"Return & Restitution" Intergovernmental Committee

Last update:28 November 2024

In 1976, under the aegis of UNESCO, a committee of experts met in Venice to study the question of the restitution or return of lost cultural property, whether as a result of foreign or colonial occupation or following illicit traffic before the entry into force, for the States concerned, of the .

Stressing the absence of international mechanisms, the experts invited the Director-General of UNESCO to consider the creation of an international body responsible for finding ways to facilitate bilateral negotiations between the countries concerned for the return or restitution of cultural property and encourage them to conclude agreements to that effect.

The UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP) was established by Resolution  in 1978 as a permanent intergovernmental body.

The Committee is a permanent intergovernmental body, independent of the 1970 Convention.

The men and women of this countries have the right to recover these cultural assets which are part of their being.

Appeal by Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow, former Director-General of UNESCO

, former Director-General of UNESCO, is the impetus for the debate "A Plea for the return of an irreplaceable cultural heritage to those who created it".

A State regardless whether they are party to the Convention or not, which has lost cultural property of fundamental importance and which requests its restitution or return, in cases not covered by international conventions, may appeal to the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation.

The Committee is responsible for:

1.  Pursing the  appropriate means of facilitating bilateral negotiations for the restitution or return of cultural property to the countries of origin. In this regard, the Committee may also submit proposals to the Member States concerned for mediation or conciliation;

2. The promotion of multilateral and bilateral cooperation for the restitution and return of cultural property to its countries of origin;

3. The encouragement of research and studies for the establishment of coherent programs for the constitution of representative collections in countries whose cultural heritage has been dispersed;

4. The stimulation of  a public information campaign on the real nature, extent, and scope of the problem of the restitution or return of cultural property to its countries of origin;

5. To guide the design and implementation of UNESCO's programme of activities in the field of the restitution or return of cultural property to its countries of origin;

6. To encourage the establishment or strengthening of museums or other institutions for the conservation of cultural property and the training of the necessary scientific and technical personnel;

7. To promote exchanges of cultural property in accordance with the Recommendation on the International Exchange of Cultural property;

8. To report on its activities to the General Conference of UNESCO at each ordinary session.

Il agit en qualité d’organe consultatif et d’instance chargée de faciliter des négociations bilatérales, il n’a pas juridiquement le pouvoir de statuer sur les affaires en cause. Mais il est l’initiateur de plusieurs outils pratiques permettant de mieux protéger le patrimoine comme de :

It offers its services to mediate between States in conflict over the return or restitution of cultural property when the provisions of the 1970 UNESCO Convention are not applicable.

It acts as an advisory body and a body responsible for facilitating bilateral negotiations; it has no legal power to decide on the cases involved . But it is the initiator of several practical tools to better protect the heritage:

  • Awareness campaigns: film, videos and publications
  • Rules of mediation and conciliation on conflicts related to cultural property
  • Model export certificate for cultural objects
  • Database of national cultural heritage legislations
  • Restitution cases database project
  • Measures to fight trafficking on the internet
  • Code of ethics for traders of cultural property

Members of the Intergovernmental Committee

The Committee is made up of 22 Member States elected for a period of four years by the General Conference of UNESCO, half of these members being renewed every two years at the time of elections held at the General Conference.

List of current members

  • Chile (*)
  • Côte d’Ivoire (**)
  • Czechia (*)
  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (**)
  • Egypt (*)
  • Gabon (**)
  • Ghana (*)
  • Greece (*)
  • Guatemala (**)
  • India (*)
  • Iraq (**)
  • Italy (*)
  • Japan (*)
  • Libya (*)
  • Pakistan (**)
  • Panama (**)
  • Republic of Korea (**)
  • Russian Federation (**)
  • Ukraine (**)
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (*)
  • Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (**)
  • Zambia (*)

(*) The General Conference of UNESCO elected, in its 42nd session (Paris, November 2023), the Member States mentioned above to be part of the Intergovernmental Committee. Their mandate will expire at the end of the 44th session of the General Conference of UNESCO in 2027.

(**) The General Conference of UNESCO elected, in its 41st session (Paris, November 2021), the Member States mentioned above to be part of the Intergovernmental Committee. Their mandate will expire at the end of the 43rd session of the General Conference of UNESCO in 2025. 

Previous elected members

The 21 members of the Committee are elected from the UNESCO Member States and renewed by half at elections that take place every two years during the General Conference

  • Argentina (-)
  • Armenia (*)
  • Benin (*)
  • Cameroon (-)
  • Canada (-)
  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (*)
  • Ecuador (*)
  • Egypt (-)
  • Greece (-)
  • Guatemala (*)
  • Guinea (-)
  • India (-)
  • Iraq (*)
  • Italy (-)
  • Japan (-)
  • Mali (*)
  • Mexico (*)
  • Pakistan (*)
  • Republic of Moldova (-)
  • Republic of Korea (*)
  • Zambia (-)

(*) The General Conference of UNESCO elected, in its 39th session (Paris, November 2017), the Member States mentioned above to be part of the Intergovernmental Committee. Their mandate will expire at the end of the 41th session of the General Conference of UNESCO in 2021.

(-) The General Conference of UNESCO elected, in its 40th session (Paris, November 2019), the Member States mentioned above to be part of the Intergovernmental Committee. Their mandate will expire at the end of the 42th session of the General Conference of UNESCO in 2023.

Mediation and Conciliation

Before filing a complaint to the Intergovernmental Committee, the requesting State must initiate bilateral negotiations with the State in which the object claimed is located; it is only if these negotiations fail or are interrupted that the case can be presented   to the Committee.

The General Conference of UNESCO adopted at its 33rd  session a . This strategy explicitly articulates the Committee's mediating and conciliatory functions.

Rules of Procedure for Mediation and Conciliation

At its 16th session in September 2010, the Committee considered and adopted the . Only UNESCO Member States and Associate Member States are entitled to refer to the procedures developed for mediation and conciliation. However, States may represent the interests of public or private institutions located on their territories, as well as those of their nationals.

The Rules of Procedure for Mediation and Conciliation  have been developed according to the general principles of fairness, impartiality and good faith, which aim to promote a harmonious and fair settlement of disputes concerning the return of cultural property. As such, the text provides for confidential communication of relevant political, diplomatic, legal and financial matters between mediators and conciliators and each party. It was developed to complement the work of the Intergovernmental Committee. Furthermore, its provisions must not interfere, slow down, impede  or in any way threaten other procedural and legislative measures.

It should be specified that the text adopted by the Intergovernmental Committee is intended as a legal tool which does not constitute a binding normative commitment.

Every two years, each State is invited to nominate to the Secretariat the names of two people who can serve as . Their qualification is based on their competence and mastery in restitution, conflict resolution and other characteristics specific to the protection of cultural property.

Standard Form Concerning Requests for Return or Restitution

In 1981, the Intergovernmental Committee developed a "Standard Form for Requests for Return or Restitution " which must be completed by both parties.

To be considered, a request for return or restitution must be submitted at least six months before the session of the Intergovernmental Committee.