Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB)
Meseta Iberica
The Meseta Ibérica Transboundary Biosphere Reserve is located along the northern border of Spain and Portugal It includes a wide variety of landscapes orographic elements and different soil uses Altitudes in this area vary from 100 metres to 2000 metres above sea level The area contains many flagship species some of which have been the subject of conservation projects such as the black stork Ciconia nigra Egyptian vulture Neophron pernocpterus Bonellis eagle Aquila fasciata Eurasian eagleowl Bubo bubo European otter Lutra lutra and Iberian wolf Canis lupus signatus The area includes built heritage dating back to Roman times and the Middle Ages The remains of forts castles and walled enclosures in localities bear witness to frequent wars between Spanish and Portuguese kingdoms during the Middle Ages This area also boasts a unique cultural heritage manifested in the architecture customs traditions and folklore?
Portugal, Spain -