Sessions of the Intergovernmental Committee
24th session of the Committee - 2024
The Twenty-fourth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP) will be held from 29 to 31 May 2024.
Simultaneous interpretation and working documents will be provided in the six official UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). These, as well as general information about the session, are available below.
Link to watch the sessions on the webcast :
(ICPRCP/24/24.COM/Decisions) I
Working documents
- Election of the Bureau (ICPRCP/24/24.COM/2) I I I I I
- Adoption of the Agenda (ICPRCP/24/24.COM/3) I I I I I
- Report of the Secretariat (ICPRCP/24/24.COM/5.REV) I I I I I
- Report on the use of the Fund of the ICPRCP (ICPRCP/24/24.COM/7) I I I I I
- Presentation of the tools necessary to simplify the use of mediation and conciliation procedures (ICPRCP/24/24.COM/12) I I I I I
- Examination of the recommendations for the timely return and restitution of cultural property lost as a result of colonial or foreign occupation (ICPRCP/24/24.COM/13) I I I I I
Report on the results of the consultations with the art market on the revision of the International Code of Ethics for Dealers in Cultural Property (ICPRCP/24/24.COM/14.REV) I I I I I
Information documents
- Provisional Timetable (ICPRCP/24/24.COM/INF.3a) I I I I I
- List of documents (ICPRCP/24/24.COM/INF.3b.REV) I I I I I
- Report on the event “New forms of agreements and cooperation in the field of return and restitution of cultural property†(27 June 2023) (ICPRCP/24/24.COM/INF.6) I I I I I
23rd session of the Committee - 2022
The Twenty Third session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP) will be held in Room XI, UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, and online, .
Simultaneous interpretation and working documents will be provided in the six working languages of the Committee (Arabic, English, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish). These, as well as general information about the session, are available below.
Summary records :
Decisions and recommendations (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/Decisions): I
Working documents
- Election of the Bureau (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/2) I I I I I
- Adoption of the Provisional Agenda (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/3) I I I I I
- Report of the Secretariat (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/5.REV) I I I I I
- Mediation and conciliation procedures under the aegis of the Committee (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/9) I I I I I
- Report on the use of the ICPRCP Fund (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/10.REV) I I I I I
- Report on the role of museums in the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property and facilitating its return and restitution (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/11) I I I I I
- Recommendations of the working group on the revision to the UNESCO International Code of Ethics for Dealers in Cultural Property (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/12) I I I I I
Information documents
- Provisional Timetable (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/3a) I I I I I
- List of documents (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/INF.3b) I I I I I
- Bilateral agreements (ICPRCP/22/23.COM/INF.13) I I I I I
PowerPoint Presentations (Forum of discussion)
Link to watch the event on the webcast: I
22nd session of the Committee - 2021
The 22nd session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP) was held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (Room XI) and online from 27 to 29 September 2021.
Simultaneous interpretation and working documents were provided in the five official languages of the Committee. The latter as well as general information about the session were made available below.
- Chairperson: Mr Maged Mosleh (Egypt)
- Vice-Chairpersons: Greece, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Moldova
- Rapporteur: Dr Vincelline Akomndja Avom (Cameroon)
Final documents
- Decisions and recommendations (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/Decisions) |
Working documents
- Election of the Bureau (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/2) | | | |
- Provisional Agenda (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/3) | | | |
- Report of the Secretariat (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/5) | | | |
- Clarification of the role of the 1970 Convention and the ICPRCP (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/9) | | | |
- Mediation and conciliation procedure (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/10) | | | |
- Report on the use of the ICPRCP Fund (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/11) | | | |
- Proposed revision of the UNESCO International Code of Ethics for Dealers in Cultural Property (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/13) | | | |
- Recommendations of the working group on the revision of the Rules of Procedure (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/14) | | | |
Information documents
- Provisional Timetable (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/INF.3a) | | | |
- List of documents (ICPRCP/21/22.COM/INF.3b) | | | |
- Agenda
To watch the event again:
Working group on the revision of the Rules of procedure of the ICPRCP - 2019
As per Decision of the 21st session of Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP), the Working group on the revision of the of the ICPRCP will meet at UNESCO Headquarters (Room XI) in Paris on 24 May 2019 (10 a.m.-1 p.m. / 3 p.m.-6 p.m.).
This working group within the meaning of Rule 10 of the is open to all UNESCO Member States. The purpose of the meeting is to study the proposals of amendments to the Rules of Procedures of the ICPRCP submitted by Member States and Associate Members, as well as the suggestions made by the Secretariat.
