Regulations for the general classification of the various categories of meetings convened by UNESCO
Adopted by the General Conference at its 14th session and amended at its 18th, 25th, 33rd and 37th sessions.1
Article 1 - Character of meetings
Meetings convened by UNESCO shall be divided into two groups: meetings of a representative character and meetings of a non-representative character.
Article 2 - Meetings of a representative character
Meetings of a representative character shall be meetings at which either states or governments or intergovernmental or international non-governmental organizations are represented as chief participants.
Article 3 - Meetings of a non-representative character
Meetings of a non-representative character shall be meetings at which the chief participants act in a private capacity.
Article 4 - Chief participants
For the purposes of the Regulations, the chief participants shall be those enjoying the full rights of the meeting in question, including the right to vote where applicable.
Article 5 - Categories of meetings
1. Meetings of a representative character convened by UNESCO shall be divided into three categories:
(a) International conferences of states (category I) ;
(b) Intergovernmental meetings other than international conferences of states (category II) ;
(c) Non-governmental conferences (category III).
2. Meetings of a non-representative character convened by UNESCO shall be divided into five categories:
(a) International congresses (category IV);
(b) Advisory committees (category V);
(c) Expert committees (category VI);
(d) Seminars, training and refresher courses (category VII);
(e) Symposia (category VIII).
Article 6 - Scope
Subject to the provisions contained in the instruments, statutes or agreements relating to the meetings specified hereunder, and to the decisions taken by the competent organs of UNESCO concerning such meetings, the Director-General shall take all necessary preliminary steps for the application to these meetings of the present Regulations:
(a) Meetings convened under legal instruments of a binding character applicable to UNESCO;
(b) Meetings of bodies established within UNESCO and having their own statutes;
(c) Meetings convened under a standing agreement concluded by UNESCO with another organization; and
(d) Meetings convened jointly by UNESCO and another organization.
Article 7 - Official name of meetings
The names of meetings governed by the provisions of these Regulations shall be determined by the convening body or, failing that, by the Director-General.
Article 7A
Without prejudice to other provisions of these Regulations, the General Conference, the Executive Board or the Director-General, according to the category of meeting, shall decide upon the African liberation movements recognized by the African Union which are to be invited to send observers to the meetings referred to in these Regulations.
I. International conferences of states
Article 8 - Definition
International conferences of states, in the sense of Article IV, paragraph 3, of the Constitution, are conferences bringing together representatives of states, and reporting the results of their work to these same states, whether these results lead to the conclusion of international agreements or whether they provide a basis for the action to be undertaken by the states.
Article 9 - Convening
1. International conferences of states shall be convened by the General Conference.
2. Whenever the subject of an international conference of states also falls within the competence of the United Nations or another organization of the United Nations system there shall be consultation with those organizations before the General Conference takes its decision.
Article 10 - Terms of reference
The General Conference shall prescribe the terms of reference of the international conferences of states which it calls.
Article 11 - Participants
1. The General Conference, or the Executive Board, authorized by it:
(a) Shall decide which states shall be invited;
(b) Shall decide which Associate Members of UNESCO shall be invited, and the extent of their participation;
(c) May, with the approval of the responsible state, invite a territory which, although not an Associate Member of UNESCO, is self-governing in the fields covered by the terms of reference of the conference. The General Conference or the Executive Board shall decide the extent of the participation of a territory invited.
2. Member States and Associate Members of UNESCO not invited under paragraph 1 above may send observers to the conference.
3. The United Nations and other organizations of the United Nations system with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 concluded mutual representation agreements may send representatives to the conference.
4. The General Conference, or the Executive Board authorized by it, may decide that the following shall be invited to send observers to the conference:
(a) Organizations of the United Nations system with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 not concluded a
mutual representation agreement;
(b) Intergovernmental organizations; and
(c) International non-governmental organizations, in accordance with the Directives concerning UNESCO鈥檚 partnership with international non-governmental organizations.
