SDG 4 Scorecard – The new way of monitoring SDG 4
Global goals are aspirational, but there is a risk that countries lack a sense of ownership. National SDG 4 benchmarks were conceived to address this risk. They aim to capture the contribution of each country to the global education goal (as Nationally Determined Contributions do in the climate change agenda) and draw attention to the fact that, within a global process, all countries should be evaluated on their progress given their starting point.
The process of setting national SDG 4 benchmarks has been led jointly by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report along with UNESCO Member States countries since 2017. As of 2024, 8 in 10 countries have now set benchmarks against at least one indicator, a demonstration of the recognition of this new global way of monitoring progress towards SDG 4.
Convened by the GEM Report and the UIS in partnership with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the African Union (AU) this side-event will unpack the process and progress that countries have been making towards achieving their 2025 and 2030 national benchmarks. Framed by a presentation from the GEM Report and UIS Directors, the session will feature reflections from country champions alongside external representatives with a stake in supporting this new global way of monitoring progress towards SDG 4.
Featured speakers:
H.E. Siviwe Gwarube, Minister of Basic Education, South Africa
Silvia Montoya, Director, UIS
Manos Antoninis, Director, GEM Report
Jo Bourne, Chief Technical Officer, Global Partnership for Education
Prof Koulidiati, Representing the African Union Commissioner of Education, Science and Technology and Innovation
Judith Herbertson, FCDO, Sherpa and co-chair, Technical Committee FA2, SDG 4 2030 HLSC
Gerd-Hanne Forsen, Director of Education, Department for Global Health, Education and Research, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (moderator)