
FAQ of the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference
Dernière mise à jour12 octobre 2023

Chaque Etat membre ou Membre associé nomme au plus cinq délégués choisis après consultation de la commission nationale ou, s’il n’en existe pas, des institutions et corps éducatifs, scientifiques et culturels.

En outre, toute délégation peut comprendre au plus cinq délégués suppléants et autant de conseillers et d’experts qu’il est jugé nécessaire par chaque Etat membre ou Membre associé.

Le chef de chaque délégation peut désigner tout délégué, délégué suppléant, conseiller ou expert de sa délégation pour représenter celle-ci au sein d’un comité, d’une commission ou d’un autre organe subsidiaire de la Conférence générale. Sauf disposition contraire du présent Règlement, le représentant principal d’une délégation au sein d’un comité, d’une commission ou d’un autre organe subsidiaire de la Conférence peut être accompagné par les membres de sa délégation dont il considère la présence nécessaire pour l’assister dans ses fonctions, sous réserve des restrictions spéciales que le comité, la commission ou l’autre organe subsidiaire intéressé peut adopter si la nature des travaux ou les conditions matérielles l’exigent.

  1. Les pouvoirs des délégués et des suppléants émanent soit du chef de l’État ou du gouvernement, soit du ministre des affaires étrangères. Toutefois, l’Organisation acceptera comme pleinement valables les pouvoirs signés par un autre ministre compétent dans le cas où le ministre des affaires étrangères de l’État membre intéressé aura fait savoir par une communication écrite au Directeur général que ce ministre est autorisé à délivrer des pleins pouvoirs.
  2. Les pouvoirs des délégués des Membres associés et de leurs suppléants émanent des autorités compétentes.
  3. Ces pouvoirs sont communiqués au Directeur général. Les noms du chef de délégation, des délégués et des suppléants sont communiqués au Directeur général une semaine avant la date d’ouverture de la session.
  4. Les noms des experts et conseillers qui font partie de la délégation sont également communiqués au Directeur général.

Les pouvoirs émanant d’une autorité compétente doivent être transmis au Secrétariat une semaine avant la date d’ouverture de la session. En cas d’envoi par la poste, il est souhaitable de marquer sur l’enveloppe, d’une manière visible, « Pouvoirs des délégations » afin d’assurer le bon acheminement interne.

Il est possible d’envoyer en avance une copie par courriel(link sends e-mail).

Les délégations dont les pouvoirs n’ont pas encore été présentés au Directeur général sont priées de les remettre directement au Secrétariat du Comité de vérification des pouvoirs (hall de Miro, rez-de-chaussée du bâtiment Fontenoy) le plus tôt possible pendant la session. Responsable: M Fabrizio Mastrogirolamo, Secrétaire du Comité.

Des badges de sécurité comportant une photo du titulaire sont nécessaires pour accéder et circuler dans tous les bâtiments. Les photos d'identité doivent être téléchargées lors de l'inscription en ligne. Tous les délégués s'étant inscrits en ligne (et ayant fourni une photo d'identité) trouveront leur badge prêt à l'arrivée. 

  • Plenary meeting

The general assembly of the Member States, or plenary meeting, examines the recommendations submitted to it and takes all decisions. Heads of delegation attend the plenary meetings and take part in the General Policy Debate.

  • Bureau of the Conference

The Bureau of the General Conference consists of the President and Vice-Presidents of the General Conference, and the Chairpersons of its subsidiary bodies. The Bureau steers the work of the session and coordinates the work of the commissions and committees. It sets the agenda of the plenary meetings, draws up the list of speakers in the general policy debate, and examines requests for the inclusion of new items in the agenda. The chairperson of each commission makes a regular report to the Bureau on the progress of the work.

  • Subsidiary bodies

The General Conference may set up, at each session, whatever subsidiary bodies (generally commissions) it deems necessary for the conduct of its work. In view of the many topics to be addressed, the plenary meeting refers a large part of the agenda items to the commissions and committees. The elected bureau of each commission consists of a Chairperson, four Vice-Chairpersons and a Rapporteur, who are assisted by a secretariat composed of staff members specially seconded to the commission for the duration of the session. The agendas of the commissions are organized around one of the main themes (major programmes) of UNESCO’s programme, but each commission considers a great variety of topics connected with the central one.

