Revised Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab States
The States Parties to the present Convention,
Recognizing that the right to higher education is a basic human right, and that knowledge is the common property of humankind, to which every individual should have access,
Considering that higher education, which has a fundamental role to play in the formation of human capital and advancement of knowledge, constitutes an exceptional cultural and scientific resource for the development of individuals and societies alike,
Considering that higher education contributes to the promotion of peace and tolerance through optimum knowledge and understanding of the Other, thereby helping to build mutual understanding between peoples and nations while ensuring respect for their diversity,
Recognizing the radical changes in and rapid development of higher education and the growth in demand for specializations which meet the needs of the contemporary world, as well as the effective role that civil society and the private sector may play in meeting such needs,
Considering that higher education is a public service provided by state and private sector institutions, and according the utmost importance to the principles of academic freedom and the independence of higher education and scientific research institutions, and recognizing the need to safeguard and protect those principles,
Considering that the diversity of higher education systems and of the languages and programmes of higher education available in the Arab States constitutes a major resource which should be respected and safeguarded, and which is conducive to the best possible training of the young people of the countries of the region,
Prompted by the desire to facilitate access for the greatest possible number of persons wishing to pursue their studies in higher education, regardless of social class, gender, nationality or community affiliation, and considering the need to devote special attention to the regional balance within individual countries, and to persons with special needs,
Recognizing the need to promote enrolment in education, to encourage the exchange of ideas, knowledge and information regarding scientific and technological experiments, and to develop the capacity of institutions to take in students and promote continuing education and training,
Recognizing the changes in higher education in the region and the increase the means of accessing information in higher education, which means that consideration needs to be given to different modern forms of education, for example remote, interactive and hybrid education through the use of modern information technologies,
Recognizing that the increasingly international scope of higher education, scientific research and innovation, owing to the rapid exchange of information and the increased mobility of people around the world, makes it necessary to expand access to educational resources and encourage the greater mobility of students, researchers, teachers and specialists between the countries of the region and between the region and the wider world,
Recognizing that the interdependence of economic, social and cultural growth in the world requires sustainable cooperation between the countries of the region and with other regions of the world,
Considering the common heritage and the close national, intellectual and cultural ties which unite them, and reaffirming, with a view to its achievement, the intellectual and cultural cooperation stipulated in the Arab Cultural Treaty of 21 Dhoul Hydgah 1364 (27 November 1945) and the Pact of Arab Cultural Unity of 16 Chawal 1383 (29 February 1964), and the relevant bilateral and multilateral agreements, related to this Convention
Prompted by the desire to promote education, scientific research, innovation and training and to enhance existing cooperation between them in areas such as the use of human resources to achieve the greatest possible economic, social and cultural development and regional integration,
Prompted by the desire to safeguard the cultural identity of their citizens, alongside the need to be open to other cultures of the world,
Recalling the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education, adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at its 40th session in 2019 and also recalling the agreements signed by the Arab and European Mediterranean States, which partially address the issue of the recognition of certificates by States Parties, as well as other bilateral and multilateral agreements on that issue,
Convinced that mutual recognition of higher education studies, certificates and degrees by all authorities and institutions would constitute a major step towards facilitating the mobility of students, teaching staff, specialists and researchers,
Convinced, in view of the diversity and complexity of curricula, that it is desirable to adopt policies for evaluating qualifications when recognizing stages of study completed and to take into account not only the academic certificates and degrees obtained, but also the courses of study followed and the knowledge and experience acquired both in the Arab States and further afield,
Expressing the hope that this Convention may constitute a step towards more comprehensive action with a view to the application of the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education, between all Member States of UNESCO,
Have agreed as follows:
Article I - Definitions
For the purpose of this Convention, the terms below shall have the following meaning:
Accreditation: a decision made by an academic body officially charged with periodic evaluation of institutions, education and research programmes and certificates of higher education according to obligatory quality assurance criteria and requirements.
Knowledge acquired and professional experience: knowledge and experience obtained through non-formal education in the course of daily work relating to professional activities or other activities outside the scope of formal education.
Admission: procedures allowing qualified candidates to enrol in institutions or programmes of higher education.
Certificate of higher education: any academic degree or qualification awarded by an institute of higher education, indicating successful completion of a particular programme of higher education.
