
Colombia, Ecuador and Peru have made significant efforts to include people in situations of mobility in their education systems, says new UNESCO report

Among the data collected, educational access is one of the areas where most progress has been made in terms of the inclusion of the mobile population. The countries studied have worked on eliminating, reducing and/or adjusting administrative requirements for enrollment.
Ni帽o migrante sentado en la acera

The issued on Tuesday, November 15 by the Regional Bureau of Education for Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago), with the support of Education Cannot Wait and the Regional Education Group for Latin America and the Caribbean, states that the three Andean countries have lowered the barriers to educational access for people in situations of mobility situations (migrants, refugees, displaced persons). Through the modification of their educational information and management systems (SIGED), there is now a greater understanding and visibility of this population, and an opportunity to better respond to their needs.

The report entitled Guaranteeing the right to education for people on the move. Analysis of progress and challenges in information systems and regulatory frameworks in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador (was presented at a webinar dedicated to the launch of the . The text highlights the importance of making people in situations of mobility visible in these information systems, as this allows for a better understanding of their specific needs. With this data, the three countries analyzed can provide, from the point of view of educational planning and management, more appropriate responses to guarantee their right to quality education.

Due to the relevance of the participation of Venezuelan students in the education of the three countries, the SIGED of Colombia and Ecuador modified their data capture instruments to be able to identify students in a mobility situation. In the case of Peru, there was no need to make any changes, since 2011, it registers all students and allows the identification of the student's country of birth. 

Educational access is one of the areas where most progress has been made in terms of the inclusion of the population in situations of mobility. The countries studied have worked on eliminating, reducing and/or adjusting administrative requirements for enrollment; and all three countries recognize education as a right of all persons living in the territory, without any distinction based on origin, sex or other personal characteristics.

More data

The report also identified challenges. For example, the three countries identify students in mobility through their educational information and management systems based on different questions. This poses a difficulty in terms of the comparability of these data at the regional level and between countries, which should be remedied in the short term.

Regarding the adaptability of the educational systems, in all three cases the regulations promote the implementation of curricular and methodological adaptations or evaluations based on the specific learning needs of the students. 

UNESCO affirms that in relation to this type of population, the availability of opportunities in higher education is still a major challenge, given that the regulations aimed at this population do not extend to post-secondary education. 

The analysis confirmed the presence in general of good practices associated with the production of quality data, but also identified the lack of human and financial resources; limitations in characterizing students in mobility situations, for which it is necessary to include new variables, and a lack of accessibility to the data. 

To address the obstacles for this population to realize their right to education, it is important to identify and understand their specific needs so that educational planning and management can provide answers that guarantee their education. "This implies having more and better data and having the capacity to use [this data] throughout the education policy cycle, that is, in planning, implementation, evaluation and reformulation, if necessary," said Claudia Uribe, director of OREALC/UNESCO Santiago. 


Since 2019, 91麻豆国产精品自拍 had a achieving important advances: greater and better alignment with regional mechanisms for coordination and technical and political dialogue; coordinated implementation of regional projects aimed at educational inclusion; greater availability of timely and quality data on the population in situations of mobility; and strengthening the role of educational actors and ministries of education as agents and promoters of the protection of this priority group. 

The new will continue this work, and will seek to support countries in guaranteeing the right to education for people in situations of mobility, addressing the main challenges in advancing towards inclusive and equitable quality education with lifelong learning opportunities for all. 

These responses have been prioritized by the ministries of education of the region in regional agreements, such as the Declaration of Buenos Aires (2022), so that efforts are directed towards strengthening education systems so that they are resilient, inclusive and equitable, in order to meet the rights and needs of people in mobility situations. 

Further information:

  • Report:
  • Document: -

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