Nutrition and education

Education and nutrition

Learn to eat well

A new Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) paper, Learn to Eat Well, underscores the education-nutrition nexus, advocating a life-cycle approach to nutrition integrated into lifelong learning systems.  

The new research by the GEM Report and LSHTM will draw from their combined expertise in providing evidence-based policy recommendations. The GEM Report’s paper is the second in a series on the nexus between education and other Sustainable Development Goals, the last of which focused on education and climate. With schools at the core, and partnerships like the School Meals Coalition providing actionable insights, the framework extends to awareness campaigns and training to reach adults. It includes professional development drives for nutrition and health workers, and empowering farmers and researchers to promote biodiversity in food production.

Launch date: Wednesday March 26