Article 12 - Appointment of representatives
1. States, Associate Members, territories and organizations which are invited shall notify the Director-General of the names of the representatives or observers they have appointed.
2. When the purpose of an international conference of states is the final adoption or the signature of an international agreement, the states shall be asked to appoint representatives with full credentials. These credentials shall be submitted for examination by an appropriate organ of the conference.
Article 13 - Voting
1. Each state invited under Article 11, paragraph 1(a), of these Regulations shall have only one vote, whatever the number of its representatives.
2. Should Associate Members of UNESCO or other territories have been invited to participate in the conference with the right to vote, each Associate Member and each territory invited shall have only one vote.
Article 14 - Date and place of meeting
1. The General Conference shall issue instructions to the Executive Board regarding the region in which the conference should meet and the approximate date on which it should be held.
2. Any Member State may invite UNESCO to hold, on its territory, an international conference called by the General Conference. The Director-General shall inform the Executive Board of such invitations.
3. When deciding upon the place of the conference, the Executive Board shall take into consideration only such invitations as have been received by the Director-General at least three weeks before the session of the Executive Board at which the choice of the place of meeting is an item of its agenda. All invitations shall be accompanied by full details of the local facilities available and of the extent to which the inviting state is prepared to share in the cost of the meeting.
4. The Executive Board shall not consider an invitation by a state unless that state undertakes to make all necessary arrangements to admit on its territory, for the purpose of participating in the conference, representatives, advisers, experts or observers of all states or Associate Members of UNESCO entitled to attend the conference.
5. In accordance with the instructions of the General Conference, the Executive Board, in consultation with the Director-General, shall fix the place and date of the conference.
Article 14bis
The working languages at international conferences of states shall be Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
Article 15 - Agenda
1. The Executive Board, in consultation with the Director-General, shall draw up the provisional agenda of the conference.
2. Each conference shall adopt its final agenda. The conference may not, however, alter its terms of reference as defined by the General Conference under Article 10 of these Regulations.
Article 16 - Rules of Procedure
1. The Executive Board, in consultation with the Director-General, shall draw up the provisional Rules of Procedure of the conference.
2. Each conference shall adopt its final Rules of Procedure. It may not, however, change its composition as laid down by the General Conference or the Executive Board under Article 11 of these Regulations.
Article 17 - Other preparations
1. The General Conference shall make all the necessary budgetary provisions for the holding of the conference.
2. The Director-General shall take all other steps necessary for the preparation of the conference. In particular, he shall dispatch invitations to the conference, together with the provisional agenda, and shall notify all Member States and Associate Members of UNESCO not invited under Article 11, paragraph 1, of these Regulations, of the calling of the conference, attaching to his letter the provisional agenda.
II. Intergovernmental meetings other than international conferences of states
Article 18 - Definition
1. The provisions of this section are applicable to meetings, other than the international conferences of states covered by Section I of these Regulations, at which the chief participants represent their governments.
2. This category includes the meetings of the special committees of technical and legal experts convened under Article 10, paragraph 4, of the Rules of Procedure concerning recommendations to Member States and international conventions covered by the terms of Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution.
Article 19 - Convening
1. The special committees of technical and legal experts referred to in Article 18, paragraph 2, of these Regulations, shall, if the General Conference has so decided, be convened by the Director-General in accordance with the Rules of Procedure concerning recommendations to Member States and international conventions covered by the terms of Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution.
2. The other meetings governed by the provisions of this section shall be convened by the Director-General in pursuance of the programme and budget approved by the General Conference.
Article 20 - Terms of reference
The terms of reference of the meetings governed by the provisions of this section shall either be determined by the existing regulations applicable, or be laid down in the programme and budget approved by the General Conference, or, failing either of the above, prescribed by decision of the Executive Board.
Article 21 - Participants
1. Subject to the existing regulations applicable, the Executive Board, on the Director-General鈥檚 proposal:
(a) Shall decide on the Member States and Associate Members whose governments are to be invited to the meeting; and
(b) May, with the approval of the Member State which administers it, invite a territory which is not an Associate Member of UNESCO but which is self-governing in the fields to be covered by the meeting.
