High-level launch of the 2021/2 GEM Report in Central America
GEM Report director, Manos Antoninis, will present the key findings and recommendations of the 2021/2 GEM Report on non-state actors in education during the XXXVI Meeting of the CECC/SICA Council of Ministers of Education taking place in Belize on 25 and 26 May. This high-level meeting will gather ministers of education of Central America to reflect on the role of non-state actors in education and other key issues in the region.
The key segment of this meeting has been assigned to the presentation of the 2021/2 GEM Report, with the purpose of using the recommendations and findings of the report to find ways for state and non-state actors to work together to achieve SDG 4.
During the event, the initial findings from a series of national dialogues on the 2021/2 GEM Report findings and recommendations in Honduras, El Salvador, Panamá and Costa Rica will be presented and discussed amongst ministers and authorities.