Qualification of higher education: any academic degree, certificate or other document awarded by a competent authority, confirming successful completion by the holder of the qualification of a programme of higher education.
Qualification allowing enrolment in higher education: any academic degree, certificate or other document awarded by a competent authority, confirming successful completion by the holder of the certificate of a course of study and granting him/ her the right to be considered for admission to institutions and programmes of higher education.
General conditions for admission to higher education: the rules and criteria which should in all cases be met for enrolment in institutions or programmes of higher education.
Special conditions for admission to higher education: the rules and criteria which, in addition to the general conditions, should be met for enrolment in a particular programme of higher education;
1978 Convention: Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab States adopted in Paris on 22 December 1978.
Secondary education: the stage of studies, of any kind, following primary and preparatory education, the aims of which may include, inter alia, preparing students to enrol in higher education.
Higher education: all programmes of study, training and research at university level, recognized by the relevant authorities in a State Party as falling within the scope of its higher education system.
Institution of higher education: an institution offering higher education and recognized by the competent authorities of a State Party as an institution belonging to its educational system.
Partial studies: part of a programme of higher education not sanctioned with a certificate, but which is nevertheless coherent and subject to evaluation and attestation in accordance with the criteria of a higher education establishment; it represents acquisition of knowledge and skills, even if it does not constitute a complete programme of study.
Evaluation of certificates and qualifications: the process of evaluating an applicant’s qualifications, partial studies or previous academic attainment, carried out by a competent authority.
Evaluation of institutions and programmes: a process allowing the implementation of quality assurance criteria by an institution or programme of higher education to be determined.
Licensing: a decision made by an official body charged with granting permission for the establishment of an institution or new, specialized branch of an existing institution qualified to offer courses and award certificates of higher education.
Mobility: the relocation of individuals outside their own countries for purposes of study, research, teaching or work.
Displaced person: a person forced to abandon his or her district or social milieu and professional activities for elsewhere either inside or outside his or her country of residence.
Programme of higher education: a defined stage of study recognized by the competent State authority as a stage of its higher education system, successful completion of which results in a student being awarded a higher education qualification.
Recognition of certificates: a testimonial awarded by an authority competent in higher education after evaluating a certificate of higher education previously obtained by an individual in a State Party and given for the purpose of enrolling in education and/ or taking up employment.
Article II - Aims
1. The States Parties declare their firm resolve to cooperate closely to achieve the following aims:
(a) Encourage, in the interest of all States Parties, the widest and most efficient use of available human resources in the field of training and research to help accelerate the development of the States Parties;
(b) Promote regional and international cooperation on the recognition of academic studies and certificates;
(c) Facilitate academic and professional exchanges and the widest possible mobility of academic staff, students and research workers in the region;
(d) Facilitate the recognition of studies, certificates and degrees awarded by other States Parties in order to allow students to begin or continue their higher education;
(e) Constantly improve and enhance study programmes and education planning methodologies, taking into account the Arab character and identity and the demands of economic, social and cultural development;
(f) Promote a stimulating working environment for professors and researchers, in which academic freedom and the autonomy of institutions of higher education are respected, with a view to halting the brain drain from the Arab States;
(g) Promote confidence in the quality and integrity of qualifications by various means, including the encouragement of creative practices in higher education;
(h) Promote the possibility of having confidence in measures designed to frame, recognize and ensure the quality of qualifications and promote their integration, and to build the capacities needed in order to facilitate mobility between States Parties and regions;
(i) Encourage the preparation of relevant, accessible, up-to-date, transparent and reliable information and contribute to the sharing of such information between the appropriate bodies, parties and regions;
(j) Enhance the quality of higher education, promote the credibility of certificates of higher education in States Parties, increase the competitiveness of higher education at the regional and international levels, and encourage the creation of a quality control body to facilitate the process
of accreditation;
(k) Promote the development and coordination of joint programmes between institutions of higher education, and encourage the awarding of joint certificates;
(l) Promote the transparency of higher education systems, institutions and programmes;
(m) Adopt the goals contained in the recommendations of bodies such as UNESCO, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and the Association of Arab Universities, especially recommendations relating to the continuous improvement of the quality of education, the promotion of continuing education, and the governance of systems of higher education.
