Regional Education in Emergencies Working Group (R-EiE WG) West and Central Africa

The Regional Education in Emergencies Working Group (R-EiE WG) is a task team within the Regional Coordination Group for SDG4 in West and Central Africa (RCG4 WCA).
Last update:9 January 2024

Who we are 

The was created to mirror some of the efforts of the Global Education Cluster at the regional level; to participate in advocacy for the continuity of education during emergencies and to strengthen regional visibility of education needs; to improve data collection and analysis; to strengthen information sharing and coordination among regional education actors; and to provide technical support to countries in the region, through national Education Clusters and Local Education Partner Groups (LEGs).

What we do 

The Regional Working Group aims to establish a framework for exchange, joint action, experience sharing and advocacy in order to build the capacity of regional and national education actors at different stages of an emergency - preparedness, response and recovery - on risk reduction and on the nexus between humanitarian and development actions.
The group also assumes a sub-regional representative of the African Union's Peace and Education Cluster, which aims to support the implementation of the CESA 2016-2025 strategy 5 in the areas of peace education and protecting education from attack.

Specifically, the working group conducts the following activities:

  • Facilitate coordination between EiE actors to harmonise the response in the region;
  • Support and harmonise EiE data collection in the countries of the region, and produce regular regional analyses;
  • Share information and analysis on humanitarian needs and responses in the countries of the region (regional and sub-regional scale);
  • Identify, collect and disseminate lessons learned and good practices;
  • Identify needs and gaps and propose actions to support country offices and national education clusters to improve the performance of their response;
  • Analyse training needs at national and regional level and ensure capacity building accordingly;
  • Establish and carry out joint advocacy and resource mobilisation actions in collaboration with the Regional Coordination Group on SDG 4 (RCG4);
  • Promote and contextualise tools for education in emergencies and protracted crises and keep members informed of the latest developments in the field;
  • Coordinate education activities and strategies with other sectors and identify avenues for collaboration, particularly with the Protection, Health, Food Security, Nutrition, and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sectors.