21st session of the Committee - 2018
No text found
20th session of the Committee - 2016
The 20th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP) was held in Room II, UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on 29 to 30 September 2016
- Chairperson: Mr Zsolt Visy (Hungary)
- Vice-Chairpersons: Argentina, Egypt, Japan, and Turkey
- Rapporteur: Mr Collins Chipote (Zambia)
Final documents
- Final Report(ICPRCP/16/20.COM/Report): | | | |
- Recommendations & Decision (ICPRCP/16/20.COM/Decisions): |
Working documents
- Election of the Bureau (ICPRCP/16/20.COM/2): | | | |
- Provisional Agenda (ICPRCP/16/20.COM/3/Rev): | | | |
- Report of the Secretariat (ICPRCP/16/20.COM/5): | | | |
- Follow-up to the Recommendations of the External Auditor's "Report on the governance of UNESCO and dependent funds, programmes and entities" (Document 38C/23) (ICPRCP/16/20.COM/7): | | | |
- Free ports and the risks of illicit trafficking of cultural property (ICPRCP/16/20.COM/12): | | | |
Information documents
- Provisional timetable (ICPRCP/16/20.COM/INF.3a/Rev2): |
- List of documents (ICPRCP/16/20.COM/INF.3b/Rev): |
- "Treasure hunters" and cultural trafficking - regulation on metal detectors and underground scanners (ICPRCP/16/20.COM/INF.6): |
PowerPoint Presentations
Marc-André Reynold - UNESCO Chair in the International Law of the Protection of Cultural Heritage, University of Geneva
Despina Pilides, Department of Antiquities, Cyprus
19th session of the Committee - 2014
1 - 2 October 2014, UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Paris, France
The 19th session of the Committee examined the follow-up to the recommendations adopted by its 22 Members at the 18th session (22 June 2012), continued discussions on the case of the Parthenon Marbles, and developed tools to facilitate the restitution of cultural property outside the framework of the UNESCO 1970 Convention, and to raise awareness among the general public.
- Chairperson: Mr Samuel Sidibé (Mali)
- Vice-Chairs: Cyprus, Guatemala, Iraq and Republic of Korea
- Rapporteur: H.E. Mr Arūnas Gelūnas (Lithuania)
Final documents
- Final Report: |
- Recommendations & Decision (ICPRCP/14/19.COM/8): | | |
Working documents
- Election of the Bureau (ICPRCP/14/19.COM/1): | | | |
- Provisional Agenda (ICPRCP/14/19.COM/2/REV2): | | | |
- Report of the Secretariat (ICPRCP/14/19.COM/3): | | | |
- Report on the evaluation of the Internal Oversight Service (ICPRCP/14/19.COM/4): | | | |
- Presentation of the procedure to follow to submit a case to the Committee (ICPRCP/14/19.COM/5): | | | |
- Discussions on the Mediation and Conciliation Rules of Procedure and updating the list of mediators/conciliators (ICPRCP/14/19.COM/6): | | | |
- Examination of the Fund of the Comittee (ICPRCP/14/19.COM/7): | | | |
Information documents
- Provisional timetable (ICPRCP/14/19.COM/INF.1/REV2): | | | |
- List of participants (ICPRCP/14/19.COM/INF.2):
PowerPoint Presentations
- Presentation of the procedure to follow to submit a case to the Committee:
- Discussions on the Mediation and Conciliation Rules of Procedure and updating the list of mediators/conciliators:
18th session of the Committee - 2012
22 June 2012, UNESCO Headquarters, Room II, Paris, France
The 18th session of the Committee aimed to examine the follow-up to the recommendations adopted by its 22 members at the (30 June - 1 July 2011), to continue discussion of the case of the restitution of the Parthenon Marbles and to evaluate the implementation of international legal instruments and other tools developed to facilitate the restitution of cultural property outside the framework of the 1970 Convention.
The meeting focused on:
- The use of the
- Activities of
- Chairperson: Professor Keun-Gwan Lee (Republic of Korea)
- Vice-Chairs: Guatemala, Iraq, Nigeria, and Turkey
- Rapporteur: Ms Gunay Akhundova (Azerbaijan)
Final documents
- Final Report: |
- Recommendations & Decision (ICPRCP/12/18.COM/6):
Working Documents
- Election of the Bureau (ICPRCP/12/18.COM/1): |
- Provisional agenda (ICPRCP/12/18.COM/2) : |
- Secretariat Report (ICPRCP/12/18.COM/3): | | |
- Discussions on the Fund of the Committee (ICPRCP/12/18.COM/4): | | |
- Report on practical tools (ICPRCP/12/18.COM/5) : |
Information Documents
- Provisional timetable (ICPRCP/12/18.COM/INF.1): |
- List of Member States of the Committee (ICPRCP/12/18.COM/INF.2) : |
- List of available documents (ICPRCP/12/18.COM/INF.4):
- Revised version of the Final Report of the 16th session of the Committee (CLT-2010/CONF.203/COM.16/6REV): |
- Revised version of the Final Report of the 40th anniversary of the 1970 Convention (CLT-2011/CONF.207/8REV): |
- Revised version of the Secretariat Report of the 17th session of the Committee (CLT-2011/CONF.208/COM.17/2REV): |
- Final Report of the 17th session of the Committee (CLT-2011/CONF.208/COM.17/6): |
Previous sessions
17th session - July 2011
30 June - 1 July 2011 UNESCO Headquarters, Paris - France
The seventeenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of illicit appropriation took place at UNESCO Headquarters, Room XI, Fontenoy building, from 30 June to 1 July 2011.