2. The provisions of the present Convention shall apply to studies pursued and academic certificates and degrees obtained at any institution of higher education under the authority of a State Party, but located outside its territory, within the limits permitted by the provisions in force in each State Party.
Article III.1 - Obligation of coordination
The States Parties undertake to:
(a) Take all necessary measures at the national, bilateral and multilateral levels to facilitate the application of this Convention, while encouraging the conclusion of cooperation agreements between institutions of higher education;
(b) Seek to develop common terminology and programme evaluation criteria to facilitate the application of a system of comparing credits, subjects of studies and certificates.
Article III.2 - Direct obligations
The States Parties undertake to:
(a) Facilitate recognition of the higher education qualifications and certificates awarded by other States Parties and promote transparency in systems of higher education;
(b) Develop flexible criteria for evaluating certificates, taking into account the development of modern higher education systems in other countries, as well as programme content and the possibility of comparing credits, with the aim of facilitating academic mobility and designing joint programmes;
(c) Encourage the mobility of students, teachers and researchers between institutions of higher education in States Parties on the basis of the general and special conditions for admission and continuation of study;
(d) Improve the system of information exchange to serve the aims of this Convention and ensure the credibility of certificates.
Article IV.1 - Transparency of higher education systems, institutions, programmes and certificates
1. The States Parties endeavour to adapt their national laws to the provisions of this Convention with a view to evaluating their higher education systems and ensuring the transparency and credibility of those systems, and of their institutions, programmes and certificates;
2. Each State Party shall provide clear and accurate information on their higher education systems to other States Parties in order to facilitate the process of recognizing qualifications; to this end, each State Party undertakes to:
(a) Publish and update full information on its national higher education system and make available to the other States Parties a list of institutions recognized by the national body responsible for licensing the establishment of institutes of higher education;
(b) Provide a detailed description of state-recognized programmes and certificates enabling students to pursue their studies, have access to employment, and practice a profession;
(c) Publish and disseminate accreditation decisions on higher education institutions and programmes after the competent national body has conducted a periodic evaluation of these institutions and programmes.
Article IV.2 - Evaluation of higher education institutions and programmes
In order to encourage States Parties to improve the quality of the higher education system in each State Party and help to ensure greater consistency in the recognition of certificates among the countries of the region, States Parties undertake to:
(a) Adopt national evaluation and accreditation mechanisms in the form of a body or entity charged with evaluating the quality of education provided by an institution or programme of higher education, taking into account the need to develop and adapt higher education to social and economic changes;
(b) Urge institutions of higher education to conduct periodic self-evaluation of the education they provide and promote publication of their research activities, and to promote the publication of research undertaken in such institutions.
Article IV.3 - Coordination in higher education between States Parties
Each State Party undertakes to make available to other States Parties the methodologies and criteria it uses to evaluate the institutions of higher education, as well as the results of such evaluation.
Article V.1 - General principles for evaluating and recognizing qualifications and certificates
1. The recognition by a State Party of an academic certificate or qualification awarded or recognized by another State Party for the purpose of commencing or continuing higher education studies permits the holder to apply to enrol in institutions of higher education and scientific research in that State under the same conditions as holders of a similar academic certificate or degree. Such recognition, however, does not exempt the holder of the certificate or degree from having to meet the other conditions imposed by the laws or regulations governing admission to institutions of higher education in the countries in question.
2. A State Party that recognizes a university certificate or degree for the purpose of allowing the holder to practice a particular profession shall grant the holder the possibility of submitting a request to practice the profession if he or she has fulfilled the conditions required by the competent body in that State Party to practice that profession.
3. Recognition by a State Party of a certificate or degree awarded by another State Party requires that each State uphold all the obligations necessary to achieve the aims of this Convention. To this end, each State Party undertakes to:
(a) Take the necessary measures to assess and evaluate requests for the recognition of all qualifications and of all grades, without discrimination;
(b) Seek to ensure that the procedures and criteria used to evaluate and recognize qualifications are transparent, coherent, reliable and fair, in accordance with the decisions governing such recognition, and on the basis of information which is relevant to the qualifications whose recognition is sought;
(c) Instruct all institutions within the higher education system to respond to reasonable requests for information submitted for the purpose of evaluating the qualifications awarded by those institutions, or encourage such institutions to do so if necessary.
