Creation and implementation of the regional council for culture, languages and interculturality

Creation and implementation of the regional council for culture, languages and interculturality
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Description of the policy/measure

The provincial councils and the regional council for indigenous languages and interculturality have the following objectives: a. to institutionalize spaces for citizen participation to propose and manage culture-related policies, programs, projects and actions. b. to promote a citizen participation model based on associativity, strategic planning, intersectoral coordination and involvement of the public, private and civil society sectors. c. to strengthen capacities to regard culture as a basis for development. the junin regional council is made up of: * the regional president of junin (or the person appointed by him or her), who shall preside. * the decentralized directorate of culture (or the person appointed by it), who will be the technical secretary. * 1 representative of each provincial municipality. * representative of organized civil society. * representative of native communities/indigenous organizations. * representatives of all the arts: performing arts, audiovisual arts, writers, among others. * other representatives of public and private institutions related to culture, indigenous languages and interculturality. * ombudsperson's office. this initiative is crucial for the creative sector as it generates and enhances inter-institutional and decentralized alliances for the development of the different stages of the value chain. this measure also strengthens the ties between the public, private and civil society sectors, seeking coordination among all the actors involved in creation.

Results achieved

Some results achieved by the creation of this regional council are the followimg: * 9 territorial cultural agendas have been prepared based on the participation of a group of cultural agents divided in working groups (arts, museums, languages-interculturality, libraries, publishing industry, intangible cultural heritage, among others). these agendas have been incorporated into the institutional operational plans of the municipalities. * one of these regional working groups has been categorized as museums. * 3 organizational cultural units with exclusive functions and competences in cultural matters, as well as a profile fitting such functions have been created. * 2 historical immovable heritage properties have been vindicated for the theater. * 4 provincial municipalities have worked on the implementation budgetary programs no. 132 (vindication and social use of cultural heritage) and 140 (development and promotion of the arts and cultural industries). * 2 municipal language courses have been implemented: quechua in the municipality of jauja and ashaninka in the municipality of chanchamayo, addressed to public officers and workers of the jurisdiction for the implementation of law no. 29735. * 1 screening and exhibition room (municipal cinema) has been set up. it is conditioned, operating and it has 60 seats, where regional and national audiovisual productions are screened weekly. * 9 theater groups give a cultural offer, with a total income of over pen 30,000. * plastic arts exhibitions have been conducted in coordination with the private sector (open plaza).

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Approximately usd 15,000.00 per year