
2024 Global Education Meeting: “SDG 4 Accelerator Fair” exhibition guidelines and applications

UNESCO is pleased to open applications for exhibition booths at the 2024 Global Education Meeting (GEM) in Fortaleza, Brazil over the two days of the event, on Thursday 31 October and Friday 1 November 2024. Applications are due no later than 14 October 2024.
“SDG 4 Accelerator Fair” exhibition guidelines and applications

Context: The 2024 Global Education Meeting

UNESCO is convening the 2024 Global Education Meeting (GEM), which will take place on Thursday 31 October and Friday 1 November 2024, in Fortaleza, Brazil. The 2024 GEM will capitalize on the , the host government of the 2024 GEM, and will be held concurrently with the G20 Education Ministers’ Meeting.  

The prestigious Global Education Meeting is one of the largest high-level international education conferences, bringing together ministers of education, ministers of finance, international development partners, civil society, academia and youth from around the world.

To surface best practices and facilitate knowledge sharing, UNESCO is organizing an “SDG 4 Accelerator Fair” booth exhibit in the networking zone of the 2024 GEM. Convened around SDG 4 themes, selected exhibitors will have the unique opportunity to address a global audience comprising policymakers, practitioners, researchers, private sector partners and non-governmental organizations. 

Booth Exhibit Objectives and Thematic Focus

Surfacing Concrete Solutions 

The “SDG 4 Accelerator Fair” booth exhibit is primarily intended to serve as a marketplace to highlight concrete actions and results undertaken by the education community towards transforming education and accelerating SDG 4.

Thematic Focus 

The “SDG 4 Accelerator Fair” booth exhibit will be organized thematically, centered around the following themes: 

  • SDG Target 4.1: Primary and secondary education completion and effective learning outcomes 
  • SDG Target 4.2: Early childhood development, care and pre-primary education 
  • SDG Target 4.3: Higher education
  • SDG Target 4.4: Skills for work and life
  • SDG Target 4.5 i: Inclusion and equity
  • SDG Target 4.5 ii: Gender equality
  • SDG Target 4.6: Youth and adult literacy and numeracy
  • SDG Target 4.7: Education for sustainable development
  • SDG Target 4.a i: Safe and inclusive learning environments
  • SDG Target 4.a ii: Education in emergencies 
  • SDG Target 4.b i: Scholarships for developing countries
  • SDG Target 4.b ii: Science, technology, innovation and digital transformation 
  • SDG Target 4.c: Teachers 

  • Financing Education

Eligibility, Application and Selection Criteria


All organizations formally invited to the 2024 GEM (Member States, United Nations system entities, Intergovernmental Organizations, NGOs, and other Stakeholders) are eligible to apply. 

Application and Selection Criteria

A limited number of booths are available in the networking zone. Interested parties are invited to fill out an application form before 14 October 2024.

A selection committee composed of UNESCO and the Government of Brazil will review the applications and operate a selection based on the following criteria: 

  • Relevance: Alignment with the SDG 4 Targets and the indicative strategies outlined in the Education 2030 Framework for Action. 

  • Geographical balance: Representation from diverse regions. 

  • Stakeholder diversity: Representation from diverse stakeholders. 

  • Innovation: Novel approaches and solutions in advancing SDG 4. 

  • Impact: Demonstrated or potential positive impact on SDG 4. 

Selected exhibitors will be informed of the outcome of their application by 16 October 2024.  

Subsequently, further instructions on how to set up the booth will be distributed.  

Booth Exhibit Guidelines

Exhibitors will be requested to plan for engaging approaches and/or animations at the booth, to foster interaction, knowledge sharing and networking. Peak times for the exhibit will revolve around coffee and lunch breaks on both days of the event. Further instructions pertaining to the animations will be distributed (schedule, format, etc.). 

Each booth will focus on one specific theme. As such, UNESCO may decide to combine more than one proposal into the same exhibit and selected exhibitors may be invited to share a booth. In the event several actors are selected for one same booth, a UNESCO focal point will be responsible for accommodating and coordinating all booth content and animations. 

The booth space is fully financed by UNESCO and the host country and is available at no cost. Each booth will be supplied with the following equipment (TBC): 2m x 3m, panel wall, 1 booth header showing the theme's name, 1 table with 2 chairs, 1 electricity outlet, 1 screen. No interpretation/translation is provided for the booths and animations. 

Exhibitors are responsible for all other display materials, including laptops, banners, posters, flyers, brochures, catalogs and other promotional items, etc.  

Exhibitors are responsible for arranging and financing their travel, accommodation, and shipping of all display materials.  

Participating exhibitors are also responsible for ensuring the booth is staffed at all opening times of the Global Education Meeting (31 October and 1 November 2024). Exhibitors are expected to be on site on Wednesday 30 October to prepare their booth ready for Thursday’s opening event. The set-up would remain for all two days of the Global Education Meeting.  

UNESCO may request exhibitors to modify their proposal/portfolio.  

Changes requested after the selection committee’s approval require the application to be re-submitted to UNESCO for review and such modifications may be denied. 

Please note that booth space is only allocated after a proposal is approved.  

While every effort is made not to switch galleries, last minute changes may occur, and the exhibit layout and content may have to be reconfigured.  

By submitting UNESCO’s Global Education Meeting Exhibit Application, organizers acknowledge and agree that UNESCO may use images from their approved portfolio to promote the exhibition on social media and through the UNESCO website. 

“SDG 4 Accelerator Fair” exhibition guidelines and applications

Application Form

Applications are due no later than 14 October 2024.