  • Four statutory committees
    • The Legal Committee consists of 24 members elected at the previous session; it is responsible for considering draft amendments to the Constitution or Rules of Procedure of the General Conference, and legal matters which are submitted to it. Acting as a credentials committee, the Committee shall also examine and report to the Conference on the credentials of the delegations of Member States and Associate Members, of representatives of the United Nations and the specialized agencies, and of observers sent by non-Member States and other intergovernmental organizations.
    • The Nominations Committee consists of the heads of all the delegations with voting rights at the General Conference; it examines and submits to the General Conference proposals concerning the composition of commissions and committees and other bodies whose members must be elected by the General Conference.
    • The Bureau steers the work of the General Conference and coordinates the work of commissions and committees; it is made up of the President and Vice-Presidents of the General Conference and the chairpersons of the subsidiary organs.
    • The Headquarters Committee consists of 24 members elected at the previous session; it advises the Director-General on questions concerning the Organization’s Headquarters. It reports thereon to the General Conference.

The Delegates’ Information Bureau is responsible for the website of the General Conference; the daily e-journal; the announcements on the flat-screens and the MAG.  

The e-journal of the General Conference includes the agenda of the proceedings of the day and reports on the debates and the proceedings of the previous day. It provides information on the side events such as special meetings and official visits.

The Information team coordinates the information available on the screens - located throughout Fontenoy, Miollis and Bonvin buildings - announcing the agenda and timetable of the programme commissions, results of elections etc.

The MAG is a magazine which will be available on the first day of the session of the General Conference. It offers an overview of the special meetings and the side events taking place throughout the Conference.

Delegates are welcome to contact the Delegates’ Information Bureau for any update on the work of the General Conference.

The UNESCO Digital Library houses a collection of all the documents of the General Conference. The UNESCO Digital Library provides full-text access to documents published since 1945, as well as resolutions from all the main bodies and documents from the plenary sessions since 1946.

The QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) present on each document allows you to download the text onto smart devices.

The agendas bear annotations and hyperlinks to the documents.

Two documents: C/1 (Agenda) and C/2 (Organization of work) must be read so that you can decide which commissions and meetings you will attend.

The same applies to the Journal of the General Conference, which is issued every day, starting on the first day of the session.

In the plenary meeting rooms and in the commissions, Member States have a place which is allocated in alphabetical order according to the name of each country in French, starting with a country which is chosen by drawing lots. For the 42nd session, seating will start by Lebanon.

The number of seats per delegation varies according to the room. Places will be set aside for observers.

The working languages are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Simultaneous interpretation is provided in these six languages; all documents which require a decision by the General Conference are also published in these languages.

Information documents (C/INF.), reports (C/REP) and the Journal of the General Conference are available in English and French only.

Credentials must be sent to the Director-General one week before the opening date of the session (Rule 23 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference).

Delegations whose credentials have not been presented in advance to the Director-General are requested to hand them directly to the Secretariat of the Legal Committee, which is responsible for checking the credentials of all the delegations.

Before or at the beginning of the session, check the Speakers’ List on the General Conference website that the day and time when the head of your delegation is due to speak in the General Policy Debate in Plenary correspond to the request made by your delegation.

If your country is not yet on the Speakers’ List, and if the head of your delegation would like to speak in plenary, please send an email to GPD42@unesco.org as early as possible. 

  1. Each Member State and Associate Member shall appoint no more than five delegates, who shall be selected after consultation with the National Commission, if established, or with educational, scientific and cultural bodies.
  2. Each delegation may also include not more than five alternate delegates and as many advisers and experts as each Member State and Associate Member deems necessary.

The head of a delegation may designate any delegate, alternate delegate, adviser or expert in his/her delegation to represent his/her delegation in a committee, commission or other subsidiary organ of the General Conference. Unless otherwise specified in these rules, the principal representative of a delegation on any committee, commission or other subsidiary organ of the Conference may be accompanied by such other members of his/her delegation as he/she may require to assist him/her; however, the committee, commission or other subsidiary organ concerned may adopt special restrictions if the nature of the business or physical conditions so require.

Security badges bearing a picture of the holder are necessary to accede and circulate in all buildings. ID-size pictures must be uploaded while doing registration online. All delegates having registered online (and provided an ID-size picture) will find their badges ready on arrival.