
Human Capital Africa Pre AU Summit Roundtable

A roundtable convening heads of state and key decision makers around the need to prioritise foundational learning across the continent.
Ghana school boy
Human Capital Africa Pre AU Summit Roundtable
Radisson Blu Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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The GEM Report's Director Manos Antoninis will share selected findings from the 2024 Spotlight Report with African Heads of State, Ministers, Business Leaders, Economists, Youth leaders and education specialists attending a Pre AU Summit on foundational learning convened by . 

The aims of the two-day gathering include 1) to deliver a roadmap for action for the Ministerial Coalition, focusing on foundational learning and educational reform and 2) deliver a collective message to AU to highlight the urgency of addressing the learning crisis and influencing policy at the highest levels.

Participation by invitation only.