Ad hoc sub-committee on monitoring and supervision of the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol

UNESCO mission to Ukraine
Last update:22 May 2024

At its 15th meeting (UNESCO, 2020), the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict decided to establish an ad hoc Sub-Committee to develop and submit proposals on the implementation of Article 27.1(c) of the 1999 Second Protocol and, inter alia, to elaborate a mechanism to improve the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, especially in situations of extreme emergency. 

The ad hoc Sub-Committee is composed of the members of the Committee and relevant experts and is open to other Parties to the 1999 Second Protocol.

First Meeting

On 16 and 17 June 2021, the first meeting of the ad hoc Sub-Committee on monitoring and supervision of the implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict was organized by UNESCO, with the financial support of the Government of Japan.

Second Meeting

Organised by UNESCO, with the financial support of the Government of Japan, this ad hoc sub-committee meeting brings together all Parties to the 1999 Second Protocol and relevant experts to dialogue on a united and collaborative approach to develop and submit proposals on the implementation of Article 27.1(c) of the 1999 Second Protocol and, inter alia, to elaborate a mechanism to improve the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, especially in situations of extreme emergency.

The programme of this second meeting of the ad hoc sub-committee will focus on:

(1)    Reviewing proposals on the following monitoring mechanisms, including their means of implementation, to be employed in time of peace, including a post-conflict situation: (i) Periodic reporting, (ii) Ad hoc monitoring, (iii) Post-conflict monitoring, as well as in the event of armed conflict: (i) Ad hoc monitoring, (ii) Special state of protection assessment mission, (iii) Control;

(2)    Elaborating proposals to the attention of the Committee on the establishment of a mechanism to improve the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, especially in situations of extreme emergency;

(3)    Drafting amendments to the Guidelines concerning Article 27(1)(c) of the 1999 Second Protocols for the Committee’s consideration.

Third Meeting

The 3rd meeting of the Ad hoc subcommittee aims at the discussion of the preliminary proposals to amend the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol concerning the application of Article 27(1)(c) of the 1999 Second Protocol.



  • Agenda:  |
  • Consolidated proposals on preliminary draft amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol: Application of Article 27(1)(c) :   | 


Fourth Meeting

The 4th meeting of the Ad hoc subcommittee aims to finalize the draft amendments to the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol concerning the application of Article 27(1)(c) of the 1999 Second Protocol, with a veiw to present it to the 17th meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Propoerty in the Event of Armed Conflict (UNESCO, 15-16 December 2022).



Agenda:  |

Virtual Expert Meeting

At its 15th meeting (UNESCO, 2020), the Committee requested the Secretariat to assist the ad hoc Sub-Committee in preparing the reflection paper in coordination with the secretaries of all relevant UNESCO Culture Conventions, Programs and Initiatives.

As a follow-up to the above decision, the Secretariat conducted internal consultations and initiated, with the financial support of the Government of Austria, the holding of a Virtual Expert Meeting with the participation of representatives of the advisory organizations, independent experts, UNESCO Chairs active in the field of the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict, and the Secretariats of the UNESCO Cultural Conventions.

Expert Meeting "Heritage from Space for Peace"

At its 16th meeting (UNESCO, 2021), the Committee considered documents C54/21/16.COM/12, C54/21/16.COM/INF.12.I and C54/21/16.COM/INF.12.II. It noted that a consensus had been reached by the members of the ad hoc Sub-committee on a broader definition of the concepts of "monitoring", as an act of verification (sending missions, remote assessment, etc.), and of "supervision", as an act of verification of monitoring (recommendations, technical assistance, etc.).

Having made substantial progress in this matter, the ad hoc Sub-committee decided on the need to define concrete rules on the use of remote sensing technologies as a tool for monitoring cultural property in peacetime and in cases of extreme emergency – in particular, during hostilities. 

In accordance with the Workplan (see Activity 4 – Annex 3 of document ), the Secretariat conducted research on rules and practices in the use of remote sensing technologies and remote sensing data by the United Nations, its Specialised Agencies, and other relevant organisations. The research process involved consultation with international experts in this respect. Thanks to the financial support of the Governments of Austria, Azerbaijan, and Japan, an expert meeting entitled, "Heritage from Space for Peace" was held on 07 June 2022. During this meeting, based upon the outcomes of the aforementioned research, attending international experts developed Principles for Remote Sensing of Cultural Property within the framework of monitoring and supervision mechanisms under Article 27(1)(c) of the 1999 Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention.

  • Agenda:   |
  • Concept note :   |
  • Recommendation:  EN | FR
  • Study on the rules and practices for the use of data collected through remote sensing technologies, including by the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies:  

These meetings have been organised with the support of the "Government of Azerbaijan", the "Government of Japan" and the "Federal Ministry of Austria European and International Affairs".