2. Member States and Associate Members not invited under paragraph 1 above may send observers to the meeting.
3. The Executive Board may designate non-Member States, and territories for whose international relations a Member State is responsible, to be invited to send observers to the meeting.
4. The United Nations and other organizations of the United Nations system with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 concluded mutual representation agreements may send representatives to the meeting.
5. The Executive Board may decide that the following shall be invited to send observers to the meeting:
(a) Organizations of the United Nations system with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 not concluded mutual representation agreements;
(b) Intergovernmental organizations; and
(c) International non-governmental organizations, in accordance with the Directives concerning UNESCO鈥檚 partner- ship with international non-governmental organizations.
Article 22 - Appointment of representatives
The governments, territories and organizations invited shall notify the Director-General of the names of the representatives or observers they have appointed.
Article 23 - Voting
1. The governments of the Member States invited under Article 21, paragraph 1(a), of these Regulations shall each have one vote, whatever the number of their representatives.
2. Should Associate Members of UNESCO or other territories have been invited to participate in the meeting with the right to vote, each Associate Member and each territory invited shall have only one vote.
Article 24 - Date and place of meeting
1. The Director-General shall fix the date and place of meeting.
2. The Director-General shall not consider an invitation by a Member State to hold, on its territory, a meeting governed by the provisions of the present section unless that state undertakes to make all necessary arrangements to admit on its territory, for the purpose of participating in the meeting, representatives, advisers, experts or observers of all states or Associate Members of UNESCO entitled to attend the meeting.
Article 24bis
The working languages at intergovernmental meetings other than international conferences of states shall be Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
Article 25 - Agenda
1. The Director-General shall draw up the provisional agenda of the meeting.
2. Each meeting shall adopt its final agenda. It may not, however, alter its term of reference as defined by the competent organ of UNESCO under Article 20 of these Regulations.
Article 26 - Rules of Procedure
1. The Director-General shall draw up the provisional Rules of Procedure of the meeting.
2. Each meeting shall adopt its final Rules of Procedure. It may not, however, change its composition as determined by the competent organ of UNESCO under Article 21 of these Regulations.
Article 27 - Other preparations
The Director-General shall be responsible for all other preparations for the meeting.
III. Non-governmental conferences
Article 28 - Definition
Non-governmental conferences, in the sense of Article IV, paragraph 3, of the Constitution, are conferences attended either by international non-governmental organizations, or by intergovernmental organizations, or by both international non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, and addressing their conclusions either to the participating organizations or to UNESCO.
Article 29 - Convening
1. The General Conference may at any time decide to hold a non-governmental conference.
2. The Executive Board, in consultation with the Director-General, may at any time decide to call a non-governmental conference.
Article 30 - Terms of reference
The body which has decided to convene a non-governmental conference shall prescribe the latter鈥檚 terms of reference.
Article 31 - Participants
1. The body which has decided to convene a non-governmental conference shall determine which organizations and which persons shall be invited.
2. Member States and Associate Members of UNESCO may send observers to the conference.
3. The United Nations and other organizations of the United Nations system with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 concluded mutual representation agreements may send representatives to the conference.
4. Subject to any directives which may be given by the General Conference, the Executive Board may decide that invitations to send observers to the conference shall be extended to:
(a) Organizations of the United Nations system with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 not concluded mutual representation agreements;
(b) Intergovernmental organizations; and
(c) International non-governmental organizations, in accordance with the Directives concerning UNESCO鈥檚 partnership with international non-governmental organizations.
Article 32 - Appointment of representatives
The organizations invited shall notify the Director-General of the names of the representatives or observers they have appointed.
Article 33 - Voting
The body which calls the conference shall decide in each case whether the organizations and persons invited under Article 31, paragraph 1, of these Regulations shall have the right to vote.
Article 34 - Date and place of meeting
1. The date and place of meeting shall be fixed by the body calling the conference or by the Director-General when duly authorized to do so.