1. Statutory documents
- Members of the Committee: |
- Rules of procedure: | | | |
- Statutes of the Committee: | | | |
- Rules of Procedure for Mediation and Conciliation: |
2. Working documents
- Provisional agenda: |
- Secretariat Report: |
3. Meeting results
- Recommendations : |
16th session - September 2010
21-23 September 2010, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
The sixteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of illicit appropriation initially scheduled to take place at UNESCO Headquarters, Fontenoy building, Room XI, from 21 to 23 April 2010 was postponed to take place from 21 to 23 September 2010.
1. Statutory documents
- Members of the Committe: |
- Rules of procedure: | | | |
- Statutes of the Committee: | | | |
2. Working documents
- Provisional Agenda: | | | |
- Secretariat Report: | | | |
- Addendum: |
- Draft rules of procedure on mediation and conciliation: | | | |
3. Meeting results
- Recommendations: |
- Rules of Procedure for Mediation and Conciliation: |
- Oral Report of the Rapporteur:
- Final Report: | | | | |
4. Practical information
- Information note: |
15th session - May 2009
11-13 May 2009, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
The fifteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of illicit appropriation took place at UNESCO Headquarters, Fontenoy building, from 11 to 13 May 2009.
In the course of this session, the 22 members of the Committee examined the Secretariat Report on the follow-up to the recommendations adopted at the fourteenth session of the Committee, on the activities carried out since 2007 and on a document presenting strategy proposals for the future work of the Committee.
Moreover, the draft rules of procedure on mediation and conciliation along with comments and amendments of certain States was examined.
1. Statutory documents:
- Statutes of the Committee: |
- Rules of procedure: |
- Members of the Committee : |
2. Working documents:
- Agenda: | |
- Secretariat Report: | | | |
- Strategy proposal for the future work of the Committee:
| | | | - "New Developments in the Restitution of Cultural Property: Alternative Means of Dispute Resolution" (summary), by Marie Cornu, Director of research at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Marc-André Renold, Professor at the University of Geneva:
- "Diviser c’est détruire: Ethical and legal Rules in the Field of Return of Cultural Properties", by Tullio Scovazzi, Professor of International Law, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy: |
- "State Ownership of Undiscovered Cultural Objects", by Patrick J. O’Keefe, Honorary Professor, University of Queensland: |
- "The Drafting of a Uniform Law of the Protection of the Cultural Property", by Jorge Sanchez-Cordero, Professor, Mexican Centre of Uniform Law: | |
- Draft rules of procedure on mediation and conciliation:
| | |
3. Meeting results:
- Secretariat Report: | | | | |
- Oral Report: |
- Recommendations: |
- List of participants:
4. For more information:
- General Information: |
14th session - June 2007
5 – 6 June 2007, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
- Agenda: |
- Secretariat Report : | | |
- Draft rules of procedure on mediation and conciliation: | | | |
- Final report and Recommendations:
| | | | |
13th session - February 2005
7-10 February 2005, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
- Members of the Committee: |
- Agenda: | | | | |
- Working document: | | | | |
- Secretariat Report: | | | | |
- Final report, Decision and Recommendations : | | | | |
12th session - March 2003
25 - 28 March 2003, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final report, Decision and Recommendations | | | | |
11th session - March 2001
6-9 March 2001, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final report, Decision and Recommendations: | | | | |
10th session - January 1999
25 - 28 January 1999, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final report, Decision and Recommendations: | | | | |
9th session - September 1996
16-19 September 1996, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final report, Decision and Recommendations : | | | | |
8th session - May 1994
24-27 May 1994, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final report and Recommendations : | | | | |
- Secretariat's Report on 1991-1993 activities: | |
7th session - April 1991
22 - 25 April 1991, Athens, Greece
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final report and Recommendations : | |
6th Session - April 1989
24 - 27 April 1989, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final Report and Recommendations : | |
5th session - April 1987
27-30 April 1987, Unesco Headquarters, Paris, France
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final Report and Recommendations: | |
4th session - April 1985
2-5 April 1985, Athens and Delphi, Greece
- Members of the Committee: |
- Secretariat Report: | |
3rd Session - May 1983
Istanbul, Turkey, 9 - 12 May 1983
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final Report: | |
2nd Session - September 1981
14 - 18 September 1981, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final Report: | |
- Secretariat Report: | |
1st session - May 1980
5-9 May 1980, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
- Members of the Committee: |
- Final Report: | |