Espace Presse et ´¡³¦³Ù³Ü²¹±ô¾±³Ù¨¦²õ
Trouvez tous les communiqu¨¦s de presse et les actualit¨¦s les plus r¨¦centes sur le travail de l'UNESCO et les questions li¨¦es ¨¤ l'¨¦ducation, la science, la culture, la communication et l'information ¨¤ travers le monde, y compris le contenu multim¨¦dia et d'autres ressources pour les journalistes.
UNESCO's action in the Gaza Strip / Palestine
Following the Hamas terrorist attack against Israeli civilians on 7 October, the operations of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip have caused a serious humanitarian crisis affecting all aspects of civilian life. UNESCO is mobilized within the framework of its mandate for education, culture and press freedom.
?UNESCO Office in Ramallah