Meetings of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
Watch live retransmission of the 18th Meeting of the Committee
Live retransmission of the 18th Meeting of the Committee
Established by the 1999 Second Protocol, the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict works to promote and implement the 1999 Second Protocol.
The Committee meets once a year in ordinary session and in extra-ordinary sessions whenever it deems necessary. It is composed of twelve States Parties to the 1999 Second Protocol elected for four years, which are eligible for immediate re-election only once. Half of its members are renewed every two years at the Meeting of the Parties to the 1999 Second Protocol. The Bureau of the Committee is renewed each year and its members are eligible for re-election only once in the same function.
An equitable representation of the different regions of the world are taken into account during the election of the members of the Committee.
What are the functions of the Committee?
In accordance with Article 27 of the 1999 Second Protocol, the Committee has the following functions:
- To develop Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol;
- To grant, suspend or cancel enhanced protection for cultural property and to establish, maintain and promote the List of Cultural Property under Enhanced Protection;
- To monitor and supervise the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol and promote the identification of cultural property under enhanced protection;
- To consider and comment on reports of the States Parties to the 1999 Second Protocol, to seek clarifications as required, and prepare its own report on the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol for the Meeting of its Parties;
- To receive and consider requests for international assistance;
- To determine the use of the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict;
- To perform any other function which may be assigned to it by the Meeting of the Parties to the 1999 Second Protocol.
19th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2024)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris
11-12 December 2024
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Link to watch the sessions on the webcast .
The Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict elected in accordance with Article 24 of the Second Protocol. The Committee shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
- C54/24/19.COM/Decisions : |
- Admission of Observers
C54/24/19.COM/2 : | - Election of the Bureau
C54/24/19.COM/3 : | - Adoption of the agenda
C54/24/19.COM/4.Rev : | - Report of the Secretariat on its activities
C54/24/19.COM/5 : | - General reflection on Periodic Reporting
C54/24/19.COM/6 : | - Ad Hoc Monitoring on an emergency basis (requested by Ukraine)
C54/24/19.COM/7 : | - Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols (Financial information as at 31.10.2024)
C54/24/19.COM/8 : | - Report on the implementation of international assistances granted to Armenia, Barbados and Gabon under the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
C54/24/19.COM/9 : | - Requests for international assistance under the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict: Chile and Mauritania
C54/24/19.COM/10 : | - Regulations for the use of the distinctive emblem
C54/24/19.COM/11 : | - Retrospective inventory of cultural properties inscribed onthe UNESCO International List of Cultural Property under Enhanced Protection
C54/24/19.COM/12 : | - Immunity of cultural property under enhanced protection (proposed by Ukraine)
C54/24/19.COM/13 : | - Requests for the inscription of cultural properties on the International List of Cultural Property under Enhanced Protection
C54/24/19.COM/14.Rev : | - Date and place of the 20th meeting of the Committee
C54/24/19.COM/16 : |
- Provisional list of documents
C54/24/19.COM/INF.4.I.Rev : | - Provisional timetable
C54/24/19.COM/INF.4.II.Rev : |
18th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2023)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris
14-15 December 2023
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
The Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict elected in accordance with Article 24 of the Second Protocol. The Committee shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
- Admission of Observers
C54/23/18.COM/2 : | - Election of the Bureau
C54/23/18.COM/3 : | - Adoption of the Agenda
C54/23/18.COM/4 : | - Report of the Secretariat on its activities
C54/23/18.COM/5 : | - Report on the protection of cultural property in Ukraine
C54/23/18.COM/6 : | - Periodic reporting mechanism under the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/23/18.COM/7 : | - Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/23/18.COM/8 : | - Report on the implementation of international assistance granted to Barbados, Gabon and Paraguay under the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
C54/23/18.COM/9 : | - Requests for international assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict: Armenia
C54/23/18.COM/10 : | - Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol: International assistance in emergency situations
C54/23/18.COM/11 : | - Review of the protection of the Tomb of Askia (Mali) in the context of its inscription on the International List of Cultural Property under Enhanced Protection
C54/23/18.COM/12 : | - Requests for inscription of cultural properties on the International List of Cultural Property under Enhanced Protection: Burkina Faso
C54/23/18.COM/13 : | - Date and place of the nineteenth meeting of the Committee
C54/23/18.COM/15 : |
- Provisional list of documents
C54/23/18.COM/INF.4.I: | - Provisional timetable
C54/23/18.COM/INF.4.II: | - Updated draft Action Plan to promote ratification and strengthen implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/23/18.COM/INF.5.I: |
17th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2022)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris
15-16 December 2022
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
The Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict elected in accordance with Article 24 of the Second Protocol. The Committee shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
Among the items on the Agenda, the Committee will examine the following:
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
- Report on the protection of cultural property in Ukraine
- Fundraising strategy for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two Protocols
- Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol
- Requests for international assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and report on the assistance granted to Barbados, Burkina Faso, Mexico and Ukraine;
- Requests for the granting of enhanced protection: Mexico
- Analytical report on good practices in the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols (periodic reporting cycle 2017-2020)
- Monitoring and supervision mechanism for the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol.
Decisions :
In line with Rule 34 of the Rules of Procedures of the Committee, the documents relating to the items on the provisional agenda of the Committee shall be distributed in electronic format at the latest six weeks before the beginning of the session.
- Election of the Bureau
C54/22/17.COM/2: | - Adoption of the agenda of the 17th meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
C54/22/17.COM/3.REV.2: | - Provisional suspension of the application of Rule 33 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee – proposal for its extension
- C54/22/17.COM/4: |
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
C54/22/17.COM/5 : / - Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Ms Alexandra Xanthaki, on the role of cultural rights for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict (proposed by Austria)
- C54/22/17.COM/6 : |
- Protection of cultural property in Ukraine
- C54/22/17.COM/7 : |
- Follow-up to the periodic reporting cycle (2017-2020) on the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two Protocols (1954 and 1999)
C54/22/17.COM/8 : | - Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol: Monitoring and supervision of the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol
C54/22/17.COM/9A : | - Funding mechanism for monitoring, supervision and assistance in emergency situations
C54/22/17.COM/9B :
Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/22/17.COM/10: | - Resource mobilization strategy
Report on the implementation of international assistance granted to Barbados, Burkina Faso, Mexico and Ukraine under the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
C54/22/17.COM/12 : | - Requests for international assistance under the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
C54/22/17.COM/13: | - Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol: Explanatory Note on the International Assistance Application Form
C54/22/17.COM/14: | - International assistance in emergency situation
C54/22/17.COM/15: | - Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol: Enhanced protection
C54/22/17.COM/16: | - Request for the granting of enhanced protection: National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico)
C54/22/17.COM/17.Rev: |
- Provisional list of documents
C54/22/17.COM/INF.3.I: | - Provisional timetable
C54/22/17.COM/INF.3.II.Rev: / - Progress report on the execution of the Action Plan to promote ratification and strengthen implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols and the proposed update of its activities
C54/22/17.COM/INF.5 :
- Analytical report on good practices in the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and/or its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/22/17.COM/INF.8.I :
- Practices in the establishment of a National Advisory Committee
C54/22/17.COM/INF.8.II : |
- Practice of application of Article 7(2) of the 1954 Hague Convention: Military services to secure respect for cultural property
C54/22/17.COM/INF.8.III : |
- Practices of application of Article 30(3)(b) of the 1999 Second Protocol: Peacetime training and educational programmes for military and civilian authorities
C54/22/17.COM/INF.8.IV :
- Report of the Ad hoc subcommittee
C54/22/17.COM/INF.9.I :
- Rules and practices of the use of data gathered through remote sensing technologies
C54/22/17.COM/INF.9.II : | - Report of the expert meeting on the rules and practices for the use of data collected through remote sensing technologies, including by the United Nations and its specialised agencies
C54/22/17.COM/INF.9.III : |
- Rules of Procedure of the Committee |
- Current Members of the Committee |
Second Extraordinary meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2022)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris
18 March 2022
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
In accordance with Rule 3.2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, an extraordinary meeting of the Committee is scheduled to take place on 18 March 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Decisions: |
Summary Records: |
- Provisional Agenda
C54/22/2.EXT.COM/2.Rev: |
- Provisional list of documents
C54/22/2.EXT.COM/INF.2.I.Rev: |
- Provisional timetable
C54/22/2.EXT.COM/INF.2.II: |
- Declaration on the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Ukraine
C54/22/2.EXT.COM/3: |
- Emergency international assistance to Ukraine
C54/22/2..EXT.COM/4: |
- The granting of enhanced protection to cultural properties in Ukraine
C54/22/2.EXT.COM/5: |
16th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2021)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris
2 - 3 December 2021
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Meeting in a semi-attendance format
The Committee is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to The Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. It shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
Among the items on the Agenda, the Committee will examine the following:
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities;
- Reinforcing synergies between the 1954 Hague Convention and its two Protocols and the other UNESCO Cultural Conventions, including the implementation of the Thematic Programme “Heritage for Peaceâ€;
- Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol
- Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols;
- Report on the implementation of international assistance granted to Afghanistan, Barbados, Burkina Faso and Mexico;
- National reports on the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and/or its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols;
- Monitoring and supervision mechanism for the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol.
Decisions: |
Summary records : |
Declaration on the protection of cultural heritage in Afghanistan : |
- Election of the Bureau
C54/21/16.COM/2: |
- Provisional Agenda of the 16th meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
C54/21/16.COM/3.REV: |
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
C54/21/16.COM/4: |
- Progress report on synergies between the 1954 Hague Convention and its two Protocols and the other UNESCO Culture Conventions
C54/21/16.COM/5: |
- Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/21/16.COM/6: |
- Report on the implementation of international assistance granted to Afghanistan, Barbados, Burkina Faso and Mexico
C54/21/16.COM/7: |
- Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol: Draft Explanatory Note on International Assistance Application Form
C54/21/16.COM/8: |
- Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol: Provisional enhanced protection
C54/21/16.COM/9: |
- Study on the implementation of Recommendation 5 of the Evaluation of UNESCO’s standard-setting work of the Culture Sector – Part V – 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (the Hague Convention) and its two Protocols (1954 and 1999)
C54/21/16.COM/10: |
- Consideration of national reports on the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and/or its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/21/16.COM/11: |
- Monitoring and supervision mechanism for the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol
C54/21/16.COM/12: |
- Provisional list of documents
C54/21/16.COM/INF.3.I : |
- Provisional timetable
C54/21/16.COM/INF.3.II : |
- Progress report in the execution of the Action Plan on promoting the ratification and strengthening the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/21/16.COM/INF.4: |
- Implementation Strategy of the Thematic Programme "Heritage for Peace"
C54/21/16.COM/INF.5.I: |
- Study on synergies in monitoring the state of conservation of cultural properties located in conflict and post-conflict areas
C54/21/16.COM/INF.5.II: |
- Reflection document on synergies in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in emergency situations
C54/21/16.COM/INF.5.III: |
- Reflection document on the application of Article 27(1)(c) of the 1999 Second Protocol to improve the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict notably in extreme emergency situations
C54/21/16.COM/INF.12.I: |
- Report of the ad hoc subcommittee
C54/21/16.COM/INF.12.II: |
- Rules of Procedure of the Committee
| - Current Members of the Committee
Ad hoc sub-committee
At its 15th meeting (UNESCO, 2020), the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict decided to establish an ad hoc Sub-Committee to develop and submit proposals on the implementation of Article 27.1(c) of the 1999 Second Protocol and, inter alia, to elaborate a mechanism to improve the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, especially in situations of extreme emergency. More
15th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2020)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris
10-11 December 2020
10:00a.m.-1:00p.m. & 3:00p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Meeting in a semi-attendance format
The Committee is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. It shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
Among the items on the Agenda, the Committee will examine the following:
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities;
- Reinforcing synergies among UNESCO's Culture Conventions ;
- Provisional suspension of the application of Rule 33 of the Rules of Procedure fo the Committee;
- Request for international assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict: Barbados, Ecuador and Mexico;
- Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols;
- Equitable distribution of seats in the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.
Summary Records : |
Declaration of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of the Second Protocol to The Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict – ensuring cultural property protection in and around Nagorno-Karabakh and setting-up an independent technical mission :
- Adoption of the Agenda
- C54/20/15.COM/3.Rev: |
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
- C54/20/15.COM/4.Rev: |
- Reinforcing synergies among UNESCO's Culture Conventions
- C54/20/15.COM/5: |
- Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
- C54/20/15.COM/6: |
- Provisional suspension of the application of Rule 33 of the Rules of Procedure fo the Committee
- C54/20/15.COM/7: |
- Equitable distribution of seats in the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- C54/20/15.COM/8: |
- Request for international assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict: Barbados, Ecuador and Mexico
- C54/20/15.COM/9: |
- Report on the implementation of international assistance granted to Afghanistan, Burkina Faso and Mali
- C54/20/15.COM/10: |
- Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol: Enhanced protection
- C54/20/15.COM/11: |
Comments by Austria |
- Review of the protection of the Tomb of Askia (Mali) in the context of its inscription on the List of Cultural Proerty under Enhanced Protection
- C54/20/15.COM/12: |
- Study on the implementation of Recommendation 5 of the Evaluation of UNESCO's standard-setting work of the Culture Sector - Part V - 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (the Hague Convention) and its two (Protocols (1954 and 1999)
- C54/20/15.COM/13: |
- Monitoring and supervision mechanism for the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol
- C54/20/15.COM/14 : |
- Composition of previous Bureaus
- C54/20/15.COM/INF.2: |
- Provisional list of documents
- C54/20/15.COM/INF.3.I.Rev: |
- Provisional timetable
- C54/20/15.COM/INF.3.II.Rev: |
- Synthesis Report on consultation with the governing bodies of the 1954 Hague Convention and its 1999 Second Protocol on the preparation of UNESCO’s medium-term strategy for 2022-2029 (41 C/4) and programme and budget for 2022-2025 (41 C/5)
- C54/20/15.COM/INF.4 : |
- Proposals of the Sate of Qatar (Submitted by Qatar)
- C54/20/15.COM/INF.14 : |
14th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2019)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris, 5-6 December 2019, 10:00a.m.-1:00p.m. & 3:00p.m.-6:00 p.m.
The Committee is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. It shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
Among the items on the Agenda, the Committee will examine the following:
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities;
- Analytical reports on best practices and challenges in the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols;
- Action Plan on promoting the ratification and strengthening the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols;
- Request for international assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict: Burkina Faso;
- Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols;
- Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol: Enhanced protection.
Summary Records : |
- Adoption of the Agenda
C54/19/14.COM/3.Rev2: |
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
C54/19/14.COM/4: |
- Analytical reports on best practices and challenges in the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/19/14.COM/5: |
- Action Plan on promoting the ratification and strengthening the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/19/14.COM/6: |
- Request for international assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict: Burkina Faso
C54/19/14.COM/7: |
- Amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol: Enhanced protection
C54/19/14.COM/8: |
- Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/19/14.COM/9.Rev: |
- Revision of the electronic questionnaire for the submission of national reports
C54/19/14.COM/10: |
- Composition of previous Bureaus
C54/19/14.COM/INF.2: | - Provisional list of documents
C54/19/14.COM/INF.3.I: | - Provisional timetable
C54/19/14.COM/INF.3.II: | - Report on the best practices in the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/19/14.COM/INF.5.I: | - Report on the challenges met by the High Contracting Parties in the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two Protocols (1954 and 1999).
C54/19/14.COM/INF.5.II: |
13th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2018)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris, 6-7 December 2018
The Committee is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. It shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
Among the items on the Agenda the Committee will examine the following:
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities;
- Report on the implementation of international assistance granted to Mali and Libya;
- Report of the Blue Shield on the situations where cultural property is at risk in the context of an armed conflict, including occupation - follow-up to the Decision 12 COM.6;
- Review of the protection of the Tomb of Askia (Mali) in the context of its inscription on the List of Cultural Property under Enhanced Protection;
- Application and interpretation of Article 10 (a) of the 1999 Second Protocol;
- Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols;
- Evaluation of UNESCO’s standard-setting work of the Culture Sector – Part V – 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (the Hague Convention) and its two Protocols (1954 and 1999).
Decisions: |
Final Report: |
- Adoption of the Agenda
C54/18/13.COM/3: |
- Provisional suspension of the application of Rule 33 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee - proposal for its extension
C54/18/13.COM/4: |
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
C54/18/13.COM/5: |
- Report of the Blue Shield on the situations where cultural property is at risk in the context of an armed conflict, including occupation - follow-up to the Decision 12 COM.
C54/18/13.COM/6: |
- Report on the implementation of international assistance granted to Mali and Libya
C54/18/13.COM/7: |
- Requests for international assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
C54/18/13.COM/8: |
- Review of the protection of the Tomb of Askia (Mali) in the context of its inscription on the List of Cultural Property under Enhanced Protection
C54/18/13.COM/9: |
- Procedure for the granting of enhanced protection: Introduction of the table into the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Second Protocol
C54/18/13.COM/10: |
- Application and interpretation of Article 10 (a) of the 1999 Second Protocol
C54/18/13.COM/11: |
- Requests for the granting of enhanced protection
C54/18/13.COM/12: |
- Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/18/13.COM/13.Rev: |
- Financial Regulations of the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
C54/18/13.COM/14: |
- Evaluation of UNESCO’s standard-setting work of the Culture Sector – Part V – 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (the Hague Convention) and its two Protocols (1954 and 1999)
C54/18/13.COM/15: |
- Protection of cultural property of national, ethnic and religious minorities (prepared by Armenia)
C54/18/13.COM/16: |
- Composition of previous Bureaus
C54/18/13.COM/INF.2: | - Provisional list of documents
C54/18/13.COM/INF.3.I: | - Provisional timetable
C54/18/13.COM/INF.3.II: | - Equitable distribution of seats on the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
C54/18/13.COM/INF.17: |
12th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2017)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris, 29-30 November 2017
The Committee is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. It shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
Among the items on the Agenda the Committee will examine the following:
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities;
- Consideration of national reports on the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol;
- Report of the Blue Shield on the situations where cultural property is at risk in the context of an armed conflict, including occupation;
- Report on the implementation of international assistance granted to Mali and Libya;
- Consideration of proposals to increase the visibility of cultural property under enhanced protection and the mechanism for its listing, as well as to ensure more efficient protection;
- Consideration of requests for the granting of enhanced protection: Angkor (Cambodia);
- Procedure for the granting of enhanced protection: methodologies for the evaluation of the conditions set forth by Article 10 of the 1999 Second Protocol;
- Examination of the notions of “control†and “jurisdiction†as set forth in Articles 10 (c) and 11 (2) of the Second Protocol: perspectives under international law and international case-law;
- Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
- Consideration of the draft amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol and the Guidelines concerning the use of the Second Protocol Intergovernmental Fund related to the international assistance;
- Follow-up to the Audit of the Working Methods of Cultural Conventions and to the evaluation of UNESCO’s Standard-Setting Work of the Culture Sector;
Final Report: |
- Adoption of the Agenda
C54/17/12.COM/3 : | - Report of the Secretariat on its activities
C54/17/12.COM/4 : | - Consideration of national reports on the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol
C54/17/12.COM/5 : | - Report of the Blue Shield on the situations where cultural property is at risk in the context of an armed conflict, including occupation
C54/17/12.COM/6 : | - Report on the implementation of international assistance granted to Mali and Libya
C54/17/12.COM/7 : | - Proposals to increase the visibility of cultural property under enhanced protection and the mechanism for its listing, as well as to ensure more efficient protection
C54/17/12.COM/8 : | - Consideration of requests for the granting of enhanced protection: Angkor (Cambodia)
C54/17/12.COM/9 : | - Procedure for the granting of enhanced protection: methodologies for the evaluation of the conditions set forth by Article 10 of the 1999 Second Protocol
C54/17/12.COM/10 : | - The notions of “control†and “jurisdiction†as set forth in Articles 10 (c) and 11 (2) of the Second Protocol: perspectives under international law and international case-law
C54/17/12.COM/11 : | - Mobilization of resources for the implementation of the 1954 Hague Convention and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols
C54/17/12.COM/12 : | - Consideration of the draft amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol and the Guidelines concerning the use of the Second Protocol Intergovernmental Fund related to the international assistance
C54/17/12.COM/13 : | - Follow-up to the Audit of the Working Methods of Cultural Conventions and to the evaluation of UNESCO’s Standard-Setting Work of the Culture Sector
C54/17/12.COM/14 : |
- Composition of the Bureaus
C54/17/12.COM/INF.2 : | - Provisional list of documents
C54/17/12.COM/INF.3.I : | - Provisional timetable
C54/17/12.COM/INF.3.II : | - Consideration of National Reports on the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol
C54/17/12.COM/5.INF : |
11th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2016)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris, 8-9 December 2016
The Committee is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. It shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
Among the items on the Agenda the Committee will examine the following:
- Consideration of requests for the granting of enhanced protection: Historical Monuments of Mtskheta (Georgia) and Tomb of Askia (Mali)
- Request for international assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict submitted by Mali in connection with the request for the granting of enhanced protection for the Tomb of Aski
- Procedure for the granting of enhanced protection: methodologies for the evaluation of the conditions set forth by Article 10 of the 1999 Second Protoco
- Report of the Blue Shield on the situations where cultural property is at risk in the context of an armed conflict, including occupation
- Cultural property and its immediate surrounding
- The notions of “control†and “jurisdiction†as set forth in Articles 10 (c) and 11 (2) of the Second Protocol: perspectives under international law and international case-law
- Development of synergies with other UNESCO’s normative instruments and programmes and strengthening partnerships
- Fundraising strategy
- Follow-up to the Audit of the Working Methods of Cultural Conventions and to the evaluation of UNESCO’s Standard-Setting Work of the Culture Sector
- Follow-up to the Recommendations of the External Auditor’s “Report on the governance of UNESCO and dependant funds, programmes and entities†(Document 38C/23)
- Report on the discrepancies between the English and French versions of the Second Protocol
Decisions : |
Final Report : |
- Provisional Agenda
C54/16/11.COM/3: |
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
C54/16/11.COM/4/REV: |
- Update on the Implementation of the Strategy for the “Reinforcement of UNESCO’s Action for the Protection of Culture and the Promotion of Cultural Pluralism in the Event of Armed Conflictâ€
C54/16/11.COM/INF.4 Add.: |
- Consideration of requests for the granting of enhanced protection: Historical Monuments of Mtskheta (Georgia) and Tomb of Askia (Mali)
C54/16/11.COM/5: |
- Request for international assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict submitted by Mali in connection with the request for the granting of enhanced protection for the Tomb of Askia
- C54/16/11.COM/6 : |
- Request for international assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict submitted by Libya in connection with the elaboration of emergency measures
- C54/16/11.COM/6bis : |
- Procedure for the granting of enhanced protection: methodologies for the evaluation of the conditions set forth by Article 10 of the 1999 Second Protocol
- C54/16/11.COM/7: |
Reference document: Written observations received from the Parties in 2016: |
- Report of the Blue Shield on the situations where cultural property is at risk in the context of an armed conflict, including occupation
- C54/16/11.COM/8: |
- Cultural property and its immediate surrounding
- C54/16/11.COM/9: |
- Development of synergies with other UNESCO’s normative instruments and programmes and strengthening partnerships
- C54/16/11.COM/11: |
Reference document: Comments of Belgium related to the Observations of the Government of Japan concerning the document CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/13: |
- Update on fundraising and further development of the fundraising strategy
- C54/16/11.COM/12: |
- Follow-up to the Audit of the Working Methods of Cultural Conventions and to the evaluation of UNESCO’s Standard-Setting Work of the Culture Sector
- C54/16/11.COM/13: |
- Follow-up to the Recommendations of the External Auditor’s “Report on the governance of UNESCO and dependant funds, programmes and entities†(Document 38C/23)
- C54/16/11.COM/14: |
- Report on the discrepancies between the French and English versions of the Second Protocol
- C54/16/11.COM/15 : |
- Provisional timetable
- C54/16/11.COM/INF.1 : |
- Composition of the previous Bureaus
- C54/16/11.COM/INF.2 : |
- The notions of “control†and “jurisdiction†as set forth in Articles 10 (c) and 11 (2) of the Second Protocol: perspectives under international law and international case-law
- C54/16/11.COM/INF.10: |
10th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2015)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris, 10-11 December 2015
The Committee is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. It shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
Among the items on the Agenda the Committee will examine the following:
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
- Provisional suspension of the application of Rule 33 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee – proposal for its extension
- Procedure for granting enhanced protection
- Development of synergies with other UNESCO’s normative instruments and programmes and strengthening partnerships
- Fundraising strategy
- Follow-up to the Audit of the Working Methods of Cultural Conventions and to the evaluation of UNESCO’s Standard-Setting Work of the Culture Sector
- Electronic form for the submission of national reports
Statement: |
Decisions: |
Final Report: |
- Provisional Agenda
- CLT-15/10.COM/CONF.203/1: |
- Provisional suspension of the application of Rule 33 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee - proposal for its extension
- CLT-15/10.COM/CONF.203/2: |
- Procedure for granting enhanced protection
- CLT-15/10.COM/CONF.203/3: |
Reference Document : Written observations received from the Parties : |
- Development of synergies with other relevant UNESCO’s normative instruments and programmes and strengthening partnerships
- CLT-15/10.COM/CONF.203/4: |
- Fundraising Strategy
CLT-15/10.COM/CONF.203/5: |
- Follow-up to the Audit of the Working Methods of Cultural Conventions and to the evaluation of UNESCO’s Standard-Setting Work of the Culture Sector
CLT-15/10.COM/CONF.203/6: |
- Electornic form for the submission of national reports
CLT-15/10.COM/CONF.203/7: |
Reference Document: Written observations received from the Parties: |
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
- CLT-15/10.COM/CONF.203/INF.2.REV: |
- Protected cultural zones
- CLT-15/10.COM/CONF.203/INF.3: |
- Composition of the previous Bureaus
- CLT-15/6.SP/CONF.202/INF.4: |
- Provisional timetable
- CLT-15/6.SP/CONF.202/INF.5: |
9th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2014)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris, 18-19 December 2014
The Committee is composed of twelve States Parties to the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. It shall meet once a year in ordinary session.
- Among the items on the Agenda the Committee will examine the following:
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
- Protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, including occupation
- Creation of a distinctive emblem for cultural property under enhanced protection
- Cultural property and its immediate surroundings
- Studies on the evaluation of the criteria of Article 10, sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of the Second Protocol
- Development of synergies with other UNESCO’s normative instruments and programmes and strengthening partnerships
- Fundraising strategy
- Creation of a Special Account for human resources and the activities of the Secretariat
- Modification of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee (election and composition of the Committee's Bureau)
- Follow-up to the Audit of the Working Methods of Cultural Conventions and to the Evaluation of UNESCO's Standard-Setting Work of the Culture Sector
- National Reports
Statement: |
Decisions: |
Final Report: |
- Provisional Agenda
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/1: |
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/2: |
- Protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, including occupation
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/3 REV: |
- Reference Document: Comments by Austria on Referral to the Committee Within the Framework of the Implementation of Article 27(1)(c) of the Second Protocol: |
- Creation of a distinctive emblem for cultural property under enhanced protection and establishment of the modalities for its use
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/4/REV2: |
- Reference Document: Comments by Austria on the Creation of a distinctive emblem for cultural property under enhanced protection and establishment of the modalities for its use: |
- Cultural property and its immediate surroundings
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/5: |
- Studies on the evaluation of the criteria of Article 10, subparagraphs (a) and (b) of the Second Protocol
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/6: |
- Reference Document: ICOMOS studies on the evaluation of criteria of Articles 10(a) and 10(b) of the Second Protocol:
- Development of synergies with other relevant UNESCO normative instruments and programmes and strengthening partnerships
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/7: |
- Fundraising strategy
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/8: |
- Creation of a Special Account for Human Resources of the Secretariat of the 1954 Convention and its two Protocols
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/9: |
- Modification of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee (election and composition of the Committee's Bureau)
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/10: |
- Follow-up to the Audit of the Working Methods of Cultural Conventions and to the Evaluation of UNESCO's Standard-Setting Work of the Culture Sector
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/11/REV: |
- National Reports
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/12: |
- Proposal to Strengthen Synergies between the 1999 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the 1972 World Heritage Convention (prepared by Belgium)
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/13: |
- Reference Document: Observations of the Government of Japan to the document CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/13: |
- Methods to enhance awareness-raising efforts of the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention
- CLT-14/9.COM/CONF.203/14: |
8th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2013)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris, France, 18-19 December 2013
The main purposes of this meeting will be to consider the following items:
- Studies on the evaluation of criteria of Articles 10 (a) and 10 (b) of the Second Protocol;
- Progress report on the development of synergies between the Second Protocol and the World Heritage Convention;
- Report on the use of financial assistance granted to El Salvador from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict;
- Report on the use of financial assistance granted to Mali from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict;
- Form for the tentative list for cultural property that may be submitted for the granting of enhanced protection;
- The protection of cultural property in occupied territory;
- Requests for the granting enhanced protection;
- National reports on the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol;
- Report on the status of the implementation of the fundraising strategy for the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict;
- Amendments of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee:
- (i) Written submission of questions to be included in the provisional agenda of the Committee and
- (ii) Timing of the election of the Committee’s Bureau;
- Creation of a distinctive emblem for cultural property under enhanced protection.
Final Report: |
Decisions: |
- Provisional Agenda
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/1: |
- Studies on the evaluation of criteria of Articles 10 (a) and 10 (b) of the Second Protocol
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/2: |
- Progress report on the development of synergies between the 1999 Second Protocol and the 1972 World Heritage Convention
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/3: |
- Report on the use of the financial assistance granted to El Salvador from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/4: |
- Report on the use of financial assistance granted to Mali from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/5: |
- Form for the tentative list for cultural property that may be submitted for the granting of enhanced protection
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/6: |
- The protection of cultural property in occupied territory
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/7: |
- Consideration of requests for the granting of enhanced protection
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/8: |
- Consideration of national reports on the implementation of the Second Protocol
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/9: |
- Report on the status of the implementation of the fundraising strategy for the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/10: |
- Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Committee:(i) Written submission of questions to be included in the provisional agenda of the Committee, and (ii) Timing of the election of the Committee’s Bureau
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/11: |
- Creation of a distinctive emblem for cultural property under enhanced protection
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/12: |
- Audit of the working methods of Culture Conventions
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/13: |
- List of Participants
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/INF.1:
- Report of the Secretariat on its activities
- CLT-13/8.COM/CONF.203/INF.2: |
7th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO,2012)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris, France, 20-21 December 2012
The main purposes of this meeting will be to consider:
- the improvement of the Enhanced Protection Request Form
- synergies between the Second Protocol and the World Heritage Convention
- a Fundraising Strategy for the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- the report of El Salvador on the Use of the Financial Assistance Granted from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- the Protection of Cultural Property in Occupied Territory
Final Report: |
Decisions: |
Recommendations: |
- Provisional agenda
- CLT-12/7.COM/CONF.201/1: |
- Improvement of the Enhanced Protection Request Form
- CLT-12/7.COM/CONF.201/2: |
- Synergies between the Second Protocol and the World Heritage Convention
- CLT-12/7.COM/CONF.201/3: |
- Fundraising Strategy for the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- CLT-12/7.COM/CONF.201/4: |
- Report of El Salvador on the use of the financial assistance granted from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- CLT-12/7.COM/CONF.201/5: |
- Proposal to Strengthen Synergies between the 1999 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the 1972 World Heritage Convention (prepared by Belgium)
- CLT-12/7.COM/CONF.201/6: |
- Protection of cultural property in occupied territory (prepared by Azerbaijan)
- CLT-12/7.COM/CONF.201/7: |
- Provisional list of participants:
- CLT-12/7.COM/CONF.201/INF.1:
6th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2011)
UNESCO Headquarters, Room XII, Paris, France, 14-16 December 2011
The main purpose of this meeting is to consider the following:
Requests for enhanced protection;
Report on the obligation of the Parties to implement Chapter 4 of the Second Protocol;
Proposal concerning the voluntary information exchange of measures for implementing the Second Protocol;
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Committee; and,
Request for financial assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.
Final Report: |
Decisions: |
Recommendations: |
- Provisional agenda of the meeting
- CLT-11/CONF/211/1: | | | |
- Requests for enhanced protection
- CLT-11/CONF/211/2: | | | |
- Report on the obligation of the Parties to implement Chapter 4 of the Second Protocol
- CLT-11/CONF/211/3: | | | |
- Proposal concerning the voluntary information exchange of measures for implementing the Second Protocol
- CLT-11/CONF/211/4: | | | |
- Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Committee
- CLT-11/CONF/211/5: | | | |
- CLT-11/CONF/211/5 Rev., as amended by the Committee: |
- Request for financial assistance from the Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- CLT-11/CONF/211/6: | | |
Final Report of the Round table discussion of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
CLT-11/CONF.211/INF.1: |
List of Participants
5th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2010)
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 22-25 November 2010
For the first time, the Committee considers requests for the granting of enhanced protection, a fundamentally new system of protection based on the following three conditions that are set forth in Article 10 of the Second Protocol:
It is cultural heritage of the greatest importance of humanity;
It is protected by adequate domestic legal and administrative measures ensuring the highest level of protection; and
It is not used for military purposes or to shield military sites, and a declaration is issued to this end.
If granted enhanced protection, the property will be registered on the List for Cultural Property under Enhanced Protection.
The Secretariat received requests for enhanced protection for 12 cultural properties, 8 of which are also inscribed on the World Heritage List. All of these requests are detailed in a document prepared by the Secretariat, as indicated below. These requests were considered by two informal meetings of the Bureau of the Committee, which proposed a decision on each request to be considered by the Committee at its fifth meeting.
- Report of the Bureau to the Committee: &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│&²Ô²ú²õ±è;│ &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│ &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│
- Consideration of national reports on the implementation of the Second Protocol: &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│
- Report on the implementation of the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Second Protocol: &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│ &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│ &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│ &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│
- Consideration of requests for enhanced protection: &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│
- Consideration of possible synergies between the Second Protocol and other UNESCO instruments and programmes: &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│ &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│ &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│
- Consideration of a proposal concerning a database: &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│ &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│ &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│
For further information:
- Final report: | | | | |
- Provisional Agenda: &²Ô²ú²õ±è;│&²Ô²ú²õ±è;│&²Ô²ú²õ±è;│&²Ô²ú²õ±è;│
First Extraordinary meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2009)
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 2 September 2009
The main purpose of this meeting was to finalize and ensure the coherence of the Draft Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention.
Final Report : | | |
4th meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2008)
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 27-29 May 2009
The main purpose of this meeting was to further elaborate the Draft Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention and, in particular, to consider Chapter 6 and the Guidelines on the Use of the Fund.
For more information:
Final Report : |
Provisional Agenda : |
3rd meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2007)
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 4-6 June 2008
The third meeting of the Committee (UNESCO Headquarters, 4 – 6 June 2008) resulted in the elaboration of two chapters of the Draft Guidelines for the Implementation of the Second Protocol related to the dissemination of the Second Protocol and monitoring of its implementation.
The Committee decided to postpone considering the third draft chapter on international assistance because further considerations were necessary. As a consequence, the Committee decided that the Bureau pursue its informal work in order to develop further draft chapter on international assistance, including the consideration of the reference to the Fund by the end of January 2009.
The Committee also empowered the Bureau to prepare a plan of action for the next (fourth) meeting of the Committee, identifying and prioritizing actions needed for the international implementation of the Second Protocol.
Final report and recommendations : | | | | |
2nd meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2006)
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 17-19 December 2007
The main purpose of this meeting is to consider the new version of the Draft Guidelines for the Implementation of the Second Protocol ("the Draft Guidelines") prepared by the Bureau of the Committee together with the Secretariat on the basis of the previous redraft of the Draft Guidelines (Vienna, August 2007) and comments of UNESCO Members States and international organizations concerned expressed both before and during the meeting.
Final report and recommendations : | | | | |
1st meeting of the Committee (UNESCO, 2005)
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 26-27 October 2006
This first Committee meeting deals with various issues like the rules of procedure or the implementation of the Second Protocol.
The main purpose of the Committee's first meeting is then:
the adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee;
the consideration of the draft Guidelines for the implementation of the Second Protocol and its finalization for endorsement by the second meeting of States party to the Second Protocol foreseen for October 2007;
the discussion of future work of the Committee.
Final report and recommendations : | | | | |