2024/5 GEM Report consultation - Leadership and provision gaps the role of civil society organizations
Unfortunately, there is a huge gap between countries´ international legal commitments to provide universal free and quality education and the reality of ensuring such quality education for all. This is where civil society plays a crucial role and in the best of worlds can be seen – also by governments – as offering support, constructive critique and knowledge for the government to become more in tune with the establishment of a society based on human rights principles and the rule of law. Including in providing leadership training for teachers, principals and education officials.
The 2024/5 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report will examine leadership in education, it will look at the visions and goals that are driving leadership in education and will examine the extent and through what practices the exercise of leadership contributes to better education outcomes. The Report will cover education leaders at three levels - the education institution level (schools, preschools, technical and vocational institutes, colleges and universities, and adult education centers), the education system level and outside the education system.
A consultation on and with civil society organizations will explore the role that they occupy; including in designing and delivering school leadership programs in communities around the globe; providing technical support to government and filling critical training gaps to enhance the leadership skills of teachers and school leaders. The dialogue will also explore the relationship between civil society and government touching upon issues like sustainability, alignment, community engagement and consultation.
The consultation will feature inputs from a diverse range of civil society organizations operating in different contexts with different strategies and operating models to enhance the leadership capacities of teachers, principals and education policy makers to improve education systems worldwide.
The objectives of the consultation include:
- Share the early thinking of the GEM Report team in preparation for the 2024 GEM Report
- Learn from civil society organizations working to support school leaders at the global, national, and local level.
- Provide a space for participants to share experiences/identify examples of their policy advocacy at the national, regional and international levels, implementation challenges, and how they align their programming to address critical leadership gaps.
The session will take place in three parts. The first segment will include a broad presentation of the 2024 Report, followed by a moderated panel discussion with representatives from Global School Leaders, Varkey Foundation, Teach for All, Dignitas and VVOB with a focus on how they are supporting governments to strengthen leadership within their education systems.
A third segment will allow participants to share observations and experiences from their unique perspectives/experience’s in response to the following questions:
• What do you consider as the main messages that the 2024/5 GEM Report on leadership in education should convey and the key policy issues that it should address?
• How is your organization working to support leadership in education in these respects?
To express your interest in attending please email k.linkins@unesco.org