Cultural and creative hubs (cchs) viet nam 2018-2021

Viet nam institute of culture and arts studies, british council viet nam
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Description of the policy/measure

Cultural and creative hubs viet nam is a three-year project co-sponsored by the european union and the british council and has been implemented by the british council in collaboration with viet nam institute of culture and arts studies from 2018 to 2021. the project proposes a series of activities focused on developing a network of cultural and creative hubs that play an active role in connecting artists and practitioners to the audience in the fields of arts, culture, and creativity. the overall objective or impact of the project is to contribute to the creation of sustainable operating spaces in encouraging and promoting creative cultural and arts activities and providing opportunities for the public in viet nam to be engaged in these activities. the specific objective of the project is to promote the spillover, dynamism, and potential of the ecosystem of the cchs in viet nam. the project has been designed to encompass three inter-linked key components: the first surrounds capacity building for cchs managers and owners, as well as their artists and creative practitioners - in particular, in terms of management, audience development, and other specialized creative and cultural skills. the second component aims to create opportunities - via policy dialogue and other platforms - for direct and open exchange towards relationship building between cchs and government administration of the culture sector. this will facilitate both governmental support and cchs contribution to the national strategy for the development of cultural industries. the third component promotes the sharing, learning, and networking amongst hubs from different parts of viet nam, as well as between vietnamese hubs and their european counterparts. the project has been implemented and will be completed and reviewed in march 2021.

Results achieved

Result 1: 7 cchs' (ha noi grapevine, heritage space, danang business incubator dnes, autumn meeting, san art, vicas art studio, central highlands rural support and development center) management capacity as well as creative cultural skills were improved so that they, together with artists and creative practitioners, could design and implement cultural and creative activities for the community, especially for communities that do not have much of this activity in urban or semi-rural areas. to be specific: - organized 6 training courses to improve the capacity of owners/managers of key creative hubs participating in the project (25 people) in areas including creative and arts space management and creative and cultural skills; - organized 8 extended training sessions conducted by key creative hub owners/managers for the extended creative communities in ha noi, ho chi minh city and da nang in three areas including creative and arts space management and creative and cultural skills. result 2: connection was built between cchs and government administration to create conditions for the latter to support the former's activities and the former to contribute to the implementation of the national strategy for the development of cultural industries in viet nam to 2020, vision to 2030. to be specific: - 1 national conference on the role of cchs in viet nam's creative economy on november 7, 2019, co-organized by the british council viet nam and ministry of culture, sports and tourism; - seminar on developing cultural industries in viet nam on april 25 2019, organized by british council in viet nam, vicas and the national assembly's committee for culture, education, youth, adolescents and children; - 1 seminar on public-private cooperation to promote the development of viet nam's cchs in november, 2019. through these conferences, seminars, and discussions on policies surrounding the vietnamese cultural and creative industries and cchs, the project has done a good job in connecting the cchs with the relevant governance agencies, raising awareness and understanding between the two towards creating a foundation for innovative policies to support the development of vietnamese cchs in the future. result 3: an official network of active cchs across viet nam was established, the development of new spaces was supported through collaborative opportunities with already successful spaces, and connection to european creative hub network. to be specific: - help to promote the establishment of viet nam creative initiative (vichi), co-founded by vicas art studio, ha noi grapevine, heritage space, dnes, sihub, the center for assistance and development of movie talents tpd under the sponsorship of british council viet nam and viet nam institute of culture and arts studies; - connect viet nam's cchs to european creative hub network; - integrate many viet nam's cchs in a more sustainable ecosystem through training, networking and seminars organized under the project.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

600,000 eur (in which eu sponsored eur 449,387 and british council sponsored eur 150,000)