
The Andean Glacier and Water Atlas

The atlas is a comprehensive report on the state of glaciers in the Andes mountains and their impact on water resources.
The Andean glacier and water atlas: the impact of glacier retreat on water resources
Johansen, Kari Synnove
Alfthan, Bj?rn
Baker, Elaine
Hesping, Malena
Schoolmeester, Tina
Verbist, Koen
Global Resource Information Data Base

The Atlas is a collaborative effort between UNESCO and GRID-Arendal, and it highlights the rapid retreat of Andean glaciers due to climate change. The report emphasizes the crucial role glaciers play in providing water for millions of people in the region, particularly during the dry season. It details the environmental consequences of glacier shrinkage, including water scarcity, increased risks of floods, and ecosystem disruption. The Atlas also provides valuable information on the different climatic zones within the Andes and the impact of El Ni?o on regional weather patterns. Furthermore, it outlines adaptation strategies for communities and policymakers to mitigate the impacts of climate change, such as water harvesting, improved water management infrastructure, and ecosystem-based adaptation measures. The report concludes with a set of policy recommendations aimed at promoting sustainable water management and safeguarding mountain ecosystems.