Gender Equality and Inclusive Education Task Team (GENIE)

The Gender Equality and Inclusive Education Task Team (GENIE) is a task team within the Regional Coordination Group on SDG4 in West and Central Africa (RCG4-WCA).
Last update:9 January 2024

Who we are

African girl in classroom

The WCA-RCG4 Gender Equality and Inclusive Education Task Team (GENIE) supports the RCG4 in its aim to enhance regional dialogue and to contribute to the implementation of the Education 2030 agenda in all countries of the West and Central African region, specifically regarding target 4.5 of the SDG4 “eliminating gender disparities in education and ensuring equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous people and children in vulnerable situations”.&Բ;

To contribute to promoting gender equality and inclusive education in West and Central Africa, the task team engages in a set of activities that build upon its member organisations’ broad knowledge on and experience in gender equality and inclusive education in the region. 

Its members include: 

  • Co-leads: Sightsavers, UNICEF

  • Active Members: EDUCO, FAWE, Humanity and Inclusion, Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Plan International, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNICEF; UNGEI

  • Consulting Members: Codesria, GPE, UNFPA

What we do

The group capitalizes its expertise to feed into existing national education programmes and sector plans, inspire new programming and advocate for gender equality and inclusive education. Ultimately this aims to support governments in to developing and strengthening education systems that will guarantee a quality education for all children. 

  • Share and capitalize knowledge, experiences and good practices on gender equality and inclusive education in West and Central Africa

  • Explore ways of stimulating investments in inclusive education in WCA 

  • Advocate for gender equality and inclusive education in WCA