Access to information law, law no. 104/2016/qh13, approved by the national assembly on april 6, 2016, in effect from july 1, 2018

Government, ministry of information and communications, people's committees of provinces and municipalities, ministry of justice, other ministries and state agencies
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Description of the policy/measure

The law consists of 5 chapters and 37 articles, concerning with the exercise of citizens' right to access information as well principles, order and procedures for exercising the right to access information, responsibilities and obligations of state agencies in ensuring the citizens' right to access information. this law details the right of citizens to have access to information of state agencies. the state agencies have the responsibility to provide information they create, except for special cases mentioned by law. the law lists 15 types of information from state agencies that must be made publicly available and forms of being published such as electronic portals and websites of state agencies, mass media, state publications, fixed at state agencies' offices and other places, reception of citizens, press conferences, press release, spokesman activities of state agencies according to the provisions of law and other forms at the citizens' convenience determined by the agency responsible for disclosing information. the law also lists 9 types of information needed to be publicly available on electronic portals and websites.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Annual budget