
Line Up Live Up Empowers Youth to #ChooseSports

Life skills obtained from physical training can help empower youth and encourage them to choose sports instead of risky behaviour and to avoid conflict with the law. As part of the Line Up Live Up (LULU) initiative under the Doha Declaration Programme, UNESCO and UNODC in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) jointly organized on 9-11 September 2020 a 4-day Training of Trainers (TOT) - Line Up Live Up, in Beirut, Lebanon.

LULU is an evidence-informed and sports-based life skills training curriculum. Designed by UNODC, LULU is a unique tool that transfers the accumulated expertise of the United Nations and other partners in implementing life skills training for crime and drug use prevention to sport settings. It builds on the power of sport as means for peace in the spirit of the Doha Declaration, which has launched a global crime prevention initiative.

The ToT brought together 15 participants (5 females and 10 males) from Burj El Barajneh municipality, Chabibeh Sporting Club, Nusroto, Jousour Al Nour, Peace of Art NGOs from regions of Beirut, Bekaa and Arsal. Following the Beirut Blast traumatic event, an induction day addressed mental health in crisis, the risk and protective factors in crime prevention, and a complementary session on the prevention of youth from anti-doping in sports.

Young participants discussed in depth the push and pull factors of doping and the ways to protect youth and athletes from such risk practices in line with the International Convention on Anti-Doping and support national efforts in preserving fair and equitable sport. On the three remaining days, the sessions covered LULU methodology, process and content. It included simulation sessions during which the participants practiced some of the exercises in order to prepare them for their future roles as trainers.

In the Training of Trainers (ToT), UNESCO, UNODC, and MoPH aimed at providing the trainees with the necessary skills and knowledge to strengthen youth鈥檚 life skills and ethics to minimize risk factors and maximize protective factors related to crime, violence, and drug use. By enhancing knowledge of the consequences of crime and substance abuse and developing life skills, the trainers would work to positively influence the behaviour and attitudes of at-risk youth and prevent anti-social and risky behaviour.

Through the LULU programme in Lebanon, the participants working with youth in sports settings can target valuable life skills, such as resisting social pressures to engage in delinquency, coping with anxiety, and communicating effectively with peers, through a set of interactive and fun exercises.

For more information:

Link to the Doha Declaration:

Link to the International Convention on Anti-Doping: