Assessment of media development in Palestine
ISBN : 978-92-3-100021-8
Collation : 112 p.

The UNESCO Media Development Indicators (MDIs) are an internationally recognized framework for assessing national media landscapes and identifying media development priorities. They were unanimously endorsed by the Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) in 2008. The IPDC Council called for the application of the MDIs in partnership with national stakeholders, with the objective of the MDIs serving as an analytical tool for all those seeking to develop an enabling environment for free, independent, and pluralistic media. The MDI assessment in Palestine was conducted by UNESCO in partnership with the Media Development Center (MDC) at Birzeit University.
The report is the third in the Arab world after studies in Egypt and Tunisia. It is the first study of its kind undertaken in Palestine in terms of its scope and number of participants involved. It is also the first comprehensive study of the national media landscape to be conducted in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with a balanced representation of experts from both parts of the country. In order to ensure accuracy and avoid bias, participants from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were systematically involved throughout the study. This applied to the respondents surveyed and interviewed, the researchers conducting the MDI assessment and the attendees at discussion meetings and conferences related to the MDI report. Special attention was also given to gender balance in all these areas.
The timing of this MDI study coincides with discussions taking place in Palestine on the development and implementation of a national media strategy. The initiative to develop a National Media Strategy was launched in 2012 by the Media Development Center at Birzeit University, with the official approval of the Prime Minister’s Office. A national task force involving members representing the public authorities, the media, and civil society was formed, and extensive consultations have been held. Findings of the MDI assessment process in Palestine have constituted a significant input into the discussions in this area, and it is UNESCO’s hope that they will continue to serve as a reference resource during the implementation phase of the Strategy.