Alternative book fair - antifil

Asociación cultural arte libre
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Description of the policy/measure

The alternative book fair - antifil, produced by asociacion cultural arte libre (acal), is a self-managed and multidisciplinary free-access fair, where various artistic expressions such as literature, music, performing arts, plastic arts, photography, audiovisual screenings, contemporary dance and theater, among others, meet. additionally, national and international conferences open to the public take place, as well as book presentations, poetry workshops and recitals, all within the framework of our objectives to encourage reading, the dissemination of freethinking and awareness-raising through culture and education. antifil is registered as a collective trademark in indecopi since 2017. it was born out of the lack of massive cultural initiatives and the need to promote new ways of disseminating art and culture, generating spaces where the artists and the public can meet within a horizontal, inclusive and equitable space. in this sense, we consider that the free-of-charge nature of the event is a key element to promote the cultural-artistic industry. antifil's principles are based on addressing issues that are unusual in other cultural spaces. during the four editions we have held since 2016, we have worked and reflected on the alternative spaces and the issues that interest our public, who are mostly young people between 17 and 34 years old, as shown by the statistics of our social networks, positioning this group with a representation of 77% of our followers. that is why we chose six central themes that cross the proposals of the fair in an integrated and transversal manner. there is no hierarchical order, on the contrary, they are themes that also respond to the organization's values. the programs, spaces and artists included in the fair contributed to reinforce: gender equality, the environment, lgtbiq, interculturality, education and originary languages. since its establishment as an organization, antifil has the following objectives to be met in the short and medium-term: • achieve that our target audience considers antifil as the alternative cultural event of peru, thus identifying with our proposals. • generate a plural space that houses all kinds of artistic-cultural projects, and that promotes new proposals and inspires society. • contribute to development through art and public exposure to popular and independent culture. • open spaces for coordination and cooperation between collectives, artistic-cultural associations allied to our project. additionally, it has an impact on the achievement of the following sustainable development goals: a) goal 4, which seeks to guarantee inclusive, equitable and quality education, and to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all; b) goal 5, which seeks to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls as creators and producers of diverse expressions; c) goal 8, which seeks to promote a sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all; and d) goal 13, which seeks to improve education, awareness, and the human and institutional capacity in relation to climate change mitigation, adaptation, reduction of its effects, and early warning.

Results achieved

1) promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms: - gender equality: in this area of monitoring, antifil has made significant progress, since gender equality has been one of its pillars since its inception. from its organizational structure, we have a majority participation of women in the different organization stages of the fair and related activities, representing 65% of our active members. also, during the central days of antifil, we have had the opportunity to work with female artists, managers and thinkers with feminist discourses that have been portrayed both in the different artistic disciplines that we present at the fair and in the publishing proposals that we have exhibited at the fair. we have also worked with feminist and transfeminist collectives such as paremos el acoso callejero, serena morena, chola contravisual, la promesa, no tengo miedo, trenzar, la manada feminista, comando plath, etc. we have had the opportunity to discuss endemic problems in our society such as harassment, rape, physical and psychological violence, the empowerment of women, among others, with these collectives, in discussions and workshops. finally, this year we prepared our first security protocol for the 2019 edition of antifil, in which we established rules for us and also for the fair workers, artists and the general public. in turn, these rules establish sanctions against people with a criminal record and/or who incur in situations of harassment, gender violence, rape, improper touching, etc. 2) supporting sustainable systems of governance for culture - cultural and creative sectors. in this area of monitoring, the work of antifil has also been significant, as it has substantially revitalized the cultural and creative sectors through its platform. this is because our mission is to build our programs in all the areas of the fair using at least 50% of what is sent to us through the call we make for an open public to present their projects. in this connection, antifil shows, in a horizontal and democratic way, projects that are not usually shown in the hegemonic spaces of art and culture. in this connection, the work of antifil is to show these projects in order to give an alternative and different vision of what happens in our society from the six central themes around which the fair is centered.