through the budget of the nccic as well as the various agencies of the mcges.