Arab - china friendship garden / sculpture field 2015

Ministry of culture in republic of iraq and the ministry of culture of the people's republic of china
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Description of the policy/measure

The ministry of culture of the people's republic of china organized, in 2015- 2018, a gathering (arab - china friendship garden) of plastic artists of arab countries in the field of sculpture.  the ministry of culture of china afforded all financial expenses in two-way flight tickets for artists, as well as providing the necessary requirements for the fulfillment of this cultural gathering.

Results achieved

1. activating  the bilateral cooperation between china and arab countries, including commercial silk road , and identifying more closely  at the cultural ,civilization and tourist features of china,2. leaving a cultural, artistic and by  wide  media imprint  that reflects culture  of each participating country in the plastic art field.3. highlight the arab plastic and artistic works by wide  media  because of their importance in life of chinese intellectuals and media men and to approximate their points of view.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

There is a special budget for each measure .Â