Amendment to law no. 28131 - performing artist's law

Description of the policy/measure
The update of the artist's law seeks to establish the regime, rights, obligations and labor benefits of the performing artist, including the promotion and dissemination of their performances and interpretations abroad, as well as their moral and financial rights. the law considers that a performing artist is any individual who interprets or performs an artistic work, with or without text, using his or her body or abilities, with or without instruments, that is exhibited or shown to the public, giving as a result an interpretation and/or performance that can be disseminated by any means of communication or set on a proper format, created or to be created. in this connection, the law applies to actors; banderilleros; singers; choreographers; dancers in all their expressions and modalities; directors of stage, theatrical, cinematographic, television and similar works; conductors of orchestras or musical groups; stunt doubles; voiceover artists; impressionists and the persons who perform artistic works with a similar modality; interpreters and performers of artistic works in circuses and similar shows; interpreters and performers of folklore works in all its expressions and modalities; magicians; bullfighters; mentalists; mimes; models for plastic artists, advertising works, catwalks, or at stage, theatrical, film and television shows; musicians; novilleros; parodists; picadores; illusionists; reciters or declaimers; rejoneadores; puppeteers or puppet masters; ventriloquists; prompters, or teleprompter operators; director's assistants; cameramen; directors of photography; sound and image editors; set designers; stage managers; makeup artists; special effects artists and lighting technicians for stage, theatrical, film, television and similar works; technicians of variety shows, circus and similar shows; stagehands; among others.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring