
SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee issues new key messages

Key Message SDG4

Education transforms lives and drives sustainable development

Education is a fundamental human right that enables and advances other human rights. Quality education drives and accelerates progress across all the Sustainable Development Goals: it is vital for every aspect of a country’s progress, enhancing productivity and employment, driving economic prosperity and competitiveness, raising women and men out of poverty, reducing inequalities, and helping people adapt to the rapidly changing world. Education holds the key to gender equality and can empower people to become active and responsible citizens who contribute to social equity and justice, peace, climate resilience and environmental sustainability in their communities and societies.  

We need stronger global cooperation and increased investment in people, linking humanitarian response, development assistance and peacebuilding efforts—and education is an indispensable ingredient.

Transforming education requires a collective commitment and action

We commend that 163 Member States convened national consultations and prepared national statements of commitment leading up to the 2022 Transforming Education Summit. Education transformation requires actions in the following areas, in which we urge you to commit tangible actions and engage youth and students for decision-making:

  • Ensure inclusive, safe, healthy and stimulating learning environments that enable all learners to achieve their full potential and physical, mental and emotional well-being, prioritizing the most vulnerable, marginalized and furthest behind, including those affected by crises and emergencies. 
  • Ensure quality education that equips individuals, from early childhood to adulthood, with the knowledge, skills and values necessary to become active agents of change; this requires foundational learning skills, as well as continuous reskilling and upskilling of young people and adults for rapidly changing labour markets with increased digitization and greening economies.
  • Address the global teacher shortage, and support, empower and retain qualified, well-trained and motivated teachers and education workforce.
  • Harness the digital revolution to provide quality education as a public good and transform teaching and learning by ensuring open, high-quality digital content; teachers’ and learners’ capacity to leverage digital tools; and universal educational connectivity for schools and learners of all levels

Invest more, invest more equitably and invest more efficiently in education

The SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee reiterates its conviction that transforming education is the best investment a country can make for its future and that it requires bold, whole-of-government, whole-of-society and international action. We urge all Member States to increase resources for education including via tax reforms, innovative financing, debt relief and public-private cooperation. We also urge Member States to make equitable allocation and efficient use of education investments to ensure that education transforms the future of societies, leaving no one behind. 

High-Level Steering Committee Key messages