2. The body calling the conference, or the Director-General, when duly authorized to do so, shall not consider an invitation by a Member State to hold a non-governmental conference on its territory unless that state undertakes to make all necessary arrangements to admit on its territory, for the purpose of participating in the conference, the representatives of the organizations invited, the persons invited and the observers from the Member States or Associate Members of UNESCO.
Article 35 - Agenda
1. The body calling the conference, or the Director-General, when duly authorized to do so, shall draw up the provisional agenda of the conference.
2. Each non-governmental conference shall adopt its final agenda. It may not, however, alter its terms of reference as defined, under Article 30 of these Regulations, by the body calling the conference.
Article 36 - Rules of Procedure
1. The body calling the conference, or the Director-General, when duly authorized to do so, shall draw up provisional Rules of Procedure for the conference.
2. Each non-governmental conference shall adopt its final Rules of Procedure. It may not, however, change its composition as determined, under Article 31 of these Regulations, by the body calling the conference.
Article 37 - Other preparations
1. The Director-General shall notify all Member States and Associate Members of UNESCO of these conferences and shall send them copies of the provisional agenda. He shall also inform each Member State and Associate Member of the invitations which have been issued.
2. The Director-General shall be responsible for all other preparations for the conference.
IV. International congresses
Article 38 - Definition
International congresses are meetings whose purpose is to facilitate an exchange of views among specialists in one of UNESCO鈥檚 spheres of interest. The results of their work are addressed to the Director-General, who secures their distribution to and utilization in the appropriate circles.
Article 39 - Convening
International congresses shall be called by the Director-General pursuant to the programme and budget approved by the General Conference.
Article 40 - Terms of reference
The terms of reference of congresses shall be defined in the programme and budget approved by the General Conference or, if not so defined, shall be defined by the Director-General.
Article 41 - Participants
1. Participants in congresses are specialists serving in an individual capacity.
2. They shall be:
(a) Either designated individually by the Director-General, by an invitation to participate in the work of the congress;
(b) Or admitted by the Director-General on signifying their desire to participate in the work of the congress through the governments of Member States or through the organizations or learned societies of which they are member;
(c) Or admitted as participants in the congress by any other procedure the Executive Board may decide on.
3. For the purpose of designating participants, the Director-General may enter into consultations with governmental authorities in Member States or with National Commissions or request them to submit names of one or more persons wishing to participate in the work of the congress.
4. Persons invited individually to participate in a congress shall, as a general rule, be nationals of Member States or Associate Members of UNESCO or nationals of states which are not Members of UNESCO, but are Members of the United Nations.
5. The Director-General shall be authorized, however, to extend invitations to congresses specialists who are nationals of states which are not Members of UNESCO or of the United Nations, or nationals of territories, selected for their personal competence and not as representatives of such states or territories. For the selection of these specialists the Director-General shall consult international non-governmental organizations having consultative status with UNESCO. The specialists thus chosen shall be invited through such international non-governmental organizations and shall through the same channels make known their intention of participating in the congress.
6. Member States and Associate Members of UNESCO may send observers to the congress.
7. The United Nations and other organizations of the United Nations system with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 concluded mutual representation agreements may send representatives to the congress.
8. The Director-General may extend invitations to send observers to the congress to:
(a) Organizations of the United Nations system with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 not concluded
mutual representation agreements;
(b) Intergovernmental organizations; and
(c) International non-governmental organizations, in accordance with the Directives concerning UNESCO鈥檚 partner- ship with international non-governmental organizations.
Article 42 - Voting
The work of congresses does not usually involve the exercise of the right to vote. However, when the Rules of Procedure of a congress provide for the taking of a vote on certain questions, each specialist invited or admitted to participate in the work of the congress shall have one vote. When votes are taken, they shall reflect private, individual views.
Article 43 - Date and place of meeting
The Director-General shall fix the date and place of the congress.
Article 44 - Agenda
1. The Director-General shall draw up the programme of the meeting.
2. The programme shall not be submitted to the meeting for adoption.
Article 45 - Rules of Procedure
1. The Director-General shall draw up the Rules of Procedure of the meeting.
2. The Director-General may, however, decide that Rules of Procedure are not necessary. In that case, an information paper giving the necessary details of the way in which the work of the meeting will be conducted shall be prepared and distributed.
Article 46 - Other preparations
The Director-General shall be responsible for all other preparations the meeting.
V. Advisory committees
Article 47 - Definition
Advisory committees are standing committees governed by statutes approved by the Executive Board and are responsible for advising the Organization on special questions within their competence or on the preparation or implementation of its programme in a particular sphere. The reports of advisory committees are addressed to the Director-General, who decides what use shall be made of them. The Executive Board is informed by the Director-General of the results of the committees鈥 proceedings.
Article 48 - Convening
Advisory committees shall be convened by the Director-General in accordance with the provisions of their statutes.
Article 49 - Terms of reference
The terms of reference of advisory committees shall be defined in their statutes or, if not so defined, fixed by the Director-General.
Article 50 - Participants
1. Members of advisory committees shall be appointed in accordance with such committees鈥 statutes.
2. Members of advisory committees shall be specialists serving, in accordance with the provisions of such committees鈥 statutes, either in an individual capacity or as representatives of inter- national non-governmental organizations particularly qualified in the field with which a committee is concerned.
3. Member States and Associate Members of UNESCO may send observers to meetings of advisory committees.
4. The United Nations and other organizations of the United Nations system with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 concluded mutual representation agreements may send representatives to meetings of advisory committees.
5. The Director-General may extend invitations to send observers to meetings of advisory committees to:
(a) Organizations of the United Nations system with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 not concluded mutual representation agreements;
(b) Intergovernmental organizations; and
(c) International non-governmental organizations, in accordance with the Directives concerning UNESCO鈥檚 partner- ship with international non-governmental organizations.
Article 51 - Voting
Each member of an advisory committee shall have one vote.
Article 52 - Date and place of meeting
Subject to the provisions of their statutes, the Director-General shall fix the date and place of meetings of advisory committees.
Article 53 - Agenda
1. The Director-General shall draw up the agenda of meetings of advisory committees, normally after consulting the Chairperson of the committee concerned.
2. The agenda shall not be submitted to advisory committees for adoption. The Director-General may, however, invite committee members to propose the inclusion of additional items in the agenda.
Article 54 - Rules of Procedure
Advisory committees shall adopt their Rules of Procedure, which shall be submitted to the Director-General for approval. The provisions of such rules must not be in conflict with those of the statutes of the committee concerned.
Article 55 - Other preparations
The Director-General shall be responsible for all other preparations for meetings of advisory committees.
VI. Expert committees
Article 56 - Definition
Expert committees are committees set up on an ad hoc basis to submit suggestions or advice to the Organization on the preparation or implementation of its programme in a particular field or on any other matters within its purview. They submit their findings in the form of a report to the Director-General, who decides what use shall be made of them.
Article 57 - Convening
Expert committees shall be convened by the Director-General pursuant to the programme and budget approved by the General Conference.
Article 58 - Terms of reference
The terms of reference of expert committees shall be defined in the programme and budget approved by the General Conference or, if not so defined, fixed by the Director-General.
Article 59 - Participants
1. Members of expert committees shall serve in a private capacity.
2. They shall be appointed individually, either by the Director-General or by governments at the Director-General鈥檚 invitation.
3. When experts are appointed by the Director-General, the latter may consult the governmental authorities of Member States or National Commissions or request them to submit one or more names of persons suitable for appointment as experts.
4. When the Director-General invites governments to select experts for committees, it shall be specified that these experts will sit in the same capacity as the experts chosen directly by the Director-General and will not be considered to be representatives of their respective governments.
5. Members of expert committees shall, as a general rule, be nationals of Member States or Associate Members of UNESCO or nationals of states which are not Members of UNESCO, but are Members of the United Nations.
