Deborah is a communication and culture-in-development strategist and commentator, advocate and trainer, who provides bridging and advocacy consulting services across public, corporate and creative sectors. Deborah is an author and filmmaker, and has served as President of the Jamaican Chapter of Women in Film and Television and convenor of the Public Relations Society of Jamaica. She designs and manages projects that apply cultural economy and integrated communication strategies to achieve sustainable development goals in the global South. Deborah is a lecturer in Cultural Studies and Creative Economy at the University of the West Indies, Mona where she coordinates the Bachelor of Arts in Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs). In 2014, she served as Convenor of Jamaica’s National Cultural and Creative Industries Commission, chaired by the nation’s Prime Minister. The Commission led the inter-ministerial process of crafting Jamaica’s Creative Economy Policy Framework. Deborah also chaired the inter-ministerial Technical Working Group for Cultural and Creative Industries and coordinated, facilitated and advocated for creative economy policy initiatives including data collection for the National Business Plan for CCIs, public sector training and sensitization on cultural economy research and policy; and solidifying an inter-ministerial policy framework for the National Vision 2030 Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework. She has also been a member of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) sub-regional expert group on CCIs.