Mapping of the cultural and creative industries in jamaica

The jamaica business development corporation (jbdc)
The jamaica business development corporation (jbdc)
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Description of the policy/measure
The jbdc's mapping of the culture and creative sector in jamaica is to determine the value of the sector and develop reccomendations on how to grow the creative economy. there is currently a lack of statistical information available on the local creative sector which is needed to ascertain in more specific terms, the contribution to the gdp. the mapping exercise will provide a empirical data to assist with policy decisions, create substantive programmes of assistance, and value and measure the contribution of the creative industries to gross domestic product (gdp), employment and job creation. this project began the first quarter of 2020, with questionnaires and interviews done with some creatives, relevant institutions, departments and agencies.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Cultural Domain(s)
Results achieved
The project is currently underway...
Financial resources allocated to the policy
Funding for this project was through grant by the british council, and administrative support by the jbdc and other government ministries and academia, such as the mcges and the university of the west indies.