4. For studies, qualifications or certificates to be evaluated, the applicant must provide all the documentation required to assess the request; awarding institutions in States Parties must provide the applicant and the institution or competent authorities in the country where the request for recognition is submitted with all the relevant information that they can provide.
5. If a request is rejected, the evaluating body must ensure that it is able to demonstrate that the request submitted to it failed to meet the required conditions.
6. The competent authority must determine in advance how long the recognition process will take. An applicant must be informed of the reasons why his or her certificates have been refused recognition and advised of any additional terms and conditions he or she may need to meet to obtain recognition at a later date.
7. Citizens of a State Party who have obtained one or more academic certificates or degrees from a non-State Party may benefit from the provisions of this Convention, on condition that the relevant certificates and degrees are recognized both in their country of origin and in the country where the applicants wish to continue their higher studies.
Article V.2 - Recognition of qualifications allowing enrolment in higher education
1. For the purpose of admission to subsequent stages of education in institutions of higher education in its territory, each State Party undertakes to recognize the secondary school certificates or equivalent thereof of other States Parties, in accordance with national legislation and under the same conditions as apply to holders of national certificates, provided that there are no fundamental differences between the knowledge acquired in the country awarding the certificate and the country where recognition is sought.
2. If the secondary school leaving certificates awarded by a particular State Party are insufficient for enrolment in higher education in another State Party, the latter may impose supplementary conditions on enrolment, such as requiring additional examinations to be passed, or alternative conditions which are consistent with its own education and certificate equivalence system.
3. A State Party may limit or restrict admission to a particular institution of higher education or a specific programme offered by that institution, if admission is subject to certain conditions, such as absorptive capacity, passing entrance examinations, adequate knowledge of the language of instruction, or compliance with the planning and development requirements of the host country.
4. For the purpose of continuing studies directly and being admitted to subsequent stages of higher education in institutions located in its territory, each State Party undertakes to take the necessary measures to recognize the qualifications awarded by an institution of higher education located in the territory of another State Party and recognized by it, under the same conditions as apply to holders of national certificates. Each full or partial stage of higher education study must be completed according to the procedures established by the competent authorities, unless it can be established that there is a fundamental difference between the general conditions of enrolment in the country where the certificate was awarded and the country where recognition is sought.
Article V.3 - Recognition of partial studies
1. Each State Party shall facilitate recognition of an incomplete period of study, in terms of duration or of content, under a programme of higher education in another State Party, on condition that it meets the conditions and qualifications required of a programme of higher education in the State where recognition is sought.
2. The States Parties shall facilitate recognition of periods of study in cases where a prior agreement has been concluded between institutions of higher education in two States Parties or where a certificate or report card indicates that the conditions for a particular period of study have been met.
Article V.4 - Recognition of higher education certificates
1. Each State Party undertakes to facilitate the procedures for recognition of higher education certificates awarded by another State Party unless it is established that there is a fundamental difference between the certificate whose recognition is sought and its equivalent in the country where the request for recognition is submitted.
2. Recognition by a State Party of a higher education certificate awarded by another State Party allows the holder to continue his or her higher education studies under the same conditions as holders of national certificates or qualifications, to use academic certificates, or to practice a profession, in observance of the laws and regulations of the country where the request for recognition is submitted.
3. Each State Party may make recognition of higher education qualifications awarded by an institution located in its territory conditional on special provisions of national law or specific agreements concluded with the institution’s home country.
4. Each State Party undertakes to inform the other States Parties of its decisions concerning recognition of certificates and skills, while maintaining the confidentiality of personal information.
Article V.5 - Recognition of knowledge gained and personal experience
The States Parties undertake to consider the formulation and development of criteria permitting the recognition of knowledge acquired and personal skills of good quality and credibility demonstrated in a professional environment, with a view to continuing studies in higher education, on condition that this is consistent with national legislation.
Article V.6 - Recognition of certificates in special cases
Each State Party undertakes, in a manner consistent with its constitutional, legal and administrative provisions, to take all the necessary measures within its educational system to adopt appropriate procedures permitting the evaluation of the certificates of refugees and displaced persons who meet the conditions for enrolment in higher education.
Article VI.1 - National higher education information centre
1. Each State Party undertakes to establish a new national information centre or to entrust a similar existing entity with collecting, analysing, disseminating, classifying and updating useful information on its higher education system, recognized institutions of higher education established in its territory, programmes of higher education and fields of specialization, as well as studies, degrees and certificates. The centre shall be the sole national authority permitted to release official information, especially concerning the recognition of certificates.
