Arts in the park

The ministry of culture, gender, entertainment and sport
The ministry of culture, gender, entertainment and sport
Read the full report
Description of the policy/measure
Arts in the park provides young and emerging jamaican cultural and creative practitioners the opportunity to interact with international and local experts in their field, and to work towards tangible professional development outcomes in their respective areas of the creative industries. the activities go on for approximately 3-4 days and includes workshops and seminars led by international guests and leading local practitoners in the particular area being focused on. we have had representaives from the alvina ailey school and the martha graham dance school, for arts in the park-dance. those representatives offered scholarships to local dancers at their insitutions after conducting workshops. it is safe then to say arts in the park provides a path to development and trianing for participants and be a vehicle to professional development. the initiative usually attracts over a hundred individual participants during its staging.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Cultural Domain(s)
Transversal Priority(ies)
Results achieved
Since the inception of this measure particpants in the area of dance, choreography music and visual arts have gone to achive professional status and local and inernational exposure in their specific fields. notably a choreographer who showcased her work on the dance segment of 'arts in the park', while a representative from alvin ailey ii, was eventually hired to choreograph on the alvin ailey ii company. other musicains who had their 'big break' exposure from this measure, have gone on to touring the world performing.
Financial resources allocated to the policy
A budget of us$28,000.00 is allotted for this measure each year.