6. The Director-General shall, however, be authorized to extend invitations to serve on expert committees to specialists who are nationals of states which are not Members of UNESCO or the United Nations, or nationals of territories, selected for their personal competence and not as representatives of those states or territories. With regard to the choice of these specialists, the Director-General shall consult the non-governmental organizations having consultative status with UNESCO. Specialists so selected shall be invited through these non-governmental international organizations and shall signify their acceptance of the invitation through the same channels.
7. The United Nations and organizations of the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 concluded mutual representation agreements may send representatives to meetings of expert committees.
8. As a general rule meetings of expert committees shall be private. The Director-General may, however, if he considers it desirable from the programme point of view, invite Member States and intergovernmental or international non-governmental organizations to send observers to follow the proceedings of these meetings.
Article 60 - Voting
Each member of an expert committee is accorded one vote.
Article 61 - Date and place of meeting
The Director-General shall fix the date and place of meetings of expert committees.
Article 62 - Agenda
1. The Director-General shall draw up the agenda of expert committees.
2. The agenda shall not be submitted to the expert committees for approval. The Director-General may, however, invite committee members to propose the inclusion of additional items in the agenda.
Article 63 - Rules of Procedure
The Director-General shall draw up the Rules of Procedure of expert committees. Their Rules of Procedure shall not be submitted to the committees for adoption.
Article 64 - Other preparations
The Director-General shall be responsible for all other preparations for meetings of expert committees.
VII. Seminars and training or refresher courses
Article 65 - Definition
The provisions of the present section govern meetings whose main purpose is to enable participants to acquire a knowledge of some subject of interest to UNESCO or to give them the benefit of experience gained in this field. The results of their work, which are generally recorded in documents or publications, do not call for any decisions on the part of UNESCO bodies or Member States.
Article 66 - Convening
Meetings governed by the provisions of the present section shall be called by the Director-General pursuant to the programme and budget approved by the General Conference.
Article 67 - Terms of reference
The terms of reference of meetings governed by the provisions of the present section shall be defined in the programme and budget approved by the General Conference or, if not so defined, fixed by the Director-General.
Article 68 - Participants
1. Participants in meetings governed by the provisions of the present section shall be persons serving in a private capacity and selected individually by the Director-General.
2. The Director-General may, when selecting participants, consult the governmental authorities of Member States or National Commissions or request them to submit one or more names of persons who might be selected as participants in a meeting.
3. Participants invited to meetings governed by the provisions of the present section shall, as a general rule, be nationals of Member States or Associate Members of UNESCO or of states which are not Members of UNESCO, but are Members of the United Nations.
4. The Director-General shall be authorized, however, to invite to meetings governed by the provisions of the present section specialists who are nationals of states which are not Members of UNESCO or the United Nations, or nationals of territories, selected on the basis of their personal competence and not as representatives of those states or territories. Regarding the choice of these specialists, the Director-General shall consult the non-governmental organizations having consultative status with UNESCO. The specialists thus chosen shall be invited through these international non-governmental organizations and shall, through the same channels, make known their intention of attending the meeting.
5. The United Nations and organizations of the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 concluded mutual representation agreements may send representatives to meetings governed by the provisions of the present section.
6. As a general rule, meetings governed by the provisions of the present section shall be private. The Director-General may, however, if he considers it desirable from the programme point of view, invite Member States and intergovernmental or international non-governmental organizations to send observers to follow the proceedings of these meetings.
Article 69 - Voting
There shall be no voting in meetings governed by the provisions of the present section. If necessary, minority views can be recorded in the document setting forth the results of the meeting.
Article 70 - Date and place of meeting
The Director-General shall fix the date and place of meetings governed by the provisions of the present section.
Article 71 - Agenda
As a general rule, meetings governed by the provisions of the present section shall have no agenda. The subjects to be discussed shall be decided beforehand by the Director-General and communicated to the participants, who may, however, be invited to propose additional items for discussion.