2. To obtain comprehensive information on the application of the Convention and to monitor requests for recognition, the centre will collect full information on legislation, standards, procedures, measures and decisions pertaining to the recognition of certificates by the competent national authorities.
3. A State Party which has not established an information centre or similar entity undertakes to provide Member States, in timely fashion and on a regular basis, with full, reliable and up-to-date information on the recognized institutions of higher education established in its territory, on higher education programmes, fields of specialization and studies, and degrees and certificates, as well as on the recognition of higher education qualifications and certificates.
4. Each State Party shall take into consideration the procedures and mechanisms used and the information gathered by national, regional and international bodies, especially UNESCO, ALECSO and the Association of Arab Universities.
5. A State Party shall urge all national institutions of higher education to collect, analyse and classify information pertaining to activities relating to higher education studies and certificates, and to provide the national centre as soon as possible with any information it may need in that regard.
Article VI.2 - National authorities responsible for implementation of the Convention
The States Parties recognize that attainment of the aims and fulfilment of the obligations set forth in this Convention will require, at the national level, close cooperation and coordination of efforts on the part of various national authorities, both governmental and non-governmental, and particularly of institutions of higher education. To this end, the States Parties undertake to:
(a) Create national bodies or, if necessary, designate and strengthen existing bodies, provide them with support in the form of qualified human resources and advanced technological aids, and take all the administrative measures necessary to expedite and facilitate their work, enabling them to examine and resolve problems with the implementation of the Convention, coordinate relevant issues, and cooperate with the sectors concerned.
(b) Encourage close cooperation between the various national authorities, and the coordination of efforts needed among them in order to achieve the aims and apply the provisions of this Convention, especially the national information centre and other governmental and non-governmental authorities concerned, including institutions of higher education, attestation bodies, professional organizations and other educational institutions and associations.
Article VI.3 - Regional Committee
1. A regional committee shall be established, consisting of representatives of all States Parties, as well as members of the national information centres network, referred to in Article VI.4. The Director-General of UNESCO shall provide the secretariat to the Regional Committee.
2. The Regional Committee shall monitor the implementation of this Convention, in cooperation and coordination with the regional organizations concerned with its aims, such as ALECSO, the Association of Arab Universities, and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO).
3. The task of the Regional Committee shall be to promote the application of the Convention and to broaden its practical application. The Regional Committee shall receive and examine the periodic reports submitted by States Parties on progress in that area, and on the obstacles they are encountering to the application of the Convention. The Regional Committee shall also examine studies relating to the Convention compiled by its secretariat. The States Parties undertake to submit a report to the Regional Committee at least once every two years.
4. The Regional Committee shall instruct the national information centres network to prepare studies on adapting the aims of this Convention to meet the changing needs of social, cultural and economic development in the States Parties.
5. The Regional Committee shall transmit to the States Parties recommendations which shall enter into force when approved by at least two-thirds of the States Parties present and voting.
6. The secretariat of the Regional Committee shall provide the States Parties with the information they need for their activities from the national information centres network.
7. The Regional Committee shall be authorized to propose to the States Parties plans and measures for the implementation of this Convention, and to coordinate the simultaneous efforts of the States Parties and UNESCO for its practical application.
8. The Regional Committee shall meet whenever necessary and at least once a year. It shall elect a chairperson and adopt its rules of procedure. It shall establish the technical working groups needed for the performance of its task, and shall define the scope and authority of those bodies.
Article VI.4 - Network of national information centres
1. The Regional Committee shall establish a network of all national information centres and similar bodies; the States Parties undertake to support this national information centres network, whose purpose shall be to promote cooperation among the centres through the collection and exchange of information in order to facilitate the academic mobility of students, teaching staff and researchers, and the recognition of certificates.
2. Each State Party shall designate its national information centre or a similar entity as a member of the network, to be represented by its director, who shall have recognized competence and experience in the field.
3. Each State Party shall contribute to the financing and operation of the network. The members of the network shall meet at the same time as the annual meeting of the Regional Committee.
4. The States Parties may charge the network with studying and finding solutions to the problems hampering application of the Convention at the bilateral, subregional and regional levels.
