The bureau of gender affairs

The ministry of culture, gender, entertainment and sport
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Description of the policy/measure

The bureau of women's affairs is mandated to mobilize the government to address the problems that confront women, given the impact of patriarchy and sexism. the problems inlcude high rates of unemployment, violence against women in various forms such as spousal abuse, rape, incest and sexual harassment. its obejctive is to enable women to recognize their full potential as individuals and create avenues for their full integration in national development. the three main functions of the bureaus are research, and policy development, public education and training and project planning and monitoring.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Sustainable Development Goal(s)

Results achieved

Several successful programmes have been implemented through the bureau. these include the 'women center foundation', which provides support for pregnant girls, aged 17 and under, to continue their secondary education, and the 'young fathers program', aimed at encouraging young men to play more active roles in their children's lives. the bureau has also executed several mentorship programmes in the schools across the island.