Q&A on the call for proposals on thematic studies for the 2024 GEM regional report on technology and education in the Pacific

Last update:22 January 2024

Any requests for additional information should be addressed in writing to f.endrizzi@unesco.org. All responses to any queries or clarification requests are available to all applicants on the GEM Report website via this link by 19 January 2024.

You can apply for more than one thematic study. Please submit one proposal for each thematic study, indicating the theme and authors involved. 

We do not provide a standard proposal template. 

We cannot disclose this information. Please provide a financial proposal based on your expected remuneration for the completion of the objectives outlined in the call by thematic study.

Submission by both individuals and by originations are allowed. Please specify in your proposal if you are applying as an individual or an organization. 

Multi authors’ submissions are allowed. Please share an updated CV for all authors involved.

Please indicate all the experts who are going to work on the thematic study. Should you apply to more than one thematic study, please clarify all experts engaged in each thematic study. Please share an updated CV for all authors involved. 

We do not consider a deadline extension for the time being. We will assess it as we get closer to the deadline and update the call and inform all applicants.

The thematic study should be based on a combination of primary and secondary data.

We do not connect researchers with institutions or authorities based in the countries.

No, researcher(s) are not necessarily expected to travel. 

Please consult the /gem-report/en/2023-southeast-asia-background-papers to access previous background thematic studies to regional publications.

The researcher(s) is expected to provide methodology, collect and analyze data, ideally a combination of primary and secondary, and draft a thematic study of approximately 10,000 words.

If you apply for thematic studies on 2.1 Teachers and technology in education in the Pacific or 2.2 Governance and regulation in technology in education in the Pacific, please indicate at least four countries that you will intend and be able to investigate based on your expertise and network among these 14 in the region: Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Tokelau, and Vanuatu.