5. The network may help to examine systems of recognition and ways of improving them by undertaking statistical and qualitative studies. It may also reflect on the future development of higher education systems in its capacity as an observatory for issues relating to the application of this Convention and to the academic mobility of students, teaching staff and researchers, in addition to difficulties in the application of the Convention.
Article VII.1 - Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval, and accession
1. This Convention shall be open for signature and to ratification, to acceptance or to approval:
(a) To the Member States of the League of Arab States;
(b) To the Member States of UNESCO belonging to the Arab region, as defined in the “Definition of regions with a view to the execution by the Organization of regional activities” adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO.
2. The Regional Committee may allow UNESCO Member States which do not belong to the Arab region and the Holy See to accede to this Convention in conformity with the following procedure:
(a) Requests to accede to this Convention shall be submitted in writing to the Director-General of UNESCO, who, in turn, shall forward them to all States Parties at least three months before the meeting of the Regional Committee;
(b) The Regional Committee shall meet in an ad hoc manner to take decisions on such requests and the Committee members should be given clear authorization for this purpose from their governments. The decisions in such cases shall be taken by a two-thirds majority of the States Parties present and voting;
(c) This procedure shall apply only when a majority of the States referred to in the first paragraph of Article VII.1 have expressed their consent to be bound by this Convention by any of the means specified in paragraph 3 of Article VII.1.
3. The consent to be bound by this Convention may be expressed by one of the following means:
(a) a signature without reservation of the ratification, acceptance or approval;
(b) a signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, followed by the deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval;
(c) the deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
4. The instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Director-General of UNESCO.
Article VII.2 - Entry into force
This Convention shall enter into force one month after the date on which five of the States referred to in Article VII.1 have consented to be bound by the Convention by any of the means specified in paragraph 3 of Article VII.1. The Convention shall enter into force with respect to any other States Parties one month after they have expressed their consent to be bound by this Convention by any of the means specified in paragraph 3 of Article VII.1.
Article VII.3 - Relations between the States Parties to this Convention and the States Parties to the Regional Recognition Conventions and to other Treaties
1. This Convention shall have no effect whatsoever on treaties and conventions in force between States Parties or on national laws of States which have wider benefits than those provided for in this Convention.
2. The States Parties to this Convention which are also Contracting States to the 1978 Convention:
(a) shall apply the provisions of this Convention in their mutual relations;
(b) shall continue to apply the 1978 Convention in their relations with the Contracting States to the 1978 Convention which are not States Parties to the present Convention.
3. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to refrain from becoming Contracting States to the 1978 Convention in the event they are not already Contracting States to that Convention.
Article VII.4 - Denunciation
1. Any State Party may denounce the Convention.
2. The denunciation shall be notified by an instrument in writing deposited with the Director-General of UNESCO.
3. The denunciation shall take effect 12 months after the instrument of denunciation is received by the Director-General of UNESCO. It shall in no way have retroactive effects, nor shall it affect the recognition of studies, certificates, diplomas, degrees or other qualifications which has taken place in accordance with the provisions of this Convention previously.
Article VII.5 - Amendments
1. Any State Party may propose amendments to modify this Convention.
2. Proposals for amendments to this Convention shall be submitted in writing to the Director-General of UNESCO, who shall forward them to the States Parties within 30 days of receipt thereof.
3. The Regional Committee of the Convention shall examine the proposals within one (1) year following notification of States Parties.
4. Amendments shall be adopted by the Regional Committee by a two-thirds majority of the States Parties present and voting.
5. Any amendment so adopted shall be incorporated into a Protocol to this Convention. The Protocol shall specify the modalities for its entry into force, which, in any event, shall require the expression of consent by the States Parties to be bound by it.
Article VII.6 - Functions of the depositary
1. The Director-General of UNESCO shall be the depositary for this Convention.
2. The depositary shall inform the States Parties and the other Member States of UNESCO and the United Nations of the deposit of the instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession referred to in Article VII.1, and of the denunciations referred to in Article VII.4.
Article VII.7 - Registration
In accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations, this Convention shall be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations at the request of the Director-General of UNESCO.
Article VII.8 - Authentic texts
This Convention has been drawn up in Arabic, English and French, all three texts being equally authentic.
Opened for signature
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