Statistical Tables
2024/5 - Leadership in education: Lead for learning
This report presents for the first time an overview table thatcompares progress between 2015 and 2023 for selected SDG 4 benchmark indicators. Tables 1 to 7 present the latestinformation for a range of global, thematic and other educationindicators. Table 1 presents basic information on demographicand education system characteristics as well as on domesticeducation finance. Tables 2 to 7 are organized by each of theseven Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 targets (4.1 to 4.7)and three means of implementation (4.a to 4.c). The tables mainlyfocus on the SDG 4 monitoring framework of 43 internationallycomparable indicators: 12 global and 31 thematic indicators.An additional indicator, ‘Proportion of children/young peopleprepared for the future, by sex’, is the product of the two globalindicators of SDG target 4.1. The UNESCO Institute for Statistics(UIS) reported on all indicators in 2024, except indicators4.7.3 and 4.a.4 (Table I.1).2,3 The tables also include additionalindicators, which are not formally part of the SDG 4 monitoringframework, such as transition from primary to secondaryeducation, and student mobility.
Most data in the statistical tables come from the UIS. Wherethe statistical tables include data from other sources, these arementioned in footnotes. The most recent UIS data on pupils,students, teachers and education expenditure presented in thetables are from the September 2024 release and refer to theschool year or financial year ending in 2023.4 These statistics referto formal education, both public and private, by level of education.The statistical tables list 208 countries and territories, all ofwhich are UNESCO Member States or associate members withthe exception of Bermuda and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Mostreport their data to the UIS using standard questionnaires issuedby the UIS itself. For 46 countries, education data are collected bythe UIS via the UIS/OECD/Eurostat (UOE) questionnaires.
Statistical Tables () ()
Progress Tables () ()
2023 - Technology in education: A tool on whose terms?
Most data in the statistical tables come from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). Where the statistical tables include data from other sources, these are mentioned in footnotes. The most recent UIS data on pupils, students, teachers and education expenditure presented in the tables are from the March 2023 release and refer to the school year or financial year ending in 2021.2 These statistics refer to formal education, both public and private, by level of education. The statistical tables list 209 countries and territories, all of which are UNESCO Member States or associate members. Most report their data to the UIS using standard questionnaires issued by the UIS itself. For 46 countries, education data are collected by the UIS via the UIS/OECD/Eurostat (UOE) questionnaires.
Statistical Tables () ()
2021 - Non-state actors: Who chooses? Who loses?
Most data in the statistical tables come from the UIS. Where the statistical tables include data from other sources, these are mentioned in footnotes. The most recent UIS data on pupils, students, teachers and education expenditure presented in the tables are from the February 2021 release and refer to the school year or financial year ending in 2019. These statistics refer to formal education, both public and private, by level of education. The statistical tables list 209 countries and territories, all of which are UNESCO member States or associate members. most report their data to the UIS using standard questionnaires issued by the UIS itself. For 46 countries, education data are collected by the UIS via the UIS/OECD/Eurostat (UOE) questionnaires.
Statistical Tables () ()
2020 - Inclusion and education: All means all
Most data in the statistical tables come from the UIS. Where the statistical tables include data from other sources, these are mentioned in footnotes. The most recent UIS data on pupils, students, teachers and education expenditure presented in the tables are from the September 2019 release and refer to the school year or financial year ending in 2018.4They are based on results reported to and processed by the UIS before July 2019. For a limited number of indicators and countries, the UIS updated its database in February 2020 and these updates are also reflected. These statistics refer to formal education, both public and private, by level of education. The statistical tables list 209 countries and territories, all of which are UNESCO Member States or associate members. Most report their data to the UIS using standard questionnaires issued by the UIS itself. For 46 countries, education data are collected by the UIS via the UIS/OECD/Eurostat (UOE) questionnaires.
2019 - Migration, displacement and education: Building Bridges, not walls
The most recent UIS data on pupils, students, teachers and education expenditure presented in the tables are from the September 2018 education data release and refer to the school or financial year ending in 2017. They are based on results reported to and processed by the UIS before July 2018. These statistics refer to formal education, both public and private, by level of education. The statistical tables list 209 countries and territories, all of which are UNESCO member states or associate members. Most report their data to the UIS using standard questionnaires issued by the UIS itself. For 49 countries, education data are collected by the UIS via the UIS/OECD/Eurostat (UOE) questionnaires.
2017/8 - Accountability in Education: Meeting our commitments
The most recent UIS data on pupils, students, teachers and education expenditure presented in the tables are for the school year or financial year ending in 2015. They are based on results reported to and processed by the UIS before the end of March 2017. A small number of countries submitted data for the school year ending in 2016, presented in bold in the tables. These statistics refer to all formal education, both public and private, by level of education.
2016 - Education for people and planet: Creating Sustainable Futures For All
The most recent data on pupils, students, teachers and education expenditure presented in these statistical tables are the reference school and financial years ending in 2014. They are based on survey results reported to and processed by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) before the end of March 2014. Data received and processed after that date are published on the UIS website and will be used in the 2016 Global Education Monitoring Report.
Statistical Tables for year ending 2014 -
- Introduction
. Information per country on the source of literacy data, the most recent year statistics are available, and the definition of literacy as used by each country.
2015 - Education for All 2000-2015: achievements and challenges
Statistical Tables for year ending 2012 - |
for literacy statistics related to Statistical Table 2. Information per country on the source of literacy data, the most recent year statistics are available, and the definition of literacy as used by each country.
2013/4 - Teaching and Learning
for literacy statistics related to Statistical Table 2. Information per country on the source of literacy data, the most recent year statistics are available, and the definition of literacy as used by each country.
2012 - Youth, Skills & Work
for literacy statistics related to Statistical Table 2. Information per country on the source of literacy data, the most recent year statistics are available, and the definition of literacy as used by each country.
2011 - Conflict
for literacy statistics related to Statistical Table 2. Information per country on the source of literacy data, the most recent year statistics are available, and the definition of literacy as used by each country.
2010 - Marginalization
for literacy statistics related to Statistical Table 2A. Information per country on the source of literacy data, the most recent year statistics are available, and the definition of literacy as used by each country.
2009 - Governance
for literacy statistics related to Statistical Table 2A. Information per country on the source of literacy data, the most recent year statistics are available, and the definition of literacy as used by each country. -
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