
Launch of the 2023 GEM Report in the Basque Country

Launch of the 2023 GEM Report in the Basque Country
Launch of the 2023 GEM Report in the Basque Country
Bilbao, Spain
Type :
Launch of a publication
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Launch in Bilbao

The launch of the 2023 GEM Report on technology in education in the Basque Country is taking place on 23 November from 10:00 to 12:00 at in Bilbao. The event is being organized by , the Basque Country Association for UNESCO.

The launch event will see the release of a flyer with the key findings and recommendations of the 2023 GEM Report in Euskera and a discussion on the use of technology in education in the Basque country.


  • 10:00- 10:05 l Opening remarks 
  • Idoia Uriarte Ercilla, Director, Department of Youth and Sports, Bilbao City Council

10:05-10:25 l Institutional welcome

  • Amaia Agirre Pinedo, Director of learning and Innovation in Education, Department of Education, Basque Government 
  • Arantza Acha, Drector, UN Etxea - Basque Country Association for UNESCO

10:25-10:30 l Introductory remarks by the moderator

  • Samuel Fernández Diekert, Factoría 4.7 Education Program, UN Etxea - Basque Country Association for UNESCO

10:30-10:55 l  Presentation of the findings and recommendations of the 2023 GEM Report 

  • Laura Stipanovic, Advocacy and Partnerships Officer, GEM Report, UNESCO

10:55-11:05 l Q&A

11:05-11:45 l Presentation of good practices from the Basque Country 

  • 42 Urduliz
  • Moviltik
  • Elkartenet Hezkuntza Elkartea
  • Gaptain

Moderated by: Samuel Fernández Diekert, Factoría 4.7 Education Program, UN Etxea - Basque Country Association for UNESCO

11:45-12:00  l Open discussion and closing 

  • Samuel Fernández Diekert, Factoría 4.7 Education Program, UN Etxea - Basque Country Association for UNESCO

Good practices on the use of technology in education in the Basque Country

  1. -Considered as the most innovative programming school in the world with no teachers and no curriculum, 42 trains students in the Basque Country in coding and has 100% labor insertion. After the success of 42 in Paris and other locations, 42 has had the ambition to develop the largest global network of innovative tuition-free programming schools that are accessible to all since 2019. Each campus ties strong links with local ecosystems in order to offer students the 42 pedagogies everywhere, all the time. The campus, which is owned by Fundacion Telefonica offers free classes and is based on the principle of peer-to-peer learning and peer-to-peer evaluation. 
  2. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Gaptain developed Kids Centric Universe, an educational platform that creates a Culture of Cybersecurity in educational environments in schools and families. Gaptain uses video games to evaluate students and artificial intelligence to assess cybersecurity risks. It has trained more than 1.000.000 students in Spain in Cyber-security. 
  3. - Cultural Innovation Association that uses virtual reality to raise awareness about social issues such as inequality, migration, and women violence with high school students. 
  4. work focuses on reusing and extending the life cycle of computers and promoting access to free open software. They are pioneers in circular economy of EdTech in the Basque Country, and through their work they have managed to recover, repair and send 500 computers to vulnerable communities in Africa. 
Launch in Bilbao
Launch in Bilbao