The art at school program – pase

Description of the policy/measure
The art at school program - pase is a program organized by the ministry of culture since 2013. pase trains art teachers from public and private schools and professionals dedicated to teaching art to children and adolescents, with pedagogical tools to promote peaceful, ethical, and democratic coexistence in our society, while preventing negative attitudes such as bullying, discrimination, and racism. during the training sessions, tools from theater, music, visual arts, and dance are taught. likewise, notions and guides are transmitted for the design of cultural projects addressed to the youngest ones. in this connection, the teachers or promoters of the arts are expected to take center stage, taking on the role of cultural managers and becoming influential actors in their community.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Cultural Domain(s)
Results achieved
More than 3,000 people from lima, trujillo, cajamarca, ayacucho and other regions of the country were benefited. the program is recognized by teachers and various cultural and public sector agents as a space for training and promoting the arts in favor of children and adolescents.
Financial resources allocated to the policy
Approximately usd 6,042.3 per year