Art-based learning - “orquestando” and “expresarte”

Ministry of education
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Description of the policy/measure

The ministry of education develops two policies related to learning art: "orquestando" and "expresarte". both are regulated by general secretariat resolution (rsg) no. 015-2017-minedu, which establishes them as strategies to foster the learning promoted by the national curriculum for basic education. orquestando is a pedagogical initiative supplementary to the implementation of the national curriculum for basic education (cneb), co-managed by minedu, the regional directorates of education (dre) and the local educational management units (ugel), which implements musical training workshops that are given outside school hours to students of all levels of basic education from public and private educational institutions. the purpose of orquestando is to contribute to the development of artistic-cultural competencies of the national curriculum for basic education, through a playful and inclusive pedagogy that promotes individual and collective musical practice that contributes to the students' integral development, the strengthening of their artistic-cultural, socio-emotional and civic competencies, and to their healthy and active integration into community life, as well as to the search for excellence in their life-long learning processes. expresarte is also an educational activity supplementary to the implementation of the cneb, co-managed by minedu, dre and ugel. the supplementary educational activities (aec) are a set of artistic and cultural workshops that take place at hours supplementary to the regular school day, with the aim of providing students with opportunities for their integral education and the development of lessons included in the cneb during their free time. these activities promote a school culture open to the community and foster the healthy coexistence and healthy life of students of different ages, grades, educational levels and educational institutions, as well as the coordination of school with the education community and its environment. the "expresarte" aec started its activities in 2015. its purpose is to contribute to the development of the cneb's artistic-cultural competencies, through a pedagogical proposal that promotes collective artistic-cultural practice to contribute to its integral development through the strengthening of its artistic-cultural, socio-emotional and civic competencies.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Sustainable Development Goal(s)
Transversal Priority(ies)

Results achieved

On the one hand, orquestando, in coordination with the directorates of alternative basic and special basic education and high-performance schools, reaches 3,000 regular basic education students; 200 special basic education students (made up of students with severe disabilities); 300 alternative basic education students (made up of students deprived of liberty); and 680 students from high-performance schools. furthermore, it is implemented in each of the directorates, with a total of 54 educational institutions that are divided into 13 regular basic education institutions, 8 in metropolitan lima, 1 in callao, 2 in arequipa and 2 in junin; 7 special education institutions, one in each ugel of metropolitan lima; 9 alternative basic education institutions, 5 in metropolitan lima, 1 in callao, 1 in provinces of lima and 2 in junin; and 25 high-performance education institutions nationwide. it should be emphasized that orquestando has 73 music teachers who teach regular basic education students, hired by the regional directorate of metropolitan lima, callao's dre, northern arequipa's ugel, southern arequipa's ugel, concepcion's ugel and chanchamayo's ugel. on the other hand, expresarte reaches over 36,000 primary and high school students of basic regular education, who participate in 277 core educational institutions through the recruitment of 277 cultural promoters in 21 ugel from the following 6 regions: metropolitan lima, provinces of lima, callao, ica, tumbes and puno (183 from metropolitan lima, 53 from provinces of lima, 13 from callao, 15 from ica, 7 from tumbes and 6 from puno). as of 2019, expresarte developed a 126-hour training program to strengthen the pedagogical, artistic and management capacities of the cultural promoters, achieving a final participation of 94%.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Approximately usd 3,323,497.87 per year disaggregated: orquestando: approximately usd 600,935.74 per year expresarte: approximately usd 2,722,562.13 per year