3rd Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED 3)

APMED2030 Logo (Cover)

When: 4-7 July, 2017

Where: Dusit Thani, Hotel, Bangkok

Who: UNESCO will host this meeting with Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) and UNICEF, bringing together more than 200 participants, from education ministries, INGOs, NGOs and civil society organizations.

What: Sustainable Development Goal 4 target 7 (SDG 4.7) reflects a transformative vision of education, calling for concepts such as sustainable development, global citizenship, gender equality and health and wellbeing to be mainstreamed in national education policies, curricula content, teacher education and student assessment. It’s about more than just the numbers of people in a given education cycle – SDG 4.7 instead focuses on the content of what is being taught and how it can contribute to a more peaceful, just and equitable world.

For many countries in Asia-Pacific, the breadth of SDG 4.7 has made it challenging to understand and implement. UNESCO Bangkok is holding a technical meeting that will aim to clarify key elements of SDG 4.7 for Member States as well as enhance their capacity to mainstream the target at all levels of education and into national policies, plans, curricula, teaching and learning practices and assessment.  

Regional recommendations will be developed on: mainstreaming elements of SDG 4.7 at all levels; monitoring of and reporting on the target; regional level support to member states; and strategic partnership development around 4.7. The Regional Network of SDG4 National Coordinators will meet on 6 July and 7 to endorse the recommendations. SDG4 national coordinators will also review the regional roadmap for Education 2030, which outlines the key SDG4 milestones and priorities for the region.

MGIEP’s new publication, “Embedding Education for Sustainable Development: A Guide for Textbook Authors” will also be launched. International education experts will hold a series of TED-style talks on embedding ESD in various subjects at 2pm on the first day of APMED.

This meeting is supported by the governments of Japan and China.

Meeting Documents

Concept Note (Part I)
APMED III - Concept Note (Part I) (Cover)
Concept Note (Part II)
APMED III - Concept Note (Part II) (Cover)
Programme at a glance (Part I)
APMED III - Programme at a glance (Part I) (Cover)
Programme at a glance (Part II)
APMED III - Programme at a glance (Part II) (Cover)
Provisional Agenda (Part I)
APMED III - Provisional Agenda (Part I) (Cover)
Provisional Agenda (Part II)
APMED III - Provisional Agenda (Part II) (Cover)
General Information Note
APMED III - General Information Note (Cover)
Meeting Report
APMED III - Meeting Report (Cover)
Draft ToR of Regional Network of SDG4 National Coordinators
APMED III - Draft ToR of Regional Network of SDG4 National Coordinators (Cover)
SDG 4.7 Success Factors
APMED III - SDG 4.7 Success Factors (Cover)
Regional Recommendation for Action on SDG4.7
APMED III | Regional Recommendation for Action on SDG4.7