
SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee's Urgent Call for Action, Transforming Education Pre-Summit

SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee's Urgent Call for Action, Transforming Education Pre-Summit

The High-Level Steering Committee calls on Heads of State and Government and international financial organizations to champion and build actions around five thematic action tracks, mainstreaming equity and gender equality:  

  1. Prioritize the most marginalized and furthest behind, and those affected by crisis and emergencies by creating learning environments and schools free from violence and discrimination and supported with comprehensive care and health services.  
  2. Skill, re-skill and empower young people and adults for well-being and full development, for green and digital societies and the future of work, and for ensuring sustainability of the planet.
  3. Increase, empower and retain well-trained, well-qualified, motivated and supported teachers and education workforce.
  4. Ensure inclusive and equitable access to digital learning solutions supported by open educational resources as a tool for better learning. Provide all learners with free high-quality digital learning, pedagogical capacity and innovation, and safe use and data protection.
  5. Mobilize investments in education through bold, whole-of-government and international action, including tax reform to raise domestic resources, innovative financing and debt relief, and promoting public-private partnership. Ensure the equitable allocation as well as effective and efficient use of all education investments.

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