Article 72 - Rules of Procedure
No Rules of Procedure shall be prepared for meetings governed by the provisions of the present section. The conduct of the discussions shall be the responsibility of the persons appointed by the Director-General to guide the work of the meeting. An information paper giving a concise account of the working methods to be adopted may be prepared.
Article 73 - Other preparations
The Director-General shall be responsible for all other preparations for meetings governed by the provisions of the present section.
VIII. Symposia
Article 74 - Definition
The provisions of this section apply to meetings the purpose of which is to provide for an exchange of information within a given speciality or on an interdisciplinary basis. Such meetings do not usually lead to the adoption of conclusions or recommendations; the communications presented to them may be published, with or without a summary of the discussions. Meetings in this category differ from those in category IV, international congresses, mainly by their smaller size, more limited scope and less formal character.
Article 75 - Convening
Symposia shall be convened by the Director-General pursuant to the programme and budget approved by the General Conference.
Article 76 - Terms of reference
The terms of reference of symposia shall be defined in the programme and budget approved by the General Conference or, if not so defined, shall be fixed by the Director-General.
Article 77 - Participants
1. Participants shall be specialists in a private capacity.
2. They shall be:
(a) Either designated individually by the Director-General, by an invitation to participate in the work of the symposium;
(b) Or admitted as participants individually by the Director-General by any other procedure he may decide.
3. The Director-General may, when designating participants in accordance with paragraph 2(a) above, consult the governmental authorities of Member States or National Commissions or ask them to submit one or more names of persons wishing to participate in the work of the symposium.
4. Persons invited to participate in a symposium in an individual capacity shall, as a general rule, be nationals of Member States or Associate Members of UNESCO or of states which are not Members of UNESCO but are Members of the United Nations.
5. The Director-General shall, however, be authorized to invite to symposia specialists who are nationals of states which are not Members of UNESCO or of the United Nations, or nationals of territories, chosen for their personal competence and not as representatives of those states or territories. Regarding the choice of these specialists, the Director-General shall consult international non-governmental organizations having consultative status with UNESCO. The specialists thus chosen shall be invited through these international non-governmental organizations and shall, through the same channels, make known their intention to participate in the symposium.
6. The United Nations and organizations of the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations with which 91麻豆国产精品自拍 concluded mutual representation agreements may send representatives to the symposium.
7. As a general rule, the meetings of symposia shall be private. The Director-General may, however, if he considers it desirable from the programme point of view, invite Member States and intergovernmental organizations or international non-governmental organizations to send observers to follow the proceedings of these meeting.
Article 78 - Voting
There shall be no voting in symposia. If necessary, minority views can be recorded in the document setting forth the results of the meeting.
Article 79 - Date and place of meeting
The Director-General shall fix the date and place of symposia.
Article 80 - Agenda
Generally speaking, symposia shall have no agenda. The subjects to be discussed shall be decided beforehand by the Director-General and communicated to the participants, who may, however, be invited by the Director-General to propose additional items for discussion.
Article 81 - Rules of Procedure of meetings
Generally speaking, no Rules of Procedure shall be prepared for symposia. An information paper shall provide a concise account of the working methods to be adopted for the meeting.
Article 82 - Other preparations
The Director-General shall be responsible for all other preparations for symposia.
1 See 14 C/Resolutions, pp. 109-22; 18 C/Resolutions, pp. 123-4; 25 C/Resolutions, p. 194; 33 C/Resolutions, p. 152; 37 C/Resolutions, p. 96. These Regulations replace the 鈥淪ummary table of a general classification of the various categories of meetings convened by UNESCO鈥 approved by the General Conference at its 12th session (12 C/Resolutions, pp. 81 and 151) and amended at its 13th session (13 C/Resolutions, p. 115). In adopting these Regulations the General Conference also abrogated the 鈥淩ules of Procedure for the calling of international conferences of states鈥 and the 鈥淩ules of Procedure for the calling of non-governmental conferences鈥 which it had